The Sui King over there should have gone to Beijing. But now that his wife and children have gone wrong in the middle of the road, if he goes to Beijing, it seems that he is not righteous to his wife and children.

For some unknown reason, the news of his wife and children being looted spread a lot. It is only said that the bandits from Dongzhou robbed his princess and made him Mrs. Yazhai.

The crown of King Sui's head is full of green... But if his wife's name is absent, he has to redeem people with all his heart. Otherwise, it is rumored that King Sui wants no money and ignores the couple's love for many years. The virtuous names accumulated by eating fast and reciting Buddha's practice will be wasted.

So the gangster asked for money, King Sui could only grit his teeth to get it, redeem his wife and children as soon as possible, and he would also go to Beijing as soon as possible.

Now that Liu Hao's throne is also stable. After all, he sat on the throne with blood on his hands, and there are many people who refuse to accept him. At this time, the capital alone lacked a wise king who could balance the forces of all parties.

The reason why Liu Pei supported Liu Hao first was to use his hand to eradicate dissidents first. Compared with this prince who has been living in the people since he was a child. The identity of Liu Pei's uncle is beyond doubt.

In the study of the imperial palace, someone is persuading long live, not to let King Sui enter the capital.

The person who persuaded was naturally Shi Yikuan, who was familiar with King Sui's temperament. Now that he has transformed himself into a state husband, he also hopes that this son-in-law will hold the throne more firmly. His mind gradually abandons the old master and focuses on his own gains and losses.

Liu Hao sighed slightly after listening to the advice of the national leader: "Among the six divisions, except for the Ministry of Work, they are all placed by the Empress Dowager. I deployed my own soldiers to Sanjin, which stabilized the situation in the capital, but now there are increasing troops around Sanjin, but they are all the generals trusted by the empress dowager. Now the empress dowager misses Liu Pei, and let him enter the capital, I can't stop it …”

The reason he was able to overthrow the Demon Empress Wu family and the previous little emperor was because the Demon Empress was not well-mannered, and the way he came to the top was not right, so he always wanted to make excuses.

And his empress went to the Empress Dowager every day to greet her, maintaining a peaceful atmosphere on the surface. But in the past few days, the Empress Dowager has thought so much about King Sui, and no one can stop her.

However, Liu Hao knew that once King Sui entered the capital, the political situation would become more and more difficult.

But now the imperial court is like cooking a fragile fried fish. If you move too much, the fish will be fragmented. If it doesn't move, it will burn the bottom of the pot.

Liu Hao was walking on thin ice and could only be careful to maintain the surface calm.

Shi Yikuan also knows the difficulties of Liu Hao now. He said to Liu Haojin: "If there is a mouse in this rice warehouse, a cat will always be put in to treat him. If Long Live does nothing, the mouse will naturally open its belly and eat fat. A cat that only makes him jealous, how could he have the intention to harm people?"

Liu Hao frowned: "Who do you mean by the cat?"

Shi Yikuan raised his head and said: "King Sui is in the border of Huizhou, but he and King Huaiyang are fighting each other. According to the report of the undercover agent who stayed in Qingzhou, King Sui's wife and daughter seem to have been killed by King Huaiyang. The people who were sent out disguised themselves as gangsters and looted...I feel that only the evil cat, King Huaiyang, can control that evil rat!"

Liu Hao's face was expressionless, and he said coldly, "You should know that Cui Xingzhou is not someone close to me."

Shi Yikuan certainly knew, otherwise he would not recommend King Huaiyang. It is good to wait for the capable ministers who make the emperor feel bad about it. Even if he comes, he will not share the emperor's favor.

"The King of Huaiyang is rebellious, so naturally he is not a good minister. But after all, his surname is Cui, and he is not as malicious as King Sui. The king's sharp blade..."

Speaking of this, Shi Yikuan paused for a while and said: "Sui Wang will enter Beijing sooner or later, and now the forces he has cultivated in secret are intertwined, and even the minister's mansion has his eyeliner. This is also the reason why the minister asked His Majesty to step back before he dared to speak, and please make an early decision to avoid being constrained by the minister!"

Liu Hao was silent, his hands were already in one place. If he sits firmly on the throne and the destiny reaches all directions, then the person he most wants to kill is not King Sui, but Cui Xingzhou who has Liu Miantang!

Shi Yikuan looked at Wan Sui's expression cautiously, and said again: "Your Majesty's mind wants Haina, he is just one of your servants now, even if there was something unpleasant in the past, His Majesty will definitely If he can think of a solution, let him be willing to accept His Majesty's trend and do the work of dogs and horses..."

Liu Hao took a slow breath when he heard this, and said to Shi Yikuan in a pleasant manner: "I know Aiqing's painstaking efforts, and I will consider the matter of dispatching King Huaiyang to Beijing to report his duties. ... The queen has recently become pregnant with a dragon seed, and she often misses her mother, and she also asked the king to allow her mother to enter the palace to see her."

