Liu Kun prepared the note, put it in his sleeve, said goodbye to the uncle of the Lu family, left the ruined temple, and rushed to Wuning Pass.

When he arrived at the city gate, he found that the city gate was closed and no passage was allowed.

Liu Kun asked a commoner to inquire, saying that the city was capturing important fugitives, so the city gate was closed.

Liu Kun had no choice but to return to the temple again and wait for the opportunity to enter the city.

The city is indeed arresting criminals. This time, Cui Xingzhou personally led the troops to catch the turtle in the urn.

His expectations were good, the iron ore was indeed inextricably linked with Yangshan. But now this iron ore has changed hands and has been replaced by someone else.

According to the report of the foreman who mixed into the iron ore, the former merchant was indeed related to Yangshan. But now the people arranged by Lu Wen have been uprooted and replaced with businessmen who have a good relationship with Agufan.

And there are signs of expanding iron ore mining. When the barbarians fought, they arrested many people on the frontier and made them work as coolies in the iron mines, where they kept mining day and night. When people died of exhaustion, they carried them out and threw them into the wilderness to feed the wolves. Today, the wilderness outside the iron mines , the wolves gather and eat every day...

The spy deliberately approached those mysterious businessmen. The accents of those people spoke with the taste of Huizhou's boundaries. They were obviously Huizhou people.

Guanwai iron ore resources have always been rich. But the barbarians can't bear the labor of mining, and they don't know how to smelt, so they can't make fine steel, and how much can they use for their own use? If they can be transported into the Central Plains for sale, they can exchange for real money to buy the fabrics and food they need.

And those who have the ability to sell fine iron outside the customs through many obstacles are by no means ordinary businessmen!

Although Cui Xingzhou did not hold down the real evidence, he also deduced a general idea.

Bone fans are good businessmen, and those who have the ability to cling to A Bone Fan are by no means ordinary people...

Huizhou? Cui Xingzhou thought of the unusually low-key King Sui who practiced with hair for a while. On the surface, whether it was the turmoil in Yangshan or the war in the borderlands, it had nothing to do with King Sui.

However, with the deepening of King Huaiyang's secret investigation, he gradually discovered that from Yangshan to the border, there seems to be King Sui's handwriting.

Cui Xingzhou pondered, if he didn't take advantage of the fact that King Sui was collaborating with the enemy, how would he talk to King Sui in the future, and settle accounts?

So they concentrated their manpower, mainly inquired about the clues of King Sui, and the effort paid off. Finally, it was found that the merchants who had secret association with Agufan had left the Wangqi tribe and were going to go back to Huizhou through Wuning Pass.

So when the group of secret merchants entered Wuning Pass, they were already like turtles in a urn, unable to escape, they were caught by Cui Xingzhou.

Cui Xingzhou had already caught two of them after eating a cup of tea in Liu Niangzi's pharmacy, and the other two were still fleeing in the city, relying on their martial arts skills.

But the King of Huaiyang is not in a hurry. Anyway, the gates of Wuning Pass are closed, they can't fly with their wings, and how long can they hide?

As expected by Cui Xingzhou, the remaining two merchants split into two when they escaped, each running separately.

The other merchant was nowhere to be seen. It turned out that the businessman had a scheming, after throwing off the pursuers, he actually picked a courtyard that seemed to be in a good family and ran into it. There were only two couples in the house. After the businessman entered the house, he used a dagger to coerce the couple, tied the two to gag their mouths, and then picked out the one that barely fit from the closet, and then hid in the house. Get up and prepare to escape the limelight before you escape.

He was hiding here, and he survived the whole day without knowing it. The soldiers searched the inn and casino in the city and found no one, and began to search from house to house, and then they caught him.

After arresting the prisoner, Cui Xingzhou borrowed the prison cell in Guannei to interrogate him on the spot.

So several businessmen were sent to prison, and the interrogation began that night.

The interrogator ordered the jailer to hang the four people on the beam, without saying a word, holding a barbed cowhide whip, dipped in salt water, and each of them took five whips.

This whip has a particular point, it is called the killing power whip. The whip is made of fine cowhide cut into filaments and mixed with forged iron wire.

The Inquisitor has mastered the whip. When the whip goes down, only a sliver of flesh is removed, and it does not hurt the bones and roots, but it can give people the greatest pain, and the blood is flowing.

As usual, after the five lashes, the prisoner's skin was ripped open and the flesh was blurred, and it looked like he was seriously injured. The prisoner thought that he was seriously injured, and he would die after a few whips.

