The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 985: The way

Shi Mu looked at the scene that appeared in front of him, his brow slightly.

Not far from it, Zhao Wei’s face is also a sinking.

After the sand people completely climbed out of the desert, the vague faces turned and they all rushed toward Shi Mu and Zhao Wei.

Soon, there were more than a hundred sand people rushing to the side of Shi Mu, all waving their hands, and their feet rushed toward the Shi Mu, which was quite powerful.

Shi Mu has a foot on the ground, his body flies out like a power, and his hands turn around and roll out.

A golden arc flew out, like a sharp razor with the same handle, swept over the hundreds of sand people.

"Puff puff"

After a series of sounds, the sand people broke down and turned into a yellow sand, which fell on the ground.

The piece of light arc is not losing momentum. It rushes out hundreds of feet and smashes the sand people encountered along the way. In the blink of an eye, a large open space is cleared in front of the body.

On the other hand, Zhao Wei also rushed away from the direction of Shi Mu, and the long shackles in his hands kept waving, emitting a dazzling silver light curtain, protecting himself from dripping, and also a large piece of close-up. The sand man smashed.

However, the dust scattered around them almost re-aggregated again at the moment of landing, and once again turned into a sand man, climbed out of the ground, surrounded by the rest of the sand people coming in, and continued to move toward The two flew past.

It didn't take long for Shi Mu and Zhao Yu to be more than a thousand feet apart. Under the siege of the endless sand people, two encirclement circles were formed.

Shi Mu brows slightly.

In this moment of martial arts, he has already defeated more than a thousand sand people, but the sand people around him have no signs of abating, and even more and more killing.

Between the thoughts, Shi Mu suddenly felt a tight ankle, looked down, saw a dark brown hand from the desert, and grabbed his ankle, like a hoop.

The strength is not small. He lifted his foot and failed to lift it. However, this level of grip will naturally not cause any damage.

Shi Mu also pointed to the knife, swept an arc down, and shattered the hand into a dust. As soon as the step was withdrawn, he stepped back toward the side, and the stick in his hand swept in front of him, killing hundreds of sand people again.

Seeing more and more sand people gathered around him, his brows are getting tighter and tighter.

At the tip of his toes, the whole person turned into a streamer and went straight to the sky.

Then, his wrist turned over, his hands clasped the sky stick, and he rushed down and went straight to the ground.

"Bang" made a loud noise, and the sky was straight into the ground.

A circular arc of light is centered on the sky stick, sweeping away in all directions, wrapped in rolling dust and rushing around.

Within a few hundred square feet, a sandstorm was rolled up, and countless sand people were involved in it, and they broke down.

After a while, the sandstorm gradually subsided, and thousands of sand people were swayed by Shimu.

After doing all this, Shi Mu’s face was not so happy, but he became more and more dignified.

I saw that I had calmed down the desert for a moment, and suddenly it shook up, and the drum kits were re-emerged from the sand.

In a short while, he was again surrounded by a strangely blurred sand man.

These sand people are nothing to him, even a single blow, but they seem to be able to come out of the desert, and they can't finish it.

Although he was able to launch the attacking rod after the advanced state of the gods, this stick is a spiritual treasure. Every time it is consumed, it is not too small. Now that he is in this strange area, he has not figured out the situation. I will spend a lot of effort here, and I can’t really get it.

As a result, his wrist turned over and he took it up, waved his fists and rushed into the sand crowd.


I don't know how long it took, and Shi Mu looked at the dense sand people around him, and he couldn't help but smile.

He couldn't remember how many sand people he had killed. He only knew that he had rushed out in one direction, and he should have no less than a thousand miles. However, looking up, there were still countless sand people coming to him.

Even if you don't use any mana, you only rely on your fists to meet the enemy. Now you don't feel tired.

It is not the lack of physical strength, but the endless sand people and the unchanging desert, giving them a sense of ignorance.

In his heart, he even began to wonder whether this place is really the legendary five-line magic cave that can achieve the key to Xuan Gong.

After all, the situation here is very different from what I thought before.

During the thought, he punched and smashed a wave of sand people, and the other batch rushed up, giving him no chance to breathe.

"嗤啦" sounded.

Suddenly, his brow wrinkled.

From the beginning of the confrontation with the Sha people, he began to feel that the physical movements seemed to be a bit heavy, and the action was not as smart as before.

At first he blamed it on the consumption of his own physical strength, and did not think much about it. Now I think about it, but it is not.

