The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 959: Betrayal and inheritance

"The patriarch's token?" Shi Mu heard the words, his brow wrinkled.

If even the patriarch's creed has been left behind by others, then Zhao Wei, as the patriarch, fears that there are fewer murders, and the situation of several other gods is probably not good enough.

"The Tianting army should be tied to Wuyanxing. Is there a big army invading the Suzaku star here?" asked Shimu.

"Speaking of it, in fact, they are not many people, but the head is the eighth sacred fire. This human law is universal, there is no patriarch commander in the family, and several gods are missing. We are completely unable to resist... The woman was in danger and was led by the patriarch, leading everyone to resist, but it still did not help. It was not long before they were attacked by Fengyicheng... until Fengming Valley was also broken, the family could not afford any Rebellious heart, a large number of elites fled and scattered, I was also at that time, and the saints they lost." Zhao Zhuming face the painful color, continue to say.

"Then you know what you are not, why don't you send someone to ask for help? After all, the dragons, but your allies, in addition to so many small and medium races, add up is also a big force." Asked about the animal husbandry.

"In fact, when Suzaku was attacked, we sent people for help. Perhaps because the alliance is not as good as it used to be, the military has lost its heart and did not receive much response. Most of them have fallen into the sea." Zhao Zhuming sighed. Said.

"It's not too far from Fengyicheng and Fengming Valley. It's too dangerous for you to stay here." Shimu nodded thoughtfully and said.

"We also know that we are only escaping here. I wanted to contact the Dragons through some channels, but unfortunately I have not received a response." Zhao Zhuming said.

"In my opinion, you will continue to stay here and wait for reinforcements. It is better to leave the Suzaku Star and go to Wuyan Star for the time being. Now it gathers most of the forces in the Tianhe Star Field, which is relatively safe, so we will be prepared in the future. Then recapture the Suzaku star." Shi Mu said with a dignified look.

"Well, listen to what the patriarchs said." After Zhao Zhuming pondered for a moment, he said first.

"I want to evacuate the Suzaku star, huh, do you think I will allow this to happen?" A voice rang.

More than a hundred feet outside the sky flashed, a red figure appeared out of thin air.

Shi Mu and Zhao Zhuming and others quickly followed the sound.

This person is dressed in red and looks like he is only in his early twenties. He has a faint smile on his lips and a colorful corolla on his head. It looks ugly.

However, when Shi Mu saw this person, the pupil immediately shrank, and the feeling of tremor that looked like the prey was caught on his mind.

This person gave him the feeling that it was more dangerous than Nangongjing and Pilu.

In the heart of Shi Mu, the subconscious flashed a name - the Eighth Immortal of Heaven will be "fired."

"You don't want to live, you can't, you can leave Nirvana and Fengyan, and this seat will leave here immediately. Otherwise, Tianfeng will be completely removed from the Tianhe Star Field today." The fire painted coldly.

Shi Mu has calmed down at the moment, his brows are slightly wrinkled.

Zhao Zhuming's face was changed, and then he gritted his teeth, revealing a decisive look.

The other people in the vicinity of the Fengfeng family saw the fire, and they were all shocked. They circumvented this person and flew to the back of Zhao Zhuming and Shi Mu.

At this moment, the fire painted on the side of the figure and flashed, and two more people.

Shi Mu’s face changed again, and the two were awesomely white and white.

When the two saw Shi Mu, they looked at each other and did not seem surprised.

Shi Mu brows slightly wrinkled, his heart flashed, and his eyes flashed a trace of gloom.

"White, it seems that you and Bai Hong have betrayed the giants of the heavens, and they have turned to heaven." He stepped forward and slowly began to speak, his voice was cold.

"Hey, what do you know? I am doing this for the sake of the giants! The heavens are powerful. One day, one day, all the stars will be unified. What you do is like a car, and will bring the giants into the sky." The abyss of destruction! The heavens are the only way out for the scorpio." The white scorpion looks a bit complicated and said.

"The battles of the millennium, the heavens kill me a lot of compatriots, how many things have you forgotten?" Shi Mu cold channel.

Half a white mouth, I want to say something more, and I heard that the body was shocked and I couldn’t speak for a while.

In the war of that year, he personally experienced that countless people of the genius of the genius were killed by the people of heaven, and many of them were friends and relatives. This **** hatred is forgotten.

At this moment, an icy sight looked over, it was the fire.

Bai Yu’s heart jumped and immediately said: “Who used to be wrong with the previous things, we don’t want to talk about him. The most important thing now is to let my great family continue to pass on.”

Shi Mu sneered, did not continue to entangle on this issue, the words turned and asked another question: "The people in the heavens have successfully captured the Suzaku star, you are not a small person in it, just Zhao Zhuming elder said, Zhao Wei The patriarch once received a secret letter, and this was the birth of Suzaku Star. The person who wrote the secret letter is you?"

