The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 975: Desperate (below)

A sneer appeared in the corner of Pilu, raising his hand to play a law.

In the midair, the nine blood dragons spread out immediately, and the claws and claws were swept away in the direction of Shimu, and the speed was amazing.

Shi Mu's eyes flashed slightly, and the black and white light flashed behind him, revealing black and white wings.

However, under the rule of the blood color space, the black and white wings are not half the size of the previous one, and the surface is faint.

Shi Mu's body shape flew out, and the speed immediately increased a little, and flew away toward one side.

"Where to escape!"

Pilu snorted and there was a word in his mouth. The blood in the space suddenly surged and stopped toward Shimu.

In the eyes of Shimu, the light flashed, and the golden crown of the sky was shining. The golden arc emerged from the stick, and then wrapped around the stone animal, and immediately formed a layer of golden lightning armor.

The surrounding blood cloud touched the golden thunder of Shi Mu, and was immediately torn open, and the slightest effect did not work.

There was a sigh of anger in the eyes of Pilu, and the mantra was mourned in the mouth, pointing out.

After Shi Mu's body, a five-jawed blood dragon had a big mouth, and a **** light column sprang out. The speed was extremely fast, and a flash caught up with Shi Mu.

Shi Mu’s heart is a glimpse.

At this moment, I want to dodge the flash is too late, in a hurry, the body drips and turns, the sky sticks golden light, the smashing out, and the blood-colored beam collided.

A large piece of golden light emerged from the sky-rolling sticks, forming a golden torrent, with numerous golden runes flashing in it, giving off a great atmosphere.

Shi Mu's fingers flicked, and the lightning rushed out of the law, and did not enter the golden torrent.

In the torrent of gold, there was a flash of gold light, and there were countless golden light blades, which were similar to swordsmanship, and lingered on the **** light column that was on the way.

The blood-colored light column resisted a few times, and was flooded by countless golden light blades.

The golden torrent was not lost, and it hit the blood dragon.

Rumble! A series of loud noises sounded.

The golden torrent dissipated, and the five-clawed blood dragon was severely wounded. There were huge wounds in the body, the scales were broken, and even a dragon claw was cut off, which looked very miserable.

However, Shi Mu stopped this delay, and other blood dragons immediately caught up.

The sound of the broken air came, but the other five-jawed blood dragon flew from the other, and the huge dragon claws caught it, and the dragon claws broke out and made a sharp claw.

Shi Mu gave a low drink, and his body flashed white, and his body quickly rose, turning into an eye of twenty or thirty feet.

On his left arm, a flash of silver crystals appeared, faintly forming numerous silver scales, and a fierce breath suddenly spread.

Shi Mu sighed low and punched it out and hit it on the dragon claw.


The invisible volatility bursts around, and the void around it is distorted, and then the mirror is directly broken.

Shi Mu’s body just swayed and then stood firm immediately.

But the five-clawed blood dragon's claws shattered directly, and the huge body was also blown out by a punch.

Although this blood color space can suppress the infuriating in his body, it does not affect his physical strength.

Unfortunately, his most powerful supernatural power is this body.

Shi Mu recovered his fist and his body flashed white, reverting to its original size.

He had just discovered that the body became bigger and the chilling force in the **** space penetrated into his body more quickly.

As a result, the giant scorpion as a card can not be used at will, and Shi Mu’s heart sinks again.

Pilu was a glimpse, and then a sneer appeared again in the corner of his mouth.

Shi Mu's physical strength is completely beyond his expectations, but there is nothing, the entire blood color space is filled with blood, will slowly erode the body, as long as the blood space is not broken, he is invincible!

During the thought, there was another low-pitched spell in the mouth of Pilu, and the **** changed ten fingers and made a tactic.

The remaining five-clawed blood dragons kept on going, and continued to move toward Shimu, while the surrounding blood cloud rolled and merged into the two injured blood dragon bodies.


The two five-jaw blood dragons quickly recovered, and soon recovered as they were, and they made a roar and rushed toward Shimu.

Although Shi Mu has two enemy powers, three, and even four blood-clawed blood dragons, at the same time, he has some strengths in the face of four blood dragons. He can only rely on speed to escape.

His face became more and more difficult to look at, and a chilly force invaded his body, and his body gradually became numb.

"Water Spirit, have you found the location of the magic weapon." Shi Mu Shen read the water Lingzi, asked.

"Not yet, this space is a bit weird. There is a force that blocks my exploration. It takes some time." Shui Lingzi said, the voice was dignified.

Shi Mu turned a blind eye, and my heart really anxious.

Dragging on, his body really can't support it.

His eyes glanced, and suddenly he looked at the distant Lui. The backs of the wings were blurred. They did not retreat and passed through the gaps between several blood dragons. They directly went to Bilu.

Pilu saw this scene, sneered, and beat it with both hands.

