
Then he said with an embarrassed expression: "My lord, don't mind, neither my father nor I told the family about your identity, and my brother drank two taels of wine in the morning, and it was nothing for a while. …”

Who drinks early in the morning? It is impossible to stand up to the careful investigation of these words. However, Cui Xingzhou smiled slightly, and followed Lu Xian's words: "Since it's drunk, this king will naturally take it for granted... Since we are all a family in the future, we don't need to be too polite, and we can talk in the hall."

At this moment, a team of soldiers in iron armor and helmets came to disassemble the floats and transport things to the Lu Mansion.

However, according to the custom of Nali, standing at the door and shouting loudly according to the ceremony list.

Many objects are not packaged, and they are directly brought out for people to see. Whether it is a jade-carved lion, gold bracelets, and cloth, they are all styles that people in small towns have never seen before.

But Lu Mu knows the goods, and of course he can see that some of them are even items of imperial tribute. If it wasn't for Prince Sehun's award, where would there be such rare things!

As for the must-have seafood in the betrothal gift, it is also a special shark fin and abalone ginseng. In addition, it is said that there are also farm shops.

In short, if a liar really came to deceive the girl, these betrothal gifts would have sold the entire Lu family and would not be able to get them.

Also...the King of Huaiyang's soldiers and horses are camping not far from the Xizhou Mansion. There have been many soldiers in the city these past few days. How can anyone dare to pretend to be King of Huaiyang at this time?

When the betrothal gifts poured in, they saw that their father and eldest brother seemed to have no doubts about the identity of this King of Huaiyang, and that Young Master Cui was all fully armed soldiers. Only later did I realize that this young man with extraordinary bearing was really the commander-in-chief of the Northwest - Cui Xingzhou, who held military power!

The whole family was shocked.

Liu girl, what is the situation outside in the past few years? Why do you meet princes and generals one after another? And the dignified King Huaiyang really married her as his wife?

In the dumbfounded silence of the crowd, Cui Xingzhou had brought Miantang to greet Mr. Lu Wu with tea.

I don't know what method this kid used, but he even got his granddaughter to nod and agree. Looking at Miantang's carefully combed sideburns today, and her lightly swept eyebrows, there is no reluctance.

If she really wants to, everything will be fine over there. So he opened his mouth and said slowly: "This child, Miantang, has lost her mother since she was a child, and her temper has followed me. She is very stubborn. I thank the lord that he doesn't dislike her, and he fell in love with her. I also ask the lord to have more Haihan in the future, if she is really naughty. If you are not taught, just send her back to the Lu family, and I will discipline the prince..."

It is true that the female family members present felt that their parents were irrelevant. How can you talk about sending your daughter home in the future on the day of the engagement.

OK, I want it!"

Cui Xingzhou also understood that the old man was afraid that he would treat Miantang ill.

However, the grandparents and grandsons thought of one place. Before they got married, they thought about how to separate properly, but regarded the palace as a dragon pool and a tiger's den? If it was someone else, Cui Xingzhou would be furious.

But now he is begging for his daughter, so he can only say sincerely and solemnly: "Since I have decided to marry her, I naturally have to respect her and love her, so why send her back? Don't worry."

Lu Wu nodded and said no more. The next step was to discuss the future ceremony and many other matters.

Because Cui Xingzhou has not yet left his military affairs, and the return date is uncertain, so he did not nail the wedding date, but said that before the big ceremony, the Lu family will send someone to Zhenzhou to attend the ceremony.

Cui Xingzhou didn't even ask about Miantang's dowry geometry. He is marrying a person, and if he can get married, he can pay the dowry. In this way, there is one less step compared to the ordinary people's gift-giving steps.

Lu Mu took a chance, dragged his eldest brother out, and asked angrily: "Brother, you and your father don't treat me as Lu's family? King Huaiyang is such a noble identity, why not Let me know sooner? How can I make such a big joke in front of the prince for nothing? How can I go to relatives in the future? I'm afraid that the prince will be dissatisfied with me as an uncle! "

Lu Xian has been in a mess ever since he knew that two enemies who used to be swordsmen and swordsmen were engaged, and he regretted not telling Miantang badly. , It would be good to bury this matter completely... When he was in chaos, he heard his second brother complaining, how could he take such trivial matters into consideration? He just gave him a stern look and said, "What kind of relative is Pan? Miantang is married far away. We won't be able to take care of her in the future. You will find an opportunity later and apologize to King Huaiyang."

