The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 978: Mo under the killer +

"Let the sea, out of the sun, you go to the right front to open the gap, the rest of the gods, with me to stop the rear chasing soldiers." Ximen snow face is very dignified, but still calm, methodically directed to the people to order.

"Yes!" The rest of the gods will respond and they will act.

Ximen Xue and so on, with a few gods will fly back and back, greeted the chasing fleet of the celestial alliance.


On the side of the Alliance, the fleet's first fire flashed, hundreds of flames of light across the starry sky, and went straight to the heavenly fleet to chase.

Ximen Xue sees this, and his eyebrows glimpse, his body shape moves, and his hand blade throws forward.

The knife-like sword blade suddenly flew into the air, the surface of the golden light rose, suddenly rose a hundred times, turned into a giant blade of the size of hundreds of feet.

Simon's snowy face is dignified, his hands are fast and twitching, his wrists turn round, and he volleys forward.

A "call" sounded.

The huge golden blade, like a huge windmill, "wheeled" in mid-air, and the golden light emanating from it obscured half of the starry sky.


A burst of loud bombardment sounded in succession, and hundreds of flames of light suddenly slammed into the golden light.

In an instant, the golden and red radiances were released, and the radiance of the other magic treasures was covered up. The bursting sounds of the earth-shattering sounds were heard from time to time.

The flame beam bursts, and the golden blade immediately slammed back and flew back.

Ximen Snow immediately snorted and spilled a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, but his hands still waved from time to time, again urging the Golden Blade.

The rest of the gods will see it, but they will also do their best. The weapon magic weapon will fly together, and they will make a rainbow of light in front of them, greet them with the flames of light, and merge with the golden light of Ximen Snow to synthesize a colored light curtain.


There was a continuous burst of sound in the stars.

Those flames of light columns fell into a colorful light curtain, shaking half a piece of starry sky swaying, but never able to break through, all were stopped.

At this time, a white light suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and a huge fist with cyan short hair was broken and smashed on the colored light curtain.

"Bang" a loud noise.

The color light curtain immediately blew a thunder, and a huge storm swept from it and rushed in all directions.

I saw that the colored light curtains were shocked and shattered, and one piece of the weapon was also backed up.


A short, powerful and powerful snoring sounded, and in the Xinghai, a giant cicada with thousands of feet full of cyan short hair, screaming and snarling.

Lu Yuzhong and other powerful gods flashed out of the stars and rushed toward Ximen Xue and others.

A burst of electric light in the air quickly caught up in the fight.

The green hair is not someone else, it is the great elders and whites.

With one hand in front of it, a sturdy giant rod immediately descended from the sky, surrounded by a khaki-colored halo, and smashed toward a heavenly battleship in front, and the momentum was amazing.

Everyone on the battleship of the heavenly court was shocked, and they rushed up the implements and fought in the direction of the giants.

Thousands of rays of light came together and turned into a colorful flood of torrents, which collided with the sturdy giants.

"Bang" a loud noise.

The khaki glare on the Optimus giant suddenly burst and turned into a semi-arc-shaped huge yellow light wave, which went down to the battleship.

The color torrent was immediately defeated in two halves and dissipated towards the sides.

An exclamation sounded, everyone on the battleship was in danger, and they fled the ship.


The heavenly battleship was hit by a yellow light wave and immediately broke from the tail and turned into two huge hull wrecks.

The Optimus giant wrecked a ship, but did not stop, and went to another warship.

Ximen snow sees, silver teeth bite, one-handedly raised the golden blade to shrink back, the body is golden, only one flashing, then came to the top of the battleship.

His hands clasped the blade and placed it in front of him, silently picking up the mysterious spell.

I saw a wave of invisible fluctuations in the whole body. If the wind rises, the black hair of her hair will blow up, and a huge golden human figure will appear behind him, and a powerful atmosphere will emerge from it.

After the Simon Snow Spell was finished, he looked up and saw that the Giants had already slammed down.

In his eyes, the cold light flashed, and the blade of the hand suddenly lifted high and spurted forward.

After the rise of the golden human figure, the shadows suddenly burst into flames, holding a hundred-foot-long Jinguang soldiers, stabbing toward the giant pole.

The sound of "铮" was sharp.

The tip of Jin Guangbing's blade is in the top of the stick of the celestial giant.


The golden two-color ray exploded at the same time, turning into a huge storm, sweeping around.

Whether it is the battleship of the heavens or the battleship of the Alliance of the Heavens, these forces suddenly rushed and violently swayed and collided. Even the gods who fought outside the battleships were shocked and could not help but wait and see.