Only then did Shi Yikuan know that his daughter was pregnant.

Therefore, Shi Yikuan naturally wants to make his son-in-law's country stable, so that he can sit back and enjoy the success.

When Guozhang retired, Liu Hao sat in the study for a while, then stood up and pulled out a scroll on the bookshelf.

The painting is of a woman wearing a hunting suit holding a bow and arrow.

He has only recently heard about the situation in Zhenzhou. Liu Miantang went to Zhenzhou alone to save Concubine Chu, and the secret spy he arranged also reported to him one by one.

Even if Miantang loses her memory, she is still that brave and resourceful woman, and he will never meet another Liu Miantang in his life.

But he lost Miantang.

Liu Hao had a lot of insomnia these days. In addition to the court's intrigue, the yearning for Miantang also kept him up at night.

Cui Xingzhou can be called into the capital, at least he can watch her from a distance. Even if she can't remember him anymore.

The candle in the imperial study flickered, Liu Hao looked at the portrait in the painting, and his eyes became more and more obsessed...

There are people in the capital who can't sleep at night, but Liu Miantang has slept very well these days.

Zhenzhou has a lot to be done, so Cui Xingzhou has to stay in the state to handle complicated official business. And he would not allow Liu Miantang to go too far, not even in Lingquan Town.

So Liu Miantang simply lived with the concubine in the Hou Mansion. When the bandits entered the city, although they also disturbed the Hou residence, but later because they found that the concubine had escaped from the city, they did not have time to smash and loot, so they also left.

Mrs. Hou had lingering fears when she remembered the situation at that time, she held the concubine's hand and said that it was dangerous, and then asked the concubine about the renovation of the palace.

The concubine turned her face and asked Miantang: "How much will it cost to repair our house?"

Mian Tang took out a palm-sized golden abacus strung with pearls from her bosom, fiddled with it and said, "If the money is used properly, it is about the amount of a slap."

Mrs. Hou tentatively asked: "500,000 taels?"

Mian Tang smiled and said, "Because I still need to care for the deceased family and nursing homes, and the prince wants to take advantage of the opportunity to expand the mansion...about five million taels."

Mrs. Hou felt that the number was very large. As usual, for a wealthy family like the Huaiyang Prince's Mansion, it's naturally nothing. After all, the Huaiyang Prince's Mansion has always adhered to the style of extravagance, and the annual cost is comparable to that of the princes of the capital.

But she also knew that the Huaiyang Palace was looted, and even if the other courtyard still had money from the tenants, it would not be able to pay for it for a while, so she asked again: "Is there enough money in your house, what do you want? Don't you want the Houfu to provide some help to overcome the once-difficulty?"

The concubine listened, did not answer immediately, and looked at Miantang eagerly, waiting for her reply.

Mian Tang looked at Madam Hou and smiled slightly: "Thank you for your help first, the concubine and I are living here, and it has already exhausted Madam Hou's mind, how can I let you spend more money, I paid the money with my own dowry, so I don't need to borrow it for the time being."

Mrs. Hou knew the origin of this future princess.

To be honest, Mrs. Hou, like everyone else, looked down on the county magistrate of Huaisang a little, and even told her son Zhao Quan that if he learned the way of King Huaiyang , to get Lengzi to get a woman who is not a good wife to be his wife, then she will immediately lie in the coffin, and he will not be allowed to live in peace even if she is a ghost.

Madam Hou pinched her son's ear in anger.

But now it seems that King Huaiyang has really picked up a treasure. This five million taels of advance, this small county owner from a civilian background actually said that he could take it out.

No wonder Concubine Chu doesn't have the majesty of being a mother-in-law at all.

Hearing Mrs. Hou's words of envy and admiration for her lavishness, Mian Tang said modestly, "I've given everything I have. But the lord said that he will pay back more in the future, and he will also give me three cents of the money. !"

Mrs. Hou laughed straightly: "You young people are really foolish, you will be husband and wife in the future, what is good for money and not good for money!"

Miantang also smiled and said no more, she couldn't say that she bargained with the King of Huaiyang again, and adjusted the profit to four cents!

There is no other way. Now, in addition to the four loyal and righteous brothers inexplicably, she also has the old Yangshan clan who has not been gathered in the Quartet yet.

This mouth has to eat. That big boss is not for nothing, the sins that he has made, he has to swallow. She always has to settle these people, and can't let them fall into trouble anymore.

After listening to the concubine talking about her escape that day, Mrs. Hou's eyes on Miantang also changed.

This delicate looking woman is so brave at the critical moment!

In this way, she is still the lucky star of the palace, and the head of Huaisang County is much more reliable than the previous fiancée of King Huaiyang, Miss Lian.

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