The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 962: Ancestral spirits

"Get out of the way!" The fire painted to see the secrets in front of you, screaming.

The fire in his hand flashed and he went to the group.

However, when the black light rushed to him, it just flicked out of the tiankeng and did not really block him.

Wuguang flew out of the tiankeng, and the flash of the fall was next to the color of the child, turned into a tall man with a whole body, but it was the body of Shi Mu.

The fire was blown into a blank, and the body went straight to the tiankeng.

Seeing that it was about to rush into the flame light curtain, Zhao Zhuming’s eyes flashed a smirk that was not easy to detect.

At this moment, the light curtain suddenly disappeared and disappeared out of thin air.

A loud bang was heard.

The figure of the fire painted into the bottom of the tiankeng, and the gravel in it was crushed and turned into a group of smoke, rising from the bottom of the pit.

"Looking for death!" Seeing the mystery of the closeness disappeared, the fire angered.

His head slammed abruptly, and the flames in his eyes were sprayed. When he was in shape, he flew toward Zhao Zhuming.

Zhao Zhuming's look was indifferent, and the change of the law in his hands suddenly reflected the roar of "rumbling" at the bottom of the tiankeng.

Nine red light pillars rushed out of the rock pile, and a red light curtain was formed at the top, directly sealing the tiankeng firmly.

"嘭" is a muffled sound.

The fire-painted body suddenly slammed into the red light curtain, and was shocked back and fell into the bottom of the pit.

"Fire painted adults!" Zhao Wei and others were surprised.

At this time, a red red rune appeared on the nine red light columns, and a powerful flame of fire came from it.

"This is... the fire is killing!" The fire brows a pick, murmured.

In a twinkling of an eye, the flames of the nine red light beams surged, and began to grow a piece of flame-like blade like a leaf, which was intertwined and very complicated.

The sound of "call" sounded like a wind into the mountains, and the leaf-like fire blades shook and began to spin.


As the sound of whistling gradually became larger, the long edges of the flames on the red light column were spinning, the speed was getting faster and faster, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the numerous wind and fire wheels formed in the fast, and the fire was trapped. Among them.

There was a word in the mouth of the fire, and the fire suddenly rose. A sphere of flames suddenly opened, and the red light curtain expanded, and the flames around it were forced to retreat.


A burst of metal-like rasping sounds, countless flame long-blade cuts in the field of fire coating, bringing a spark of glare.

Zhao Yan's eyebrows were horizontal, and the woman in the golden robe next to her made a look.

The golden robe woman nodded slightly, holding a silver compass magic weapon, flying to fly over the tiankeng.

Zhao Wei then flipped his wrist and took out a silver long scorpion. He walked over and slammed into Zhao Zhuming and others.

The sound of "锵" was sharp.

A red light flashed, and a large **** long sword was pierced from the side, holding Zhao’s long scorpion.

The person with the sword is full of magic, and it is the body of Shi Mu.

The words did not appear, the **** residual sword in the hands flashed red, swept up, and forced Zhao to retreat a few feet.

Zhao Hao snorted and slammed the gun again. The two men were killed in one place.

"Shameless traitors, let him die."

There was a bang in the air.

A group of fires in the eyes of Bai Yan suddenly magnified, and he was so shocked that he quickly avoided it.

I saw that Zhao Zhuming had been swaying in flames and rushed up.

Behind him, there are also several Tianfeng people, who are also full of hatred.

Bai Yu knows that these people are trying to avenge their patriarchs and others, and they have a strange feeling in their hearts, and they want to avoid retreating subconsciously.

"Two elders, we have no retreat." At this moment, the voice of Bai Hong suddenly came from behind him.

Bai Hong did not know when it had been turned into a giant form, and suddenly jumped from his side and smothered with the Tianfeng people.

In the eyes of Bai Yan, the light flashed, and a fascinating color appeared on the surface. The body was bright and bright, and it also killed the Tianfeng people.

The figure of the child is hovering among the remaining Tianfeng victims, and his eyes are constantly glanced on the battlefield.

When his eyes swept through the crater, he suddenly saw a golden figure flying like it and flew there. He immediately said, "When you are with the donkey, you must not let the fire paint be rescued! Otherwise, the previous efforts It’s in vain!”

After all, his wings fluttered high, and his body was released from the atmosphere. Zhang mouth spurted a green fire cloud and went straight to the woman in the golden robe.

The Tianfeng people saw the situation, and some of the injured were still able to act, and they rushed to rush.


Shi Mu walked through the flame light curtain and did not fall into the bottom of the tiankeng.

He only felt as if he had entered a long black tunnel and walked through it for a while, and his feet fell back to the real place.

After the settlement, his eyes were swept, and he found himself at the moment, in a dark space, surrounded by dark and deep, with a deep and infinite feeling.

Here is the secret of the Tianfeng people?

Is it dark and empty?

