The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 921: Choi's chance

The fire cloud is wrapped in five warships, like a huge ship that rides the wind and waves. It rides the wind and waves in the big river of flames and runs fast.

In the hands of Shi Mu, the law is constantly changing. While manipulating the sacred fires, he runs the exercises and absorbs the flames in the tides.

This kind of tidal wave is extremely rare in the sky, and the next time I don't know when it will be met, he is not willing to waste the opportunity.

Numerous flames of gas are integrated into his body, but Shi Mu did not practice the nine-turn Xuan Gong this time. Instead, he incorporated the flame of the flame into the body in accordance with the sacred secrets recorded in the Great Wilderness.

His face quickly turned red and the water was transpiration in the pores.

After a while, the rest of the body also turned red, and the whole person seemed to be a burnt iron in the fire.

Shi Mu sighed slightly, and the whole person seemed to be soaked in the volcanic magma, and did not resist it with the slightest infuriating.

"What is called five incineration, now I know it, but the more it is, the better, I can feel that some impurities in the body are slowly calcined..." His mind turned and he gnawed his teeth and accelerated the absorption of flames. gas.

His body is getting redder and it almost shines in the end.

At this moment, the tide has been deeper, the space has begun to fluctuate, and huge forces have been squeezed.

Shi Muxin's mind was moved, and the force of protection around the body was revoked by 50%. The power of huge space suddenly exerted on him.

The power of each space came as if it were a sledgehammer, and it was bombarded on him, and the whole body was sore and painful.

He is very accurate, and he controls this force within the limits that the body can bear.

Ever since, the power of the space has come, and the body is like a piece of steel, experiencing forging once and for all.

At the same time, the **** sea in the body began to function, and it automatically operated. The sound of the tide surged inside, and a wave of blood was infused into the body, nourishing the body and massaging the body, making the body become Getting tougher

"This way of forging is better than simply using flame forging!" Shi Mu was overjoyed.

He can feel that the body is moving step by step toward the realm of 'physical perfection'.

The fire cloud quickly flew into the middle of the tidal wave with five warships, and the surrounding flame gradually turned white.

Shi Mu's face changed slightly and stopped the absorption of these white flames.

These flames are too powerful, and his body can't stand it. Forcible absorption only hurts the body.

"The flame here is white!"

Above the battleship, the Alliance's various demons are surprised to see the surrounding white sea of ​​fire, and they are making amazement.

Although the pure white fire sea exudes a terrible high temperature, but there is a cloud of fire, it is still not passed in.

Shi Mu paused forging the body and concentrated on manipulating the sacred fire of the sky. He quickly accelerated the speed of advancement and made rapid progress in the white sea of ​​fire.

Flying forward for more than an hour, the flame in front changed again, but it turned into a light blue, giving off a hot and hot temperature, but also giving people a sense of chill.

"Blue flame? I haven't seen it before!" Shi Mu was very surprised, but think about it is a tidal wave, and the flame of any attribute is not strange.

At this moment, his face suddenly changed, looking at a room in the battleship.

"嗖", a group of green flames flying from there, flying out to the outside, it is a colorful child.

However, the five warships were covered by fire clouds and could not fly.

The green flame was so anxious that it rushed into the surrounding fire clouds and seemed to be rushing out.

"Cai, what's wrong?" Shi Mu was a little surprised, and asked about the color, but he could not get a response.

Shi Muguang looked at the blue flame around him, and his heart suddenly moved.

The nature of these flames is similar to that of the colorful children. They are all yin-like flames, is it...

He waved a law, and the red fire suddenly broke through a gap. The color immediately flew out and fell into the blue sea of ​​fire.

The excitement of the buzzing sounds from the green flame, a suction in the flame, and a big mouth to swallow the flames around.

Shi Mu’s face was a joy, and he guessed it right.

His mind was moving, and the red fire cloud stopped moving forward.

"You, my spiritual pet will use the flame of fire here to break through the bottleneck, and may need to stop." He voiced and communicated with the Alliance.


Somewhere in the dark area of ​​the Tianhe Star Field, a huge earthy yellow planet is slowly rotating, releasing a less bright light.

In addition to this khaki-colored planet, this area can't see a planet in the hundreds of thousands of miles, making it look lonely.

Here is one of the Eight Ancients, the main star of the Turtles, Wu Yanxing.

If there are people who have come to Wuyan, I think it will be strange at this moment, because this planet is not usually dark yellow.

The reason for the release of such light is that the entire planet is surrounded by a thick yellow nebula.

The yellow nebula looks the same as the nebula naturally formed by the ordinary planet, but if you look closely, you can see that there is an essential difference between the two.