After speaking, she turned her head and left. Lu Mu shouted behind him, but he didn't see his big brother looking back. Lu Mu was bored and went back to his yard angrily.

When I went back and looked, Lu Qingying was crying. He asked Quan's family, only to know that even if his daughter didn't cry, her eyes were still red.

Don't think about his niece, if you bring it back sooner, tell me and give it to me..."

Lu Mu was self-aware, glared at his daughter and said, "You can marry if you are a prince or a mother? Don't even look at the appearance of Liu girl! Only that kind of national beauty can attract people. Prince Jing bowed his waist. You should just wait to be the daughter-in-law of the Su family!"

Lu Qingying said unconvinced: "Didn't it say that my cousin was living with someone before? If the prince knew, would he still want her?"

Lu Mu almost came over and pulled her daughter's mouth: "Little ancestor, do you think our family has done enough trouble today? Now that Miantang has such a good marriage, even our Lu family has followed suit. I still have something to ask the lord, about the things about your cousin, you rot in my stomach, and you are not allowed to mention a word!"

In fact, Lu Mu doesn't know more about Miantang's life on Yangshan Mountain than Lu Xian. That girl Liu was not very close to him later, she was only friendly with her uncle, and she told Lu Mu everything.

Lu Mu first met the son of Ziyu, and he also vaguely knew that the identity of the man was extraordinary, but after an accident at home, he was in a hurry to go home to occupy the family property, lest his father post it to the Liu family, so They cut off contact with Yangshan.

Because I don't know much about the grievances and grievances between Miantang and King Huaiyang, Lu Mu has no scruples about his eldest brother Lu Xian, and only wants to cling to this noble family.

Although Cui Xingzhou is not an imperial surname, he is much more powerful than that Sui Wang. Such a prince with outstanding military exploits has a bright future ahead!

According to Lu Mu's meaning, after accepting the ceremony today, he found an opportunity to apologize to the prince, repair the relationship between relatives, and then slowly talk to him about his water transportation business.

Because of Miantang's involvement, his recent money-in business has dried up. But she is about to become a princess, and a single leak in her fingers is enough for the whole family to eat for a year.

But what Lu Mu didn't expect was that King Huaiyang came here to ask for his wife. Since the marriage certificate was in hand, there was no need to stay here, so the day after the ceremony, he was in the The northwest army stationed outside the city set off and continued on its way.

And Liu Miantang was also taken away from Xizhou by Cui Xingzhou. However, before leaving, Liu Miantang handed over the boating business to the Lu family, but to the uncle of the Lu family.

With so many things happening at home recently, Lu Xian also saw clearly the second brother's greed, and knew what to do without Miantang. Now the Lu family has no other elders to support except for Zhou Ji, one or two orphans and widowed mothers, and the expenditure has also saved a lot of money.

And the dowry gift given by the lord was ordered by the old man. When the grandparents and grandsons parted, they burst into tears again.

Lu Wu told his granddaughter thousands of times, but he knew that it would be useless to say more.

When the brigade moved forward, Miantang was constantly looking at the long pavilion in the carriage - the old man had been standing there and refused to leave for a long time.

Cui Xingzhou, who was in the same carriage with her, stretched out his hand and pulled her back, put his arms around her shoulders and said, "It's windy outside, you've only cried before, be careful to blow your face. "

Miantang whispered: "I didn't say it before, you go to the capital, and I stay in Xizhou to wait for you? Why take me with you again?"

Huachangzi, just follow me honestly, I will be at ease when I watch you all the time."

Mian Tang leaned against his arms and said, "Didn't they all get married? Why are you worried?"

Cui Xingzhou smiled slightly, bowed his head and kissed her, and said, "I won't be relieved until you give birth to my child."

Being reminded by him like this, Miantang realized later that he has been staying in his own house for the past few days.


The speed of Cui Xingzhou's brigade is not fast. Basically, they set up camp in the morning and set off in the evening. If they encounter famous mountains and ancient temples, they will stay for a few more days. Although they are on the road, they are not tired.

