The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 951: Heart of heart

Shi Muguang flashed and fell on the red ball in his hand and looked at it carefully.

This ball is also the size of the fist. I don’t know what the material is. The surface is covered with a circle of red-colored spirits. If there is life, it will flash and be indefinite.

He just noticed it and found that the ball had left the chest of the red armor, and it was re-aggregating the body from the magma, and suddenly stopped moving.

The magma that was originally surging, as the ball left the body, stagnated and solidified into a rock in the upper half and a very irregular in the lower half.

Shi Mu did not go to see the red armor that had been turned into a rock. Instead, he held the red ball in his hand and let the gods explore it.

He can clearly feel that this red ball contains a certain kind of special energy, which exudes a very strong fire attribute law.

The reason why the red armor can have a spiritual cultivation is mostly related to this.

"Shimudaoyou, what you have in your hand is the heart of you." At this moment, the voice of the water spirit suddenly sounded in the heart of Shimu, and it sounded a little excited.

"I haven't seen you so active on weekdays, I didn't ask, actually took the initiative to talk to me about this. Tell me, what is the use of this thing?" Shi Mu replied.

"Oh, this thing is the object of our ancient times. I have some emotions and excitement when I see it. To say what is the use of this heart, it is natural to give life and let it move freely... You don't If you are arrogant, you don't need to know about it." The water spirit smiled and said.

"Since I can't use it, tell me what to do?" Shimu browed slightly and asked.

"Tell you that nature is useful. You should have discovered it? In the heart of your heart, there is a rule of fire attribute. You can try to understand it. For your power to comprehend the law, it is not small. The benefits of the water." Shui Lingzi said a turn, said.

Shi Mu heard this statement, but it was a joy in his heart. He collected the red ball and decided to wait for it. Find a time to get to know it.

He turned his head and looked to the side.

Feng Li is still playing against the black scorpion, but from the current point of view, it has completely occupied the upper hand, as long as it takes some time, it will be able to clean up.

On the other hand, the Jinsong people face the golden shackles, but it is very difficult to play.

After all, the other party is a gods, and they are just a group of holy steps. Even the patriarchs of the holy peaks are impetuous, there is still a big gap from the gods.

The golden body is agile, and the whole person turns into a series of golden afterimages. The mouth spurts a large piece of fierce golden light, condenses into a handle with a gold knife, and the golden sword, like a rain, hits the Jinxi people.

Although this sword rain attack is very powerful, it is rather dull.

It is no wonder that after all, there is no intellectual attack.

Even so, the attacks on the gods are so powerful. Although the Jinsong people tried their best to resist them, there were still several people injured in the blink of an eye. One of them was degraded by Jin Jian.

The impetuous hand holds a huge gold-wheeled weapon, and the edge is a thick and sharp golden gear. It flies up and down, and rotates rapidly, giving a sharp break.

In the center of the Golden Wheel, there is a strange monkey face pattern, which is very strange and strange, and people can't help but feel chilling.

At this moment, the golden wheel of the weapon shines, and it condenses into a huge golden wheel. It is swiftly cut and cut, and the golden sword that falls on it will be broken.

If it is not the one that resists the attack of most of the golden sword rain, the rest can't support it.

The impetuous face was dignified at the moment, and he was slightly breathing. Obviously, it was very difficult for him to provoke the Golden Wheel to resist the sword rain attack.

The golden cockroach swayed to the side, and a golden light was sprayed, and the sword rain attack suddenly stopped.

"Fast! The cloth is the source of the ten-way source!" The floating eyes saw this scene suddenly, and the mouth made a big drink.

At this moment, there are just ten people from other Jinyi people. When they heard this, they immediately acted, and the figure shook and stood near the impetuous.

A large piece of golden light shines from the people of the Jin Dai people, and they are connected to each other quickly, and then gather together to the floating raft standing in the middle.

The impetuous body is full of golden light, which is several times brighter than before, exudes a strong and violent breath, no less than golden and weak, the whole person looks like a golden **** of war.

The golden sighs a sigh of relief, a big mouth, and once again spurts a large piece of golden light, condenses into countless golden swords, and beats again.

The snoring snorted and waved the golden wheel magic weapon in his hand.

At the same time, he was ten fingers, and more than a dozen Jin Mang flew out, and disappeared into the golden wheel magic weapon.

The Golden Wheel Method suddenly made a slamming sound, and the surface of the scene showed a substantial golden light, condensed into a huge golden shield, full of dozens of feet, covering everyone.

However, the surface of the round shield is not a smooth shape, and a golden spike is emerging, like a hedgehog.


A series of golden and iron slamming bangs, countless golden swords hit the golden round shield, although the golden round shield trembled constantly, but there was no sign of shattering, so it was so easy to withstand a wave of sword rain attack.