Different from the celestial alliance, the battles in the heavens and the wars have become more and more panic, the heart defense has long been lost, and gradually lost the war. Many people began to fly away from the battleship and fled alone in the sky.

But before they could fly, these people were caught up in a colorful figure and swallowed into a green flame.


This fierce battle lasted for seven or eight hours, and the roar of the stars was gradually reduced.

This means that this battle to determine the fate of the Tianhe Star is finally coming to an end.

I saw the starry sky, the huge battleship wreckage and countless corpses floating everywhere.

Except for a few of the heavenly battleships that fled and left, most of the heavenly army were all here.

Above the wreckage area of ​​this stretch of debris, there is a slender figure surrounded by several people.

Its skin color is white, the appearance is absolutely outstanding, and the exquisite body shape is wrapped by the lining gold armor, but the gold armor has been broken, holding a strange sword like a sword like a sword, the above aura flashes slightly.

Not someone else, it is Ximen Snow.

At the moment, there was still a bright red blood hanging from the corner of her mouth. The face was very pale, but the look was still very calm.

On top of her body, a number of metal chains with green and yellow colors were wrapped around her, and she was tightly bound.

The other end of the chain was held in the hands of a group of gods such as Lu Yongzhong and Anwar.

"This woman is different from the general heavenly gods. The strength is extremely strong. You have to take it lightly. Let's fight together to kill it." Anwar looked coldly at Ximen Snow and said.

The elders have already lifted the body of the giant scorpion. At this moment, the face is also somewhat ugly. Apparently, in the battle with Ximenxue, they were also slightly injured. After listening to An Hua’s words, they thought for a moment and had no words.

"Well, let's do it." Lu Yanzhong whispered.

Ximen Xue heard the words, his eyes were slightly condensed, and the hand holding the blade was also tight.

"Please wait a moment, don't kill."

At this time, an eager scream sounded, and a figure flew from a distance, but it was Shi Mu.

Yan Luo did not know where to go, not by his side.

Ximen snow sees the stone to fly, his eyes flashed a complex look, the light flashed in his hand, but the golden armor was collected.

"What's the matter, Shimeng master?" Anwar asked.

"I still have some things to ask her for proof." Shi Mu explained.

I don't know why, Shi Mu did not directly explain his relationship with Ximenxue, nor did he say that Ximen Snow had ventilated him to rescue Wuyanxing.

"It is the order of the stone lord, then she will leave her a life first." Lu Yuzhong said.

Everyone also agreed.

At this time, the elders suddenly opened their mouth and asked Shimu: "Is the stone lord, who is the sacred friend who does not know how to fight with you?"

Not only him, everyone present was very curious about the identity of the smoke.

"She is called Yan Luo, it's mine... Hey, an old master." Shi Mudeng paused and explained.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that there is such a strong strength." The elders saw that Shi Mu did not want to say more, and no longer studied, nodded.

At this time, a colored shadow suddenly flew back from the distant starry sky and landed on Shi Mu's shoulder.

"Stones, chasing those who have fled the army can be exhausted, this time you have to reward yourself." Cai said while pretending to be gasping.

"Well, you can't miss your food." Shi Mu smiled and said.

"Oh, this is not..." Caier gasped enough. When she looked up, she saw the captured Ximen Snow and couldn't help but scream.

But before he finished speaking, he closed his mouth.

"Isn't this what?" Lu Yanzhong asked with a brow.

"Isn't this already finished? Why don't you go back, the wound on your stone is not light." The colorful child suddenly appeared and shouted.

The wounds on Shi Mu were indeed not light. Before fighting with Pilu, they had already lost a lot of minds, and then they played against the emperor. At this moment, the blood in the body was completely messed up.

"I have already hurt the veins and organs, and I need to go back to cultivation immediately. I can't delay it any more." After the elders glanced at Shimu for a while, they quickly said.

Ximen Xue heard the words, and the brow looked slightly toward Shimu.

"I don't get in the way, I hurt this... oh..." Shimu's words haven't finished yet, and the mouth is overflowing with a blood.

"Stone alliance master, go back and cultivate." Anwar frowned and immediately said.

"Yeah, the war has been flat, and the next thing is handed over to us." The crowd also said.

"That's the case, then there is work. This woman is still looking for a temporary look, don't make it difficult for her. After I have finished training, I will dispose of it." Shi Mu said.


Everyone knows that this woman has a very close relationship with Shimu, and the look can't help but change, but the mouth has all come down.

Shi Mu looked at Ximen Snow, and after a moment of confrontation, his body shape turned and took the color to fly back to Wuyan Star.

(End of Volume 4)

My official comic book of the same name will be launched in June. For details, please pay attention to @玄界之门漫画, and have the opportunity to get my autographed signature on the official Weibo!

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