The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 170 [What you don't want, you will do to others]

Everyone in the Raptors knows what they should do on the court, with clear priorities. ?Bayi Chinese??Net? W≤WW. 81ZW. com

On the surface, it seems that the stars are strong, but the actual experience of veteran players is more critical. If the role players do not mess around, the offense will be smooth. Willis is the perfect team player, and Christie, 29, is equally solid.

The Knicks' tactics are exactly the same as the Raptors, and they are at a disadvantage because the role players are not good enough. Ward and Bowen played soy sauce on the offensive end and couldn't receive the pass.

Yang Rui's defense targeted the Knicks trident, allowing them to make shots when someone interfered in front of them.

Houston singled out Jermaine O'Neal with the ball, which is not his strong point. He swung out half of his body and missed the shot. Houston shot more three-pointers than Yang Rui did in his previous life, and the Raptors jumped outside, forcing him to shoot two-pointers.

Van Gundy frowned on the sidelines, entering the "headache but don't know how to adjust" mode. He saw the defensive tactics he was good at, and felt as uncomfortable as eating flies.

The two assistant coaches who came out of the Knicks knew the Knicks' offensive and defensive weaknesses, but Van Gundy still didn't know much about the Raptors.

In the second half, the Knicks double-teamed Carter and finally curbed the opponent's scoring momentum. Christie and Billups each had two long shots that missed the basket.

What Yang Rui can't control is the player's touch. Reality is not a game. Players' ability values ​​are not static. Sometimes they are accurate, and sometimes they are undercover.

The two sides have been fighting positionally in the first quarter, not scoring many points. 23 to 21, the Raptors lead by two points.

In the second quarter, Yang Rui used the frontcourt pressing tactics to hit a fast counterattack. Di Brown and Alvin Williams formed a double guard, which was faster. The positional battle started, McGrady was singled out in the middle, and Detref and Miller were inside.

In this round of the series, Kevin Cato and John Thomas don't have many opportunities to perform, and the Knicks don't have a fat insider.

The Knicks still sent four blue-collar workers, and Sprewell was responsible for grabbing points. Stephen Jackson can only be a blue-collar player in the Knicks and has no possession of the ball.

Childs has played a lot of time this season and won the trust of Van Gundy. His statistics are bleak and his role is defensive. He will constantly put pressure on the ball holder, interfere with passing vision, cut the ball fiercely, quickly rotate to cover open players, and even roll on the ground to fight for every floor ball.

Now, Di Brown treats Childs in the same way. His organization and dribbling ability are average, and he is very uncomfortable.

There is a Chinese saying: "Do unto others what you do not want done to you.


On the basketball court, this statement is reversed. Do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself! If you can, do it twice as much, and you won't be far away from winning.

Yang Rui's basketball philosophy is to let players practice more defensive methods that they don't want to encounter, and use them on opponents to make them more uncomfortable.

Childs was double-teamed by De Treve and Di Brown in the backcourt, and passed the ball to Oakley in a hurry. McGrady emptied Jackson, stretched out his long arm and broke off the basketball. He stepped on the three-point line and took three steps to dunk the basketball with one hand. Enter.

Soon, Jackson also made a mistake. He received a pass from Childs in the backcourt and dribbled the ball to the frontcourt. The dribble was too high and was cut off by McGrady. dunk.

Mistakes are not the worst. Van Gundy found that even if he brought it to the frontcourt to form a three-on-two, the Knicks could not score easily. .

Wallace made 1 of 4 free throws, a gratifying hit rate.

Van Gundy regarded Ben Wallace as a treasure, but Yang Rui only felt that he was an excellent blue-collar worker who would never become a core player. Being selected as an All-Star with his excellent defense like in his previous life was his limit.

In the Knicks last season, Yang Rui suggested that Daben practice the potty free throws, and his shooting percentage was not bad. As a result, Big Ben returned to his normal free throw action this season.

After all, Daben couldn't pass his own psychological level. He would rather miss free throws than spend his entire career in a urinal position and become a laughing stock. This is good news for the Raptors, because his shooting percentage is only 40%, no matter how chic his movements are, no matter how cool his expression is, the Knicks are the ones who are unlucky.

If he doesn't change his free throw posture until he retires, Wallace is also a pit on the offensive end.

Relying on his excellent body, McGrady and Di Brown restrained "Madman" Sprewell from making comfortable shots. Childs was emptied many times and only scored one of three shots.

The Knicks' offense picked up when Ewing returned to the court. After he screened, he could displace the ball and hit the guard.

When the Raptors fielded the strongest offensive lineup, there were obvious loopholes in the defense, and they couldn't take care of both inside and outside. But let Willis and O'Neal appear together, and the offense is not so sharp.

Detref played the 4th position to ensure the maximum space. Relying on the advantage obtained by the substitute, the Raptors led 48 to 39 into the second half.

The two sides continued to grind their positions, and the point difference could not be opened. Ewing scored 26 points, 10 rebounds and 4 assists in three quarters. The Raptors still did not double-team him, and made great efforts towards Sprewell and Houston.

Ewing's offensive efficiency is not high. Last season, the Knicks won the championship with defense and three-pointers. Reducing outside shooting percentage is the key to choking the Knicks.

"Madman" made 2 of 9 shots in three quarters and only scored 6 points with free throws. He played poorly. Christie and McGrady took turns to guard him strictly.

In Yang Rui's previous life, after Ewing left, some people said that Sprewell was the core of the Knicks. There is a certain truth. Houston mainly plays off the ball. The core of the team should be the person who holds the most balls and can disrupt the opponent's defensive system. However, under the intensive care, the "madman" can't get mad at all, let alone dominate the game.

"Don't keep your strength, you just need to last four or five minutes, treat the game as the final battle, fight against them, and resolutely play fast break. If they get to the basket, foul hard and send free throws, especially Ben Wallace, he Can't make it!"

In the final quarter, Yang Rui sent Di Brown, Christie, McGrady, Bai Bowen, and John Thomas to start the game. The two blue-collars with plenty of energy came off the bench and used the full-court press again.

Relying on their physical advantage, the Raptors played proactively off the bench, and fouled immediately when they were free, preventing the opponent from shooting easily.

It was difficult for the Knicks guard to lead through the half court. The offense mainly relied on Sprewell's random play, and the shooting rate was not high under the entanglement of Christie. Bruce Bowen also made a pass error and was successfully intercepted by Bai Bowen. Christie counterattacked and made a three-pointer.

Under Yang Rui, Christie is also different from the Kings period. He will make a three-pointer when counterattacking and take a firm shot. Christie's 35.6% three-point shooting rate is not high, but his efficiency is better than other offensive methods, because his overall shooting rate is only 40%.

For defense in the penalty area, Thomas is 2o6cm tall and weighs 120kg. He can resist the opponent's inside line and protect rebounds.

Yang Rui made a big move, but Van Gundy was still stern, resolutely substituting Charles, who was weak in defense and attack, and even the substitution time was the same as in the regular season, with traces to follow.

The Knicks' lineup depth advantage cannot be brought out, and the coaching gap is real.

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