The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 939: Head of the dispute

In the previous war, it was quite chaotic. After the war, it was intensively dealing with the aftermath to prevent the invasion of the heavens. Therefore, for the first time, so many people gathered together.

Although Shi Mu’s name in this battle has been transmitted among the three phoenix phoenixes, many people have seen Shi Mu for the first time, showing their curious look. Many people are talking about it. stand up.

"The last time in the Tianfeng family was a glance at the stone lord. At that time, he seemed to be only a holy step. If you didn't think it was long, you would have advanced the situation. This cultivation speed can be really Amazing."

"Yes! On that day, I saw him fighting with the fairy of the heavenly court. That strength is not what the general gods can have. I can't wait for it."


Shi Mu looked calm and did not care about the sights of everyone around him.

After everyone was seated, Lu Yongzhong read out the current situation in public and the situation after the war.

Because the loss of a fairy in the heavens is a fiasco, although there are many injuries, but fortunately, it is still within the acceptable range, and everyone has heard a bit, but they have a slightly slower face.

Later, Lu Yongzhong stood up and turned to look at Shimu, solemnly said: "This time, the majority of the stone lords of the squadron will save each other. I will be able to avoid the catastrophe of the genocide and counterattack the victory. Lu represents my family, again The members of the Stone League and the Allied Alliance expressed their gratitude, and this kindness will be rewarded in the future."

"The same is to fight against the celestial allies, the Lu chief does not have to be like this." Shi Mu got up, said the right color.

"Since the Shimeng Lord regards me as an ally, here I am suggesting that it is better not to merge the tri-clad alliance with the ally of the Shimeng alliance to form the major alliance of the entire Tianhe domain." Lu Yuzhong said with a palm of his hand and smiled.

When Di Yan heard this, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes immediately turned to Zhao Wei sitting next to him.

Zhao Wei didn't look at him, his face looked a bit strange, and after a moment of contemplation, his look returned to normal.

The other tribes of the three tribes have different looks, some are happy, some are hesitant, and many people are secretly observing.

Shi Mu heard the words, it was a big joy.

They came here this time, in addition to the relaxation of the three tribes, but also the intention of joining forces with the three tribes. After all, if today's court is big, the Tianhe Stars are in a dire situation. If you want to completely expel them, it is necessary to work together to achieve success.

Originally, he was still thinking about when to make it as well. I didn’t expect Lu Haozhong to raise it first.

The elders and other people are also a happy face.

"The Lu nationality is saying this with my heart. I am still a little bit worse than the heavens. If I don't unite, it is really difficult to win." Shi Mu said.

"The stone lord also has this statement. That's great. I don't know what Zhao Xiong and Di brother have." Lu Yuzhong laughed and looked at Zhao Wei and Di Yan.

"Ha ha ha, if the two major alliances merge, it is naturally a good thing, but..." Zhao Wei turned pale and smiled.

"But what?" Lu Yanzhong asked.

Zhao Wei looked at Di Yan.

"I don't know which side is headed after the merger of the two major leagues?" Di Yan said.

Shi Mu heard this, and the light flashed in the eyes and did not speak.

The faces of the white elders and other elders also showed strange colors, and everyone looked at each other.

For a time, the hall was silent.

"The Mitian Alliance has recently been established. It is a little lacking in both scale and number. If this is a merger, I still think that we are still based on our tri-family alliance, supplemented by the Mitian Alliance. How?" Di Yan coughed, Break the silence.

Shi Mu listened to this, his brows could not help but wrinkle up, Fang Wei An Hua and other people's face is also a sink.

"The chieftain of the Di family said this is only the vanguard of my celestial alliance. The real army is organizing reinforcements. I have a total of forty-seven races in the alliance, and the army can reach Wuyan Star in a few days." The elder said.

"That's great." Lu Yuzhong listened, hands on the armrests of the seat, and the body also leaned forward a few points, shouted.

Everyone is happy with the words, among which the Turtles are the most important. After all, if there is a large army to support, they will be really solid.

Zhao Wei listened, his brow was picking, but his look was somewhat confusing.

Di Yan's eyes and Zhao Wei looked at one or two, and there was no joy in their faces, but they seemed to have some worries.

"Die Yan's brother just said that there is something wrong with him. Whoever can command the alliance can fight against the heavens. The most important thing is to experience the enemy. The stone chief is high, but after all, young and vigorous, and the giants A family has been closed for a long time, and it has rarely confronted Tianting. However, my tri-family alliance and Tianting have been in contact for a long time, so it is still more suitable for the leadership of the three tribes. This is also a long-term plan for the Tianhe Star." Zhao said.

"If you really talk about the experience of fighting against the heavens, I am afraid that no one can compare with my family. Before the millennium, the white ancestors of my great family led the Tianhe Baizu and fought against the heavenly army. The lord is a descendant of the ancestors of the day, and now under his leadership, we have even frustrated the heavens and believe that we will surely achieve more results in the future." The elders sneered and said.

Zhao Wei, Di Yan heard this, and the shadow in his eyes flashed past.

