The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 971: Abnormal behavior

Shi Mu listened, his eyes crossed Di Yan, and the elders of the Dilongs who fell behind him.

These people seem to have nothing unusual, but the atmosphere is not stable, the real gas is short, obviously has just experienced a fierce battle, and almost all have injuries.

"If the fire is divided into two lines, the number of people dispatched to intercept the dragons should not be much. He himself is in Zhuquexing. Why do you have a terrible loss?" Shi Mu asked.

"This... It’s said that there are two traitors in the elders of my family, so it caused the army to be hit hard." Di Yan sighed.

"I only hope that the head of the patriarch is not a word of excusing." Zhao Zhuming said that he did not want to believe it, and said irony.

"Zhao Zhuming, my dragon family failed to support in time, so that your Tianfeng people suffered huge losses. There is something wrong with it, but it is not intentional. If you don't believe it, you can go out and see, my dragon's warship, Can another ship be intact?" Di Yan said indignantly.

"Two, the most urgent task, or calm down first and think about how to deal with heaven." Shi Mu said.

Zhao Zhuming and Di Yan heard a stagnation and did not speak again.

"Before I advised the two to join the Alliance, it is to fight against heaven. After all, our Tianhe domain is somewhat weak compared with the heavens. Now, the elder Zhu Ming has decided to lead the Tianfeng people to join the Alliance, so I I hope that the chief of the tribe will also consider it." Shi Mu looked at the two men and said.

Di Yan heard the words, the brow was deeply stunned and fell into meditation.

Shi Mu saw this and did not urge it.

"The stone alliance master, my earth dragon family is also willing to join the alliance of the heavens, and the Tianhe Baizu, against the heavens!" After a moment, Di Yan suddenly got up, rushing stone and animal husbandry, the look solemnly said.

"Well! There are Di patriarchs who say this, counterattack the heavens, just around the corner." Shi Mu heard the words, said with great joy.

The Tianfeng Dilong family joined, and the eight-year-old ancients were almost all in place except for the demon family.


After more than a month, Wu Yan was out of the stars.

More than two hundred huge golden warships were arranged in a row, and each of them stood up with a giant robes of up to a thousand feet. They waved a huge drumstick on their hands and slammed the drums around their waists.


As the knocking sound continued to sound, more than two hundred warships shimmered in the golden light, and the first light of the ship broke out with dazzling golden light. Under the ray burst, there were always hundreds of long golden spears bursting out. Going to the heavy nebula outside Wuyan.

I saw hundreds of huge golden lights coming one after another, forming a golden light rain in the stars, pouring down towards the Guardian Star of Wuyan Star.


A series of shocking sounds of the stunned sky, the yellow nebula suddenly shocked, and hundreds of huge yellow cloud vortexes exploded on the surface.

The thick cloud gas continually surging in the direction of the vortex of the yellow cloud, forming a huge storm in the outer layer of the nebula.

"The order is passed down, and a bombardment is concentrated. Today, the defense of this wuyan star will be torn open." Piluxian will stand on a battleship bridge, his voice hoarse.

"Yes!" Behind Pilu, Ximen Snow responded and immediately flew away.

There are more than a dozen heavenly gods around, one eyebrows are close, and they look nervously at Pilu, and no one speaks.

Bail's brow furrowed, his eyes fixed on Wu Yanxing, his face looked very gloomy.

He has rarely lost in the major stars. The last time he was prepared, he suffered a big loss on this wuyan star. Instead of failing to capture Wuyanxing, he lost his army here, and even the Nangong scenery was folded. Here it is.

This time, he transferred several gods and more than a hundred battleships from other war-ridden stars, vowing to attack Wuyanxing, a shame.


Another burst of roaring sounds.

The yellow clouds outside Wuyan’s stars are rolling, and hundreds of golden spears are concentrated in the bombardment, which makes a huge incomparable mouth open in the clouds, revealing the ochre crystal light curtain inside.

At the moment of the bombardment of the crystal light curtain, the diamond-shaped lines above it flashed, and it looked very dazzling, but there was no trace of breaking.

The bombardment of the Heavenly Fleet stopped slightly, and the yellow clouds on the crystal curtain returned back a little, making the huge gap gradually close.

However, every time he waited for Huang Yun to return to its original state, another round of golden light spears flew and re-exploded.


Although the appearance of Wuyan seems to remain solid, but the atmosphere inside has long been tense.

In the sky, from time to time, there is a stream of light passing through, heading towards the direction of the Turtles and the North Wucheng.

Among the turtles, more than three hundred warships have already been prepared to stop. The tribes of the Tianhe people who come together are also waiting for their hearts. Everyone has a solemn color on their faces, waiting only for a battle with the heavenly army.

On the square outside the main hall of the House of Representatives, several people stand side by side, looking up at the depths of the sky, and looking dignified.