But today the interrogators asked them one by one, but no one was willing to confess. Seeing that no one was talking, he snorted and said, "The human body is like iron and the fake is like iron, and the officials are like a furnace. I'll see how long you can last!"

After he finished speaking, he threw down his whip, ordered a few officers to replace them with punches, and beat a few businessmen like sandbags.

These businessmen know that they are involved in a lot of things, especially the people behind them are very powerful. As long as you don't confess, you will be the one who will die. If they do, the whole family will die.

So let the interrogator wait for all kinds of heavy punishments, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

The interrogator fought from the evening to the sun, and several people were covered in blood and fainted several times.

Cui Xingzhou heard the report from the following people, and said lightly: "Since the torture can't pry their mouths open, let's change. Tell them, if they don't do it this time, they will be cut off. The head, wrapped in lime, transported back to Huizhou, and questioned from village to village, they could also find their family members. At that time, the charge of fornicating with barbarians during the war would be enough to convict their whole family and beheaded. If they knew each other, , Honestly speaking, this king will try to keep their family safe and move to a foreign country..."

Sure enough, after the interrogator said the words of King Huaiyang, several people were a little moved, and after weighing the pros and cons, they spoke. The person behind them was King Sui.

Even the route of smuggling iron ore and how to sell it are all explained.

Cui Xingzhou looked at the lines they drew, and the methods of distributing the goods, all of which were so ingenious and clever that one could not help but sneer: "I didn't expect King Sui to be a master of business?"

The following subordinates in charge of the interrogation quickly added: "It is said that these are all the methods left by the previous merchants in Yangshan, it seems that Lu Wen personally arranged them, and secretly accompanied Lao Shanyu's personal accompany. The person who approached and arranged... King Sui was cunning and knew that there was great profit here, so he designed to eradicate Lu Wen's power and replace it himself."

Cui Xingzhou raised his eyebrows, it was Lu Wen again. The orphan of the former prince is not only skilled at chess and strategizing, but also has a business acumen. He really is an all-rounder! Even the wives and concubines beside him were taught by him to be very good. Looking at Miantang, you can see how dedicated Lu Ziyu, the master, is.

If it’s a woman, it’s hard not to be moved by such a capable man, right? Thinking of this, Cui Xingzhou's face turned a little colder.

He knew that Miantang before the amnesia must have given his heart to the thief. This is actually more uncomfortable than her losing her body to the thief.

But when she was kidnapped by the thief, Miantang was still young and had never seen any man before, so she was justifiable for the thief who held her life and death power.

Cui Xingzhou really didn't think he was worse than that defeated Lu Wen. Even if Miantang recovers her memory, she should be wise to know the choice, wash away the past, take the initiative to forget her past with Lu Wen, and live with him...

Although King Huaiyang felt that he should not be too concerned about the private affairs of these children and men, but on the second day, he decided to go back to the pharmacy to find Xunmiantang.

He has been patronizing the war recently, but he lacked time to accompany her.

Since he has figured out the iron ore matter, after Cui Xingzhou explained to the generals what to do next, he can take a break from his busy schedule and give himself a small vacation.

Because the city closed for a whole day yesterday, so that the officers and soldiers in the city could arrest the suspects, there were fewer pedestrians walking back and forth when the city gate was opened today. So much so that the pharmacy is rarely cold.

Divine Doctor Zhao, who had breakfast at a tea shop in the city, excitedly came with a bag of crispy fruits, ready to give Miantang a taste.

I didn't expect to see Cui Xingzhou sitting behind the counter as soon as I entered the store.

This made Zhao Shenyi, who was so excited, greatly disappointed. He looked at King Huaiyang with his nose and eyes raised, and said angrily, "You took my chair!"

Cui Xingzhou raised his eyebrows: "This is the property of the Cui family, dare to ask if you brought your own chair?"

Zhao Quan didn't like to see the appearance of Cui Qianfu getting too deep into the play, he just threw his long sleeves, sat on the opposite chair, raised his chin and asked, "You are so busy with border and customs affairs, you always What do you mean by going to Wuning Pass? And I’m here to help the people. If there is a patient in a while, don’t you have to make room for me?”

Cui Xingzhou was unmoved, but said: "The pharmacy will close in a while, and I won't use Brother Zhao today, you can go back and rest... By the way, I have a letter from you. When I got to my tent, I sent an urgent letter, it should be something urgent at the house, and I brought it to you."

Zhao Quan answered the letter absentmindedly, and stretched his neck to look around, wanting to see where Miantang was.

Listening to Mama Li on the side, Mrs. Li was a little tired these days, and she was a little sleepy after checking the goods this morning, so she went to sleep in the wing room, and didn't even get up when the King of Huaiyang came. Woolen cloth!