His blood around his body fluctuated, drowning his body, and his figure disappeared.

Shi Mu saw this, and the body of the flying dragon suddenly slowed down.

Originally, I wanted to swear the thief first, but Pilu used the method to hide the body, and he could not perceive it.

At this moment, the water spirit sent a message, but it was a position, not far from him.

"The man is there," said the water spirit.

Shi Mu’s heart was a joy, although he did not know how the water spirit was discovered, but he did not hesitate to fly there and flew in a blink of an eye.

The skylights were so strong that they suddenly slammed out.


The **** space was torn apart by a huge crack of hundreds of feet long. A figure was forced out from inside. It was Bilu, and his eyes were full of incredulous expression.

His lower body was swept in the sky, bursting open and turning into a large cloud of blood.

The upper part of Vilu was shot in the distance, and there was a word in the mouth, and a layer of blood suddenly appeared on the body.

The bursting blood clouds came together and merged into his body, and between the few breaths, the broken lower body recovered.

"This is the body of immortality!" Shi Mumei shot a strange light, and his heart was a little excited.

Although Vilu recovered his body, his face was suddenly white, and it was obviously very powerful.

"How do you see my position?" he asked sharply.

Shi Mu did not answer the words, the body flew out again and flew away toward Pilu.

In the heart of Pilu, he turned and fled in the distance.

He is not good at speed, and is similar to the nine blood dragons. He naturally does not dare to play the game with Shi Mu, and flies into the middle of nine blood dragons.

Nine blood dragons suddenly gathered together, coiled around Weilu.

Shi Mu’s face was a little bit blue and stopped.

"You really have some ability, but no matter what you have, you will be destined to die here today!" Pilu looked at Shimu with a smile, and he had words in his mouth, waving two **** lights, and numerous **** runes in the blood. One flash did not enter the two blood dragons.

Two five-claw blood dragons suddenly shocked the body, bursting with a layer of blood-colored glow, and then quickly melted together, turned into a huge blood-colored ball.

This is not over yet, and Pilu continued to wave with both hands, playing two more blood and not entering the other two blood dragons.

The two blood dragons are full of light, and they are also incorporated into the blood-colored ball of light.

Pilu's expression was awe-inspiring, and the mouth continued to mourn the mysterious mantra, and the Dafa method hit the ball of light.

The **** ball of light swelled in a row, and a shuddering breath emerged from it. It seems that there is something terrible to break through.

Shi Mu's face changed slightly, his body shape shook, and hundreds of feet were shot backwards.

Pilu’s two methods stopped, his forehead visibly sweated, and his mouth squirted several groups of blood.

These bloods flashed and turned into several huge **** runes, one blurring into the **** ball of light.

The blood-colored ball of light suddenly violently rolled up, and then a loud noise smashed and shattered.

A huge and incomparable breath suddenly appeared, and a huge figure emerged. It was indeed a huge blood dragon.

This blood dragon has a thousand feet long, and broke through the five claws. He grew the sixth dragon claw. The whole body covered a huge blood color scale. A huge **** bone spur on the back ridge, as if it could pierce the sky, say no. The embarrassment.

A flame of blood entangled in the six-claw blood dragon, as if a dying dragon, blood red eyes looked at Shi Mu.

Shi Mu sees this, and his heart is awkward. The strength of the six-claw dragon in front of him has exceeded all the enemies he has encountered before. He is afraid that he is really in a desperate situation.

When I was thinking about the electric turn, my body turned back again, and I couldn’t care about other things. The whole body was white and the words were spoken.

His body suddenly rose again in the blink of an eye, turning into a huge white scorpion in the blink of an eye. Yang Tian made a long shout, and the body suddenly appeared numerous silver lines, faintly condensed into silver scales.

A red flash on the side of the skull, a red head grows, and two strong arms grow under the ribs.

In a twinkling of an eye, Shimu becomes a huge existence that is comparable to a **** dragon.

The two behemoths are facing each other, and the huge breath slams together, setting off a vast storm in the **** space.

"Death!" A flash of ochre in the eyes of Pilu, waving a trick.

The six-claw blood dragon flew out, and the huge body speed was extremely fast, almost flashing to the front of the white giant.

The white giant 发出 发出 天 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 发出 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿

The six-clawed blood dragon is very sensitive, and the huge body is twisted. When the time is not allowed, the stick is escaped. Six huge blood-colored dragon claws are grabbed toward the white chest.

The white sneer sneered, and the other two arms flashed silver, then suddenly turned into countless phantoms, rushing toward the blood dragon.

In an instant, the sharp whistling sounds!

The dense silver fist shadow flew out and hit the six-clawed blood dragon, bursting into a group of dazzling silver.

The huge body of the six-clawed blood dragon was shot and flew out, but after flying a certain distance, his body immediately flashed blood and stabilized his body. It seemed that there was no serious problem.

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