The days of Tianfeng, Dilong and other people in the past are the replacement of the giants of the heavens and the first of the eight races.

The words of the elders directly touched the deepest taboos in their hearts, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Speaking, if we are not coming to the rescue, I am afraid that the tri-family alliance may not exist now?" Fang Wei looked at the two and asked with a sneer.

"Hey! If the non-Lu nationality insists on defying the martial arts star, and refuses to abandon the star, otherwise it will not be able to save you." Di Yan's heart anger rose, some mouths said indisputably.

"Di patriarch, what do you mean by this? Is it blame me not to abandon the main star, and fleeing with you with your tail?" Lu Yizhong looked at him with a sigh of relief.

"The chief of the land, the chief of the tribe, the enemy has not yet receded at this moment, we are not guilty, and we have a chaotic position." The elders glanced at Di Yan, his eyes were light, and he and the general were open to persuade.

"It is too much for him. The merger of the alliance is to better fight against the heavens. The strength of the stone lord is obvious to everyone. I am convinced that the turtles are convinced. As for who is the leader of this alliance, Lu is the chief of the stone alliance. Quasi." Lu Yanzhong said aloud.

Shi Mu looked at the scene in front of him, and he sighed in his heart. In fact, he really does not care if he leads the alliance. As long as he can drive the heavens out of the Tianhe domain.

"I don't know what the stone patriarchs think about this matter?" Zhao Wei turned to look at Shi Mu, and his eyes flashed.

Shi Mu heard that he was trying to speak, but suddenly he heard the voice of Zhao Wei in his mind: "Shi Mudao friends, I am not busy answering. When I was in the Tianfeng family, I was really unfair to you. Zhao first apologized to you."

"The past is nothing, the Zhao chief does not have to worry about." Shi Mu brow slightly wrinkled, echoed back.

"Shi Daoyou and my family saint Zhao Lingxiu have a marriage contract. As long as Shidaoyou supports me, I can go back to Tianfeng with me later. We choose a good day and we will marry you immediately. And I can Swear, in the back of the war, you will never put your big family in danger." Zhao Yu said in the heart, said the voice.

"Zhao chieftain is kind, Shi Muxin took it, but as today's court is in front of the enemy, Shimu's children's affairs, or temporarily put it back again." Shi Mu faintly echoed back.

Ying Xiu Xiu is not only his promise to Zhong Xiu, but also his wish. Zhao Yu discussed this with him, but it really took the softness of his heart.

But now, he is no longer just oneself. He is the descendant of the ancestors of the day, the patriarch of the great family, and the ally of the celestial alliance. He can ignore the interests of the entire alliance for his own sake.

Zhao Yi heard a word, and his face suddenly fell.

"You, at this moment, the Tianting army is still watching the outside world. The urgency of this martial arts star has not yet been completely lifted. Our current priority should be to discuss how to deal with the heavenly army. As for who is the leader of this alliance, it will be put on hold for a while. Let's talk about it again." Shi Mu ignored it and said.

Shi Mu’s words came out, and everyone in the room nodded, especially those small and medium-sized ethnic groups.

Shimu’s words are in the perspective of the Tianhe star field. Those small and medium-sized ethnic groups look at Shimu’s eyes suddenly differed from the previous one.

"Is the martial arts star? The stone patriarch does not think it is necessary to have this?" Zhao Yan’s face suddenly showed a sneer, and the tone was not good.

"Oh, I don't know what the Zhao chief said?" Shi Mu frowned and asked.

"The things that happened before have not been proven. This martial arts star is not a piece of iron. I think we will withdraw the combat front backwards as soon as possible and withdraw to the car meteor." Zhao said coldly. .

"Zhao Xiong's words are reasonable. If the front line is withdrawn, it will leave enough buffer between the Alliance and the Heavenly Army, and let me wait for a certain breathing space to restore the strength against the heavens." Said.

The clan chiefs affiliated with the tri-family alliance had previously fought with the heavenly army, and the damage was heavy. They were already exhausted. Hearing this statement, they naturally agreed.

"Everyone listened to me. I heard that the Lu ethnic group had also said that the Xuanwu Panyun squad was broken. It was caused by traitors. It was not the big squad itself. In fact, the entire Tianhe Sphere is probably difficult to Find a second planet with such a solid defense, so we should build a line of defense on this basis to fight against heaven." Shi Mu hurriedly said.

"The first time I can be broken, I will be able to be broken for the second time. Who can guarantee that there will be no spies sent by Tian Ting on the current Wuyan Star?" Zhao Wei continued to speak coldly.

"The two words are that I think that the martial arts star of Wu Yanxing is full of loopholes?" Lu Yanzhong looked at Zhao Wei and Di Yan, and angered.

"So easily invaded by the people of heaven, do you think the Lu nationality himself?" Zhao said with a sneer.

"Lu brother, I don't know who will be Zhao Yu's traitor to go to the guardianship, which led to the big battle being broken?" Di Yan glanced at Lu Yuzhong, said coldly.

"You..." Lu Yanzhong was more angry.

The atmosphere at the scene was very tense!

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