Master Zhao opened the letter and read it.

Cui Xingzhou, who was sitting opposite him, raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Quan's cheeks were flushed with anger, and he said straightly: "Unfortunate family! Unfortunate family!" Then he shoved the letter to Cui Xingzhou, and he turned around in anger.

After Cui Xingzhou looked down, he was a little puzzled, but still said: "This is a good thing, congratulations to Brother Zhao..."

At this time, Zhao Quan didn't see his usual condescending man, just clenched his fists and said, "I haven't had the same room with her for two years, what's there to congratulate?"

When Cui Xingzhou heard this, his brows gradually locked, and he couldn't help scolding Zhao Quan: "This is your family's business, so rashly reading the letter to me is not detrimental to her... Prestige?"

Zhao Quan was furious at this time, and said bitterly: "She still has a good reputation left!"

The reason why Zhao Quan showed it to Cui Xingzhou without hesitation was that he knew that Cui Xingzhou was tight-lipped, and he was not afraid.

He was most afraid of trouble in his life, thinking that if he told the truth, the family would be screaming and crying, and he felt a little eager to return to his hometown.

Cui Xingzhou waved his hand to call someone, ordered him to prepare a horse for him immediately, and arranged for Zhao Quan to go on the road.

He also knew that Zhao Quan had no idea, and read the letter to him, hoping that he would have an idea.

So before leaving, King Huaiyang said to Lord Zhao: "If you go back this time, don't play with your anger, let alone make trouble known to the whole house. If the month is small, you will be skilled in medicine, and you will know it yourself. What should I do... Although you have a shallow relationship with her, her father is the elder of the court in the court and the censor of the Imperial Court. If the trouble is too public, his family's face will be dull, and your house will hardly be quiet. "

Zhao Quan knew that Cui Xingzhou was for his own good, but now he was angry, he just waved his hand, and hurriedly walked on the road.

After saying goodbye to his friends, Cui Xingzhou ordered the guards to close the city gate, turned around and returned to the drug store.

I saw Miantang, who was taking a nap, was already up, her temples were a little messy, her cheeks were sleeping pink, and she looked like she was combing her hair lazily.

She just vaguely heard her husband and Mr. Zhao talking in the wing room, but when she got up, she found that both of them were gone.

Now that my husband is back, I ask where Mr. Zhao is.

Cui Xingzhou said concisely: "He has an urgent matter at home, so he will go back first."

Mian Tang was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Zhao Quan to leave so suddenly, and asked, "What's wrong with his family?"

Cui Xingzhou said lightly: "The concubine in the mansion is happy, he will go back to see..."

Miantang has heard that Mr. Zhao's family has a group of wives and concubines, so it is possible to become a father several times a year.

This concubine is happy, it is indeed a happy event, he naturally has to go back.

But Miantang thought that her husband and Mr. Zhao were the same age, but her knees were empty, and she couldn't help but feel a burst of guilt, and asked her husband if he knew that Mr. Zhao became a father, did he feel a little uncomfortable?

Cui Xingzhou said meaningfully: "It's not that wives and concubines are happy, men are also happy. You think too much..."

Miantang didn't mention it.

Her husband has always been so considerate, even if he is really uncomfortable, he will not tell her. Fortunately, she has been taking care of herself recently. Even in the cold weather in the northwest, her hands and feet will not be as cold as before. If she wants to have a baby, it will be smoother...

Just as she was holding Madam Tang in her arms, she saw that Cui Xingzhou asked the pharmacist to open the door of the medicine shop again, and she stopped: "Although there is no Mr. Sitting, there are still medicines, the shop is closed so early What are you doing?"

Cui Xingzhou said: "Yesterday there were fugitives in the city, and now I don't know if there are any leftovers. It's not right for you to open the door to do business like this. Wait until the streets are clean and your shop will open again."

Miantang felt reasonable and asked, "Then shall we go home?"

Cui Xingzhou said, "It's rare to be free, I'll take you out of the city to relax."

He always wanted to take Miantang to play, but the war was tense and he had no time to spare.

The Golden Armor Pass was stabilized later, but there was a scumbag in the pharmacy, Mr. Zhao, who was the pharmacy shopkeeper all day long, which really got in the way.

Now Mr. Zhao's house added "hi", and Mr. Zhennan went home to put out the fire. Cui Xingzhou was also happy to be at leisure, so he thought about taking Miantang out of the city to play.

Miantang is willing to hear it. Although she was an experienced worker, at the age of nineteen, when she was just having fun, she went home and changed into a short hunting suit that was convenient for horseback riding.