Soon Miantang noticed that the main force seemed to be delaying its advance, so he asked him the reason, but Cui Xingzhou avoided talking about it, and just said lightly: "I haven't taken you to play, all the way. Walk slowly, just to take you on a tour of the mountains and rivers."

He didn't want to say, so Miantang didn't ask. She also knew that when Cui Xingzhou was sent to the northwest to do errands that others didn't like to do, he must have been unhappy with the court. It was rare that the queen mother wanted to ease the relationship with him and marry her beloved daughter to him, but he deliberately broke his leg again and politely rejected the queen mother.

Now that Cui Xingzhou is in control of the military, he will inevitably become the fear of the court. If the court intends to weaken his military power, then it will be a game without blood!

After thinking about it this way, Miantang is smart enough not to ask. Just follow Cui Xingzhou to play in the mountains and water, relax your body and mind.

Cui Jiu, who she knew before, because her identity was concealed, she naturally had more scruples when she spoke, so she couldn't talk about many things. But now Cui Xingzhou can relax and chat with Miantang about his past.

In the past, Miantang thought that Cui Jiu was good at talking, but now he found out that although he is a son of a prince, he has a lot of experience. The people were suffering, in short, he knew that she needed a lot more.

Liu Miantang admired the most capable people in her life. She already admired her husband Cui Jiu for reading books. It's a pity that he lied to the sleeping girl later, and his admiration was greatly reduced.

When looking at him, he always weighs the truth of his words.

Now that the two of them are engaged, they can no longer worry about the unrelated things. They were all very good, and those eyes gradually regained the glittering admiration in their eyes when they looked at their husband before, and they were also ready to learn the doctrine of sages and sages in books with her husband.

Cui Xingzhou was very useful to Miantang's adoring eyes, so she told her that learning is a natural thing to learn. We might as well learn from the pleasures of the bed and boudoir. There are many theories of the sages about this way.

He said it seriously, and Miantang listened carefully for a long time before realizing that he was teasing him with nonsense.

Such an apparently cold and dignified man would be killed if he played a hooligan, Miantang slapped his chest full of laughter and trembling in embarrassment, and at the same time he blushed and beat his heart. .

She also doesn't seem to know as much as he does when it comes to men and women.

Make up the numbers.

Generally, in such a situation, either there is a war at the border, or there is some major turmoil in the court and the opposition.

Cui Xingzhou also got a letter of approval from the Beijing spies - the capital has changed!

Long live has a strange disease, and it has not been very good. Originally supported by the Queen Mother Wu, there was no major disorder. However, the Queen Mother Wu actually became ill. At first, her hands and feet developed spots, and the roots of her nails were black.

Experienced imperial physicians saw that it was poisoned. So I started to check the Queen Mother's personal belongings, and after checking it, I found the tobacco leaves that the Queen Mother always smoked recently.

The Queen Mother's usual thing was dipped in poisonous juice, and she always smoked, and even her clothes were stained with the smell of tobacco.

All made Wan Sui's condition aggravated to the point that he was terminally ill, and the dragon's body could not be protected.

Now that the Queen Mother's body is becoming more toxic, this has been leaked to the bottom.

The Empress Dowager Wu was furious when she found out, and ordered people to check General Shi's family who brought in the tobacco leaves.

But the Shi family over there was prepared early in the morning. Shi Yikuan joined several generals and guarded the gate of the palace. Not even a bird could fly out of the palace.

Empress Dowager Wu followed the emperor one after the other, and the mother and son ascended to heaven together.

At this moment, the elders of the court came forward one after another, pointing to the inside story of the former prince's death by shouting grievances, and even more to the fact that the former prince's flesh and blood was preserved in the world, and it was General Shi's son-in-law, The emperor's grandson Liu Dan, who goes by the alias Tzuyu!

Where the Wu family admits it, they are also dispatching troops to fight the rebel Shi family to the end.

At the critical moment, the Empress Dowager stood up with a group of old ministers, and she was in a mess, and also stated the injustice of the prince back then. It also confirmed Liu Dan's identity.

So just seven days after the death of Long Live, Liu Dan, who was able to restore his true body, announced his enthronement, the reign title was announced, and the first prince was posthumously named Zhaohua Holy Emperor, proclaiming the world, proclaiming the demon Empress Wu was accused of causing harm to the country and people, promiscuous harem, and poisoning the world.

