The emperor said angrily, "It's not my daughter, how can I keep it for you? If you are fine, you can leave the palace!"

Prince Xiang is a bachelor, and he didn't go to the palace for nothing. He got up, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and pretended to salute the emperor, "Brother Huang, I'm leaving now!"

The emperor didn't bother to talk to him, turned his face away, and when he went out, he couldn't hear the little song he was humming, so the emperor complained, "Everything I like, there is no one that he won't grab. Why did you also fall in love