This suit is an improvement of the Hu people's clothing, and Miantang liked it when she first saw it in a clothing store.

After buying it, Mama Li skillfully helped her embroider delicate and elegant patterns on the plain cuffs and collar. She was also given a wide satin belt.

So the shirt with a wide waist originally appeared close-fitting and charming under the restraint of the wide girdle. The curvy and slender legs are paired with long boots with soft leather soles, which is really heroic.

Liu Miantang couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so he asked anxiously, "What? It doesn't look good?"

Cui Xingzhou still didn't speak, just said lightly: "No, it's beautiful."

Of course he wouldn't say that, the moment she saw Miantang coming out in hunting suit, she was thrashing the whip freely, and the indescribable aura suddenly made people feel An unfamiliar feeling of alienation.

Like a cat lying on his arms every day, not the woman in front of him...

Cui Xingzhou didn't like this feeling very much, so he took her hand and said, "But I prefer to see you wearing a skirt..."

Mian Tang stood in front of the horse with a small whip and smiled: "But you can't ride a horse in a skirt! I'll change my skirt to show you my husband when I get back."

After she finished speaking, she turned around to mount herself.

Unfortunately, her injured foot couldn't hold her strength, and she was discouraged when she was only halfway up. If it wasn't for Cui Xingzhou's long arm to support her, she would have almost fallen.

Not long after they left, a man with a scarf covering his face came to the pharmacy in a hurry, but after seeing the notice that the pharmacy was closed and resting for a few days, he stomped his feet anxiously, wondering why he was so small , just in time for the closing of the store!

Looks like a customer in a hurry to buy medicine...

The King of Huaiyang, when he led his men to survey the surrounding terrain a month ago, accidentally discovered a hot spring eye in a nearby valley.

When Cui Xingzhou found this place, he remembered what Zhao Quan said, if conditions permit, let Lady Liu soak in the hot springs to better support her hands and feet.

So these few days Cui Xingzhou called the soldiers to transport stones, built a small pond, and used a wooden trough to divert water, which could be used to warm the bubbles.

When Miantang came down and saw this place, she shouted happily from the horse's back: "Husband, how did you find this place?"

After she finished speaking, she came down, walked around the small pond a few times, and couldn't wait to ask Fang Xie to take the food basket, and took out a few eggs and bird eggs from it.

At home, when Cui Xingzhou said she would take her to the hot spring, she asked Li's mother to prepare raw eggs and bird eggs to bring.

It came in handy at this time, just took a thin small copper basin, scooped the eggs, and let it float in the spring.

Cui Xingzhou asked her what she was doing, Miantang said excitedly: "Boil the hot spring egg to eat! Boil it with this hot spring water, the egg yolk will condense in one place, but the egg white is thin and flowing, sprinkle some Soy sauce with fresh fish is the most delicious. Ordinary firewood can't cook it like that."

Huaiyang King carefully prepared such a place, originally thinking of the lazy beauty of Huaqing Pool. But who would have thought that she only thought about cooking eggs first!

But I brought her out to make her happy, so Cui Xingzhou also sat on the folding bed that Mo Ru had brought in and looked at her with a smile: "You remember to eat, who did you learn this from? ?"

Miantang placed the eggs, took the handkerchief handed over by Fang Xie, wiped her hands and said, "When I was young, my uncle took my mother and I to Lizhou, where there are many hot springs, Mother often cooks for me to eat."

Speaking of this, Miantang was melancholy again. I don't know where my grandfather's family is now, how is his grandfather's body and bones?

But before her sadness took shape, she was attracted by another beauty in front of her.

Cui Xingzhou began to undress and prepare for the hot spring. Although he wrapped his lower body with a long towel, his muscular arms and narrow waist made people unable to take their eyes off him...

Miantang was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't help but look up.

"Since you are boiling the eggs, I will soak them first, and then let them soak them for you later."

Miantang prepares meals for a while, but she is also absent-minded, and from time to time she peeks at her husband who closes his eyes and rests. His nose is high and straight, and his profile is particularly beautiful.

Just as Cui Xingzhou was about to leave the bath, the hot spring egg was cooked.

You can eat it with chopped green onion, add the fresh and tender hot spring egg, stir it, and the rice becomes warm enough to eat.

Miantang asked Fang Xie to bring out a pot of wine from the food box, and said quite solemnly: "This is the medicinal wine that I have been studying for a few days, especially for my husband's illness, you can drink it. , to see if it suits the taste."

Cui Xingzhou raised her eyebrows and looked at the brown liquor. She didn't know what disease she wanted to cure herself.

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