"This time the heavens are coming, I am afraid it is not easy to deal with." The bear bear chief looked up at the crystal light curtain shining from time to time in the depths of the sky, and said the color of worry.

"Everyone doesn't have to worry too much. The big guards in my family have been completely repaired. This time, we have also taken strict precautions against each other. We will never have any previous changes." Lu Yuzhong said, but his face looks Not easy.

"Shu Daoyou, how is the preparation of resource preparation?" The elders held a cane and looked back at Shu Youjin, asking.

"The elders of the Kailuan are ready. Nowadays, through the large-scale transmission array method, the warships of all ethnic groups transmitted from the Linglan Stars, and the original ones on the Wuyan Star, totaling 315. The ship can be invested in more than 300,000 strong people of all ethnic groups, and the Lingshi medicinal herbs used for supplementation and repair are also hoarding a lot, enough for the military to use for a year." Shu Youjin replied.

Everyone heard the words, and the tension between the eyebrows also eased a lot.

"If this is the case, then it can indeed be deadlocked with them for a while. When they are weak, they will naturally retreat." The bear bear chief said.

"Who said that we are going to be deadlocked with the heavens?" The elders suddenly said.

"Isn't it deadlocked, is it necessary to rush out of Wuyanxing, and take the initiative to attack?" An elder of the Turtles was surprised.

Lu Yanzhong also looked at the elders with some surprises. Obviously, this is also very puzzled.

"Don't the great elders believe in the big squad of our wuyan star?" Lu Yanzhong asked.

"I believe in the aristocracy. I just waited for a long time. Now it is the best time to swear by the snow. Can you continue to shrink?" The elders raised their eyebrows and said with aloud.

"The elders, the stone lord has said that during his departure, all matters of the alliance will be decided by you and the chief of the land. It is important to take the initiative to fight. This decision is still waiting for the stone chief to come back and do it. It may be better." A divine elder euphemistically persuaded.

"Yeah, the elders, this matter really needs to be re-examined. The stone lord has not returned yet, I am afraid that the war will be played at this time, the tribe will not see him, the army will be unstable, and the war will change." Anwar is also worried. Said.

Everyone, as you say a word, expressed concern about the plan of taking the initiative.

"You, commanding the army, that is, the sunrise battle, is the stone alliance master." The elders pressed the palm of their hand, indicating that everyone was a little safe, and then said.


Outside the Wuyan Star, more than two hundred large heavenly battleships glimmered, and they were still struggling to bombard the big star.

However, at this time, on both sides of the bombardment part, suddenly the yellow cloud rolled and shriveled.

In the next moment, there was an incomparably huge hollow in each of the left and right. Various types of warships, one after another, flew out.

Piluben stood on a warship and observed the situation of the bombardment. When he saw the abnormal behavior of the Alliance, he could not help but look at it.

However, he barely hesitated and shouted loudly:

"The whole ship is withdrawn."

The sound, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, resounded half a starry sky in an instant.

All the yellow robe giants heard the sound, immediately stopped the drums, turned and pulled back.

More than two hundred heavenly warships did not need to be turned around. They were pulled back at the same time under the vigorous traction of these giants, and they were stopped after the withdrawal of the Mi Tian alliance warships could be achieved from both sides.

The Mitian Alliance was the first battleship. The elders saw the heavenly courts retreat and went straight to one hand:


At the same time, Lu Yanzhong also made the same order.

The two fleets did not unite in one place, but launched the attack from both directions.


The loud buzzing sounds, the large warships in the Alliance of the Heavens illuminate, and hundreds of powerful and huge flames of light are emitted, and they are hitting the heavenly fleet.

Not waiting for the transfer of Pilu, the heavens have already acted immediately.

The yellow robe giants, one by one, looked indifferent, and the sleeves danced, and the drumsticks were very cheerful.


Hundreds of golden spears broke through the air, and the flame column collided in the starry sky, forming a golden and red crossfire network.

The war is on the verge of death, and the shouting sounds through the universe!

On the side of the fleet of the Mi Tian Alliance, Anwar led more than 30 small round warships out of the battlefield and rushed to the heavenly fleet.

At the same time, the large warships of the Mitian Alliance also flashed more and more, with more rapid attacks, and bombarded the heavenly fleet.

The battleships of the heavens are all huge golden warships, and the attack is far more powerful than those of the round warships.

However, the round warships were small in size and extremely fast. Under the cover of the firepower of their own warships, they quickly rushed into the battleships of heaven.


Under Anhua’s orders, more than 30 round warships were shining all over the body, and all around the hulls swallowed fire tongues and attacked the battleships of the heavens.

"Booming" burst into a deafening roar!

There are seventeen or eight heavenly battleships. Under the attack of a round battleship, they swayed violently. Although they were not damaged for a while, they greatly affected their attacks.

On the other hand, the bombardment of the large battleships of the Mitian Alliance was poured out over time.

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