The so-called winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. The Wu family was enjoying the prosperity and prosperity, but lost vigilance, was plotted to change the palace, lost the opportunity, and could only let people pour dirty water. The Queen Mother Wu was described as a prostitute with countless faces.

The capital has undergone such great changes, and it is no wonder that the stage horses continue to listen to the news to the princes of various places, conveying the latest news of the capital.

Cui Xingzhou knew this. Although Liu Dan has the title of the first prince and later, his ideas are not powerful enough to shake the wind and rain.

Behind this, there are many plans by the Queen Mother and King Sui. The palace changes of the past dynasties are all dirty and bloody. King Sui left the capital early and stayed out of it. If Liu Dan failed, it would naturally have nothing to do with him.

And Liu Dan is just a **** of King Sui. Although he is in the upper position, he is just a puppet like Wanzai before.

Behind the curtain, there is still a queen mother sitting! And Liu Dan's body is really weak, not as good as the deceased emperor! After Liu Dan has finished all the dirty work, the Sui King who wants to come will slowly walk to the front of the screen.

If he helped the Wu family, he would definitely be reviled by the old officials. If you don't help, you will lose your duty as a minister. Therefore, Cui Xingzhou still adhered to the position of not standing, and only waited for the capital to change before arriving in the capital.

But to be honest, he didn't want Liu Dan to be in the position, even if he was just a temporary puppet. Thinking that Liu Dan had a secret relationship with Miantang before, always made people uncomfortable.

However, Liu Dan is now married and has children. When he thought that Miantang would marry a businessman, he didn't seem to have much reaction, probably because he had completely forgotten about Miantang.

At this point, Cui Xingzhou couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he and Miantang got married early, lest the new Wanzai want to go back to the grass.

Just as the northwest army was slowly advancing, a few galloping horses galloped past the official road, rushing towards the direction of Zhenzhou...

Let's talk about the Lu family, the King of Huaiyang has just been sent away, and before they can stop, the sound of the mansion door being beaten is heard.

Seeing the Lu family open the door, she immediately said loudly: "Quickly ask your master of the Lu family to come out and receive the imperial decree!"

At the door stood the father-in-law holding Huang Chengcheng's imperial decree, and he was able to take it easy, just jogging all the way to deliver the letter to the old man.

The palace, for the queen's female official, take care of Feng An, and even if you receive the order to enter the palace, there should be no delay!"

This imperial decree is just like the king of Huaiyang who hastily come to ask for relatives, making the uninformed hear inexplicable!

Although the female officials in the palace are not concubines, they are usually unmarried girls! Grandpa Lu dared to say: "The angel doesn't know something, the little girl is already engaged to someone else..."

The **** who came to pass the decree was told early in the morning that Liu Miantang had been married, and Liu Dan did not know that Liu Miantang was deceived into marriage, and only regarded her as an official who joined the army Family, but he also sent someone to stare at Miantang secretly, only to know that she seemed to be at odds with her husband and turned back to the Lu family in Zhenzhou.

So after he ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to announce that Miantang would enter Beijing as a female official. After all, she is a married woman, and rashly calling her into the palace as a concubine will inevitably fall into the ground. It would be better to ask her to enter the palace first in the name of being a female official.

So the eavesdropper was too eavesdropping to hear that Mrs. Lu had mentioned Miantang Xuren, but he was prepared to say: "The queen sees Liu's virtue, it doesn't matter if she gets married, just let her husband be happy. Let go, don't delay Liu's service to the queen!"

Lu Wu's eyes widened, even if this was the imperial decree, it really couldn't hide the absurdity of it. He had never heard of the emperor's eye-catching force announcing a married woman into the palace as a female official of.

So Lu Wu knelt on the ground and held back his anger: "Back to the angel, the old granddaughter has gone with the army and is not in the Lu Mansion. She has set up her own female account with the surname Liu, so Lu The people in the house can't take orders for her."

The county magistrate Li Guangcai also waited until the **** read the imperial decree before he knew the content of the imperial decree. He is really a big head, and he just wants to quickly fool these eunuchs and send someone to report to King Huaiyang.

So he hurriedly said: "The truth is what the old man of the Lu family said, Miss Liu has already left with the army."

The **** did not expect that this errand would be so unlucky. Now that Liu Shi was gone, he naturally wanted to chase him up and bring the commander's wife back to the capital.

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