The ordinary nebula is the star body that absorbs the heavens and the earth, and it is assembled and transported to form a diffuse shape. Now the cloud layer outside the Wuyan star is as solid as the solid, and there is no trace of flow.

In addition, in the starry sky outside the planet, a huge piece of warship debris is suspended, and there are also many dead bodies of the Yaozu.

Further afield, more than a hundred huge giant ships, like a huge ring-shaped mountain, display a starry sky in a semi-arc shape, encircling the entire volcanic star cluster.

The battleship is round and round, and the ends are long and narrow. It looks like a long shuttle for textiles. The whole body shines with silver light, and the starry sky is full of shining white light.

In this piece of silver glazed, you can also see a tightly-colored golden pattern, which outlines numerous complicated complex lines, which run through the entire hull and eventually gather at the head of the ship, which is carved with strange animals. On the thick cylinder of the skull.

Behind this silver mountain range, there are more than a hundred giants in the yellow robe.

These giants wore yellow robes and a very long black ribbon around their waists. The ropes fell straight from the waist to the feet.

From the shoulder to the waist, a thick ribbon is slanted to the side, and a huge waist drum with thick ends and slender ends is attached.

The waist drum is golden in color, with various runes on it, and in the middle of the drumhead, there is a strange mouth-shaped beast.

Suddenly heard a loud horn in the sky, all the yellow robe giants all lifted their right hand indifferently.

In his huge palm, he is holding a huge, huge drumstick and slamming down the huge waist drum on his waist.


More than a hundred giant drumsticks fell at the same time, and the precision was extremely in the middle of the drum, the mouth of the animal.

I saw the golden drum facing the next concave, and suddenly rebounded, and an invisible volatility suddenly swayed out, and washed away toward the silver giant ship in front.

Along with the layered impact of invisible fluctuations, the road runes on the silver giant ship began to illuminate, and the energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye followed the ship's body to the head of the ship.

On the cut-off column at the head end of each huge ship, the sculpted monster's skull head opened its mouth and opened a golden glow.

I saw the silver-like ship's mountain-like body slamming, and more than a hundred strong and powerful golden spears came out from the mouth of the beast and slammed toward the Wuyan star.


A series of huge roaring sounds that shook the sky, the thick yellow nebula outside the Wuyan star shook, and the surface exploded more than a hundred huge flower-like vortexes, expanding in a clockwise direction.

Through the vortex, you can see that there is a layer of khaki crystal light curtain under the yellow cloud, which is closely distributed with huge diamond-shaped lines, and there are countless mysterious runes shining on it.

The roar of the air gradually converges, and the thick yellow nebula re-enters the calm after the initial shock, and the huge vortex that opens is a little bit closed until it disappears.

"Boom, bang, bang"

A series of roaring roars continued to sound, and hundreds of golden spears slammed from the battleships and plunged into the yellow nebula, blowing them up.

However, no matter how these warships are bombarded, those yellow nebulas seem to fall into the muddy mud, and always recover calmly in the first place...

On a huge ship in the middle of the fleet, more than a thousand soldiers dressed in silver armor were neatly lined up on the bridge. Only when the Guardian Star of the Wuyan Star was broken, they immediately entered it.

In a secret room in the middle of the battleship, a long strip-shaped case was placed with an antique bronze incense burner.

The smoke rises from it, causing a faint scent of sandalwood throughout the chamber.

On the Taishi chair on the left side of the case, sitting in a white robe, a handsome middle-aged man, holding a roll of green seals in his hands, but his eyes did not look on the pages of the book, looks a bit anxious.

"Vi Lu Xian, Nan Gong Xian, our warships have been attacked for several hours, but they have been unable to break the martial arts star array, and Tianfeng and other tribes are still shrinking on the Wuyan star. Come out, I don't know how to arrange it next time?" A woman wearing a gold-plated body and a tall figure will squat forward and say.

This woman's face is beautiful, the skin is better than snow, it is not someone else, it is Ximen Snow.

"The tortoises are known for their tenacity and toughness. The tribes are not only physically stronger than other demon, but they also build a defensive array. The squadrons of the scorpion squadrons are from their hands, and later they are also emperors. It was only when I personally shot it, it was broken. This attack was not smooth, and it was expected." A hoarse voice was heard from a corner of the Chamber of Secrets.

He is a middle-aged man with a tall body and wearing a dark green armor. His skin is darker, his face is fortitude, his edges are sharp, and his body is exuding a powerful atmosphere.

At the neck, there is a dark red scar, which extends from the throat to the back of the ear.

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