When Shi Mu felt very surprised, a few hundred feet away from her, suddenly a red light appeared.

In the light of that, there was a huge fire tung tree that was more than a hundred feet tall.

Shi Mu felt the pure flame of the tree, and he was slightly surprised and walked involuntarily toward the fire tung tree.

Going to the front, Shi Mu discovered that this can be even greater than what he saw when he looked far away.

I saw the thick trunk of this phoenix tree, which was held by ten people. It was straight into the sky, and it spread out thousands of branches, densely covering the entire trunk.

At the upper end of these branches, a piece of slap-sized red-red paulownia leaves, which are mutually shaded and overlap each other, are very dense and prosperous.

Although there is no wind in the place, the huge paulownia tree is swaying slightly, and the rhythm of the rhythm seems to be breathing.

The top layer of the phoenix leaves, the red hot, the red splendid, as if a warm sea of ​​fire.

Shi Mu eyes staring at this beautiful sea of ​​fire, and for a time he was a little intoxicated.

"Who did you enter Wutian Fengsheng?" At this moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded.

Shi Mu was shocked and looked up.

I saw the second branch above the trunk, with a bright golden flame on it.

The flame was shaped like a phoenix, and it seemed to be a spirit. He was looking at him with his head up.

"In the next stone," said Shi Mu Gong respectfully.

I don't know why, when Shi Mu saw this flame Jin Feng, his mind involuntarily emerged the noble character, so that he could not help but feel respectful and solemn.

"Isn't the descendants of Wu Tianfeng, come here to do this?" Flame Jin Feng asked indifferently.

"The Tianfeng people were invaded by the heavens, the patriarch Zhao Wei died, the whereabouts of the saints were unknown, and the tribes were killed, and the death and injury were not counted. And Tian Tingxian was tempted to steal Nirvana Fengyan. I stopped him to enter this place." Shi Mu said truthfully.

"Zhao Wei's qualifications are limited, and he can't get the inheritance of Nirvana. If the saint Zhong Xiu Xiu can turn his spirits or have a chance, he never thought that the Tianfeng people had been killed." Flame Jinfeng sighed.

"I don't know the predecessors but the Tianfeng people?" Shi Mu asked with some doubts.

"Wu is the ancestral spirit of the Tianfeng people, where the guardian Tianfeng inherits the ancient trees and cannot leave the secret." Flame Jinfeng replied.

"If today's Feng nationality crisis has not been lifted, the younger generation has a ruthless request, I don't know..." Shi Mu slightly indulged, said.

"I want to be inherited by my Tianfeng people? No matter whether you are insulting or not, if you don't have the blood of the Fengfeng family, you will be forced to accept the inheritance. It is tantamount to finding your own way." Shimu said that he was not finished, and was interrupted by the flame Jinfeng.

Shi Mu heard the words, the surface could not help but flash a disappointing color.

"Hey... 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝 汝

Shi Mu listened to it as a glimpse. After thinking for a long time, I realized it. I said, "Predecessors, such as today’s phoenix cherub, are my wife. Perhaps it is for this reason that I have Tianfeng in my body. The blood."

The flame Jinfeng heard the words, suddenly stood up from the trunk of Huo Tong, and the golden light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Shimu.

Shi Mu only felt a sudden stiffness in his body, and there was a burning pain in his mind.

This feeling lasted for a while and then gradually faded away.

"When you have such a relationship with your own saints... or something, it is already here, and you are not a foreigner. You can barely be inherited by Nirvana." Flame Jinfeng said.

Shi Mu heard the words first, then it was a joy.

The shock is that this ancestral phoenix phoenix actually searched the soul for a moment, and the happy thing is that she agreed to accept Feng Yan's inheritance.

"Thank you for your success." Shi Mu Gong shouted.

"Nirvana Fengyan is unusual, and the Virgin Mary with pure blood and blood is the most suitable person. There is only a small amount of wind and blood in the body, so the process is dangerous and it is easy to fail. If it fails, it will be ruined, so Hua, Can you be willing to give it a try?" Flame Jinfeng asked again.

"Nature wants to try." Shi Mu replied without hesitation, and his tone was very firm.

The flames of Jin Feng heard the words, the eyes were bright and there was no speech.

Its wings suddenly opened, and a fierce move, they flew from the trunk of the fire tung, and went straight into the sky.

I saw his wings waving, his body circling in the air and flying over the paulownia tree.

Shi Mu saw that as the flames of the golden phoenix danced, a little bit of star-like golden Mars was sprinkled from under its wings, like a stream of fire and rain, sprinkled on the paulownia tree.

From the deepest part of the roots, the paulownia tree is connected with a bright red light that shines to the trunk and branches.

Until the end, the veins of the numerous leaves of the phoenix tree also showed a bright light.

The whole fire paulownia has a lot of light spots on it, and it looks beautiful and beautiful. It gives people a sense of sigh.

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