The people of the Jinyi family saw this scene, and their faces were full of joy.

"Hey!" The fierce light flashed in the golden eyes, and a roar was heard.

Its huge figure flew out and leaped into the air and appeared above the golden round shield.

Golden 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 , , , , , , 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡The rune flashes in it, giving off a horrible breath.

The impetuous eyes saw this scene, his face changed greatly, and he slammed his tongue sharply, and his mouth squirted a blood, which was integrated into the magic wheel of the Golden Wheel.

The surrounding golden circular shield shines brightly and the thickness is increased by three points.

The impetuous cockroaches have just finished this, the golden cockroaches have swooped down, hands clasped, holding the golden giant blade in their hands.

The golden giant blade circulates and turns into a golden giant sword, which is as dazzling as a giant sword.

The golden arm swayed, and the golden giant sword slammed into the golden shield.


The golden round shield was immediately pierced with a huge depression, but the golden round shield was extremely tough. Although it trembled violently, it was even tight and not broken by a blow.

Under the round shield, the face of the impetuous and other people are dignified, one by one arrogantly running the exercises in full force, injecting the whole body into the array of infuriating madness, gathering on the floating raft, keeping the golden round shield not broken.

The two sides suddenly showed a stalemate.

The golden squeaking sound of a sigh, the golden armor suddenly brilliance, countless golden runes flying from the inside, and then gathered into a golden light, into the golden giant sword, the golden armor color suddenly faded a lot.

As soon as his arm was raised, a golden flame appeared on the surface of the golden giant sword. The power immediately increased, and a crack appeared on the golden shield immediately.

Seeing this impetuous, his face changed greatly.

As the golden round shield emerged from the crack, a giant force back from the golden round shield.

The impetuous mouth spurted a large mouthful of blood, and the golden light of the whole body quickly weakened, and the breath quickly fell.

The power of anti-phagic is constantly transmitted and returned. At this moment, the power is rapidly weakened, and the resistance is reduced. Seeing that the body is going to be defeated by this counter-attack.

There was a madness in his eyes, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the people next to him. He quickly recited words in his mouth, and his mouth spurted out ten blood, and he did not enter the body of Zhou.

The skin of the ten people immediately showed a large amount of blood, and then the body swelled up.

Shi Mu saw this, the pupil slightly shrunk, and the eyes flashed a disgusting color.

These Jinxi people have changed their faces, but before they do anything, their bodies will burst into bursts of blood, and they will fall into the floating body.

The impetuous body screamed and the body suddenly rose a bit, and the breath soared again, a bit stronger than it was just now.

His eyes now showed a layer of blood red, and there was a word in his mouth, pointing out.

A glaring golden light spouted from the fingertips and fell into the golden round magic weapon.

The golden round shield burst into tears, but all the golden light whales flow back into the golden wheel magic weapon.

The Golden Wheel magic weapon rumbling and slamming a large piece of golden flame.

The above monkey face pattern suddenly came alive, the monkey's mouth opened, and a golden flame with a bowl of mouth spurted out of the monkey's mouth. The swiftly flashing hole pierced the golden skull.

The golden body suddenly became stiff, and the next moment its head burst suddenly and turned into countless pieces.

The headless body of the golden dragonfly fell from the air and slammed on the ground, not moving.

The impetuous cockroaches also fell from the air, and the body's breath quickly weakened, and soon fell back to the peak of the holy step.

As soon as he landed, he immediately rushed to the golden corpse body, and grabbed the golden wheel magic weapon. He cut it in the golden chest and pulled out a big crack.

He reached in and grabbed a ball very quickly. It was the heart of the stone that Ma Mu had just taken out, but this one was golden and exudes a burst of metallic law.

"Haha! I finally got it!" The madness appeared in the eyes of the floating eyes, laughing.

The next moment, he sipped a golden ball and swallowed it.

At the moment, Shi Mu stood not far away, and the process of killing the golden cymbals by the rafts was clearly seen in the eyes, and the other side swallowed the heart of the scorpion, and the eyes were surprised.

"Shui Lingzi, what is he doing? Is it the law in the heart of enlightenment?" He communicated with the water spirit.

Not responding to the water spirit, the impetuous body shines the golden light of the glare, and the golden pattern of a spider web appears on the surface, which quickly spreads to the whole body.

The exhaled breath quickly ascended, and it didn't take long before it broke through the peak of the Holy Land!

Chongtian Jinguang radiated away from the surrounding area, forming a bright golden enamel, drowning its figure inside.

Shi Mu saw this scene, his face was shocked.

Is it impetuous to be in this place, breaking through the bottleneck and achieving the gods?

This is too ridiculous.

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