Just before, he punched hundreds of sand people in front of him into a crush, and his figure was slightly awkward.

This has not happened in the past, especially in the face of such low-level sand people.

Shi Mu’s eyes were drooping and he swept over his arm, and he was shocked.

He suddenly found that the color on his hand was a little weird, and it looked a bit like the sandman's color, showing a dark brown color.

Looking at it again, he was surprised to find that these dark brown things were all subtle and extremely dusty.

It turned out that when the sanders were defeated, some undetectable sand dust adhered to him, making his body more and more heavy and his actions slower and slower.

It’s just that this change is too subtle, step by step, and his mind is placed in response to the endless sand people, not at all.

Until now, there is a more obvious sense of heaviness.

Shi Mu single-handedly whispered in the mouth.

A clear stream of water immediately rushed out of his palm, flowing all over his arm and rinsing all the fine dust.

After the dust was cleared, Shi Mu felt that it was a lot easier.

At this point, the surrounding sand people came back again.

Just as he applied his fists again to sweep the leaves in the autumn wind, after the sand people who had committed in the future swept away, he suddenly felt a boring chest and spit out a blood in his mouth.

The blood color is not bright red, but some yellow, and a bit brown, very weird.

In the shadow of Shimu's eyes, Jinguang flashed and looked into the blood, and found that there was a lot of fine sand dust.

It should be that in the battle, the sand is not only attached to his body surface, but even through the nose and mouth, into his body.

Shi Mu did not dare to neglect, the law in his hand fluttered quickly, and the chest suddenly lit up with a cyan glow.

A Qing Ding virtual shadow emerged from his chest, from which he split the blue spirit, and walked along his limbs.

After the blue spirits swam through the stone grazing body, they ran straight into the mouth along his throat.

Shi Mu, a big mouth, vomited a yellow blood, and the feeling of dullness on his chest also subsided.

After clearing the dust scattered in his body, the Qing Ding virtual shadow did not disappear, but the light became brighter.

Shi Mu is a little glimpse.

He thought that there was no vegetation in the desolate desert, and the wood attribute was sparsely spawned, but he did not expect that the wood attribute here was so powerful, but these spiritual powers were all scattered in the space, if not the power of the nine-turning Xuan Gong. The feeling is not obvious.

Now attracted by this Qing Ding, the blue wood attribute spiritual power, even from all sides automatically gathered together.

I saw a blue-eyed spiritual force visible to the naked eye, condensed out of the surrounding space, and rushed toward the stone-grazing side, and then merged into his body.

Shi Mu felt that the whole body was refreshing, but the next moment, he suddenly found out that hundreds of sand people who were rushing to themselves were smashed by a wooden attribute, and the speed of travel suddenly became slow.

He moved in his heart, blinking with one hand, and punching his fist toward a sand man's head.

A bang was heard.

The sand man's head was broken, and the body collapsed. It turned into a loose sand and landed on the ground.

This time, the color of the sand that landed was darkened and sank in the desert, and it was not re-formed into a sand man.

Shi Mu saw this, and there was a trace of gloom in his eyes.

These sand people are all earth-based, and they can be defeated by restraint.

He thought of this, the eyes flashed, and his hands suddenly swayed in the chest, and the sound of his voice rang.

I saw a wave of spiritual power in front of him, and a circle of round green light curtain emerged in front of him, from which there was a strong spiritual power of wood.

Shi Mukou sighed in the middle and raised his palm upwards, suddenly hitting a palm.

The round green light curtain went straight into the sky and suddenly rushed into the clouds.

The clouds slammed into the clouds, and the green light curtains reflected in the clouds, reflecting the entire cloud.

"Fall!" Lightly snorted in Shimukou.

Among the green clouds, there are countless runes slamming up and down, and the green light flies out of it, turning into a dense green light rain, falling from the sky.

A burst of sound broke through, and there were countless soots in the desert.

Numerous green light rains are scattered in this desert, passing through the bodies of sand people.

A series of "噗噗噗" sounds sounded, and countless Bens who rushed to Shimu first had a stature, and then blasted one after another, turning into a group of bleak dust and falling on the ground, no longer.

Shi Mu changed the attack mode and turned to the wood attribute spiritual attack. Soon, the nearby large sand people were leveled, and the color of the nearby desert became more and more bleak...

After half an hour, as the last burst of green light rain fell from the sky, the remaining dozens of sand people were defeated, and the entire desert finally regained its silence.

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