The white face changed slightly, but did not deny it.

"What! It turned out to be you!" Zhao Zhuming was furious and shouted loudly.

"Oh, how do you know that it is white?" The fire painted open, looking at Shi Mu, his face showed an interesting smile.

"It's still guessing, you can think of it with your toes. On the letter, 80% wrote that you want to join forces with Zhao Wei and drive the stone out of the giant scorpion. Zhao 胤 that idiot dreams of stone from the alliance lord. Pulling down the position, I definitely want to agree immediately, and then I will take people to meet with Bai Yan, and the result will be ambushed by your cockroach, and you will be able to see it all at once. You can see it all at a glance, let alone Stone." Cai Er said.

The fire patted the clap and praised: "The clever parrot, although not all, but guessed eight or nine points, I like it very much."

Cai Er heard the words, his eyes showed a proud look, and the proud head raised.

Zhao Zhuming heard this and his face changed.

It turned out that this is the case.

He looked at Shi Mu and looked a little shy.

"White 丕, you betrayed the giant scorpion family, conspiring against the Zhao patriarch, Jin Feng mother-in-law and other people, sinful, has completely abandoned the Tianhe Baizu. I am the patriarch of the tyrannical family, today I will shoot, clean up Portal!" Shi Mu looked at the white, slowly said.

Regardless of what Bai Yu’s reliance on heaven, whether he is the identity of the patriarch or the identity of the ally of the celestial alliance, he can’t let go of the day.

There was a red glow on his body, and a huge breath slowly rose.

The white face changed a lot, as if it was stared at by a terrible wild monster, feeling fear from the bottom of my heart.

Shi Mu’s body flashed in black and white light, and a pair of black and white wings emerged behind it. It was slightly displayed and the figure disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, his figure appeared out of the air and other people.

Shi Mu is flashing, there is almost no time interval in the middle, which is called teleportation.

This is also the speed at which he can reach the physical state of the body.

Shi Mu appeared behind the three men, punching out, a large red flame wrapped around his fist, numerous red runes flashing inside.

With the sound of "嗡", the flame suddenly expanded, and instantly turned into a red-colored field of a few feet in size, shrouded the white three.

His series of movements were lightning fast, and the white three, including the fire paint, did not respond, and they were shrouded in the red field.

The three-person action was immediately a stiff, apparently suppressed by the power of the field.

Shi Mu’s eyes were a joy, his fists kept going, and he went to the white scorpion, and the vast pressure came out from his fist.

A huge muffled sound of "嘭"!

Shi Mu's face changed. His fist was bombarded on a white egg-shaped ball of light. There were countless runes on the ball of light, and some turtle-like patterns.

Although the light ball is only a thin layer, it gives an indestructible feeling.

The place where the fist was bombarded showed a shallow sputum, a slight tremor, but there was no sign of breaking.

The white stork stood inside the white light ball and was not hurt.

Next to the white light ball, I didn’t know when it was turned over. The finger was imaginary. Obviously, the eggshell light ball was released by him, and he saved his life when he was in a thousand.


The fire painted his arm and waved, and his body suddenly appeared countless golden fires, burning.

The next moment, centered on his body, a golden flame field emerged and quickly expanded.

Shi Mu’s red field trembled violently, insisting on less than one breath, and then shattered it.

Shi Mu was shocked, and the body turned back. A flash appeared in the dozens of feet.

The field of fire-painted golden flames has expanded to more than 30 feet, almost double the size of Nangongjing.

There are countless animal shadows flying in the field, there are fire dragons, fire unicorns, fire, fire, one by one clear, as if the entity.

Shi Mu's face is condensed, and the other's field is far more complete than him. No wonder it is easy to break his field.

"Water Spirit, what kind of magical white light ball?" he asked softly.

"This is a mystery secret that has been handed down from the fairy world. It is a nine-day sacred mask. It can be said that this law is not broken. I don't think this person will actually! Stone kid, be careful, this opponent is very powerful! Don't die!" The sound sounded in Shimu’s mind.

"The secret of the fairy world!" Shi Mu was shocked.

After the appearance of the fire paint and other people, he quietly took out the mysterious **** of the water spirit.

The water spirit is well-informed and will certainly help him.

Of course, he also did several precautions to guard against sudden reversal.

In the fire, the mouth mourns the spell, and the finger is a little bit again. The white light ball on the white dragonfly flies back and turns into a white light ball of the egg size, floating around him.

"Thank you for the fire to paint the immortal will save." Bai Yan gratefully smacked a fire to the fire, his face pale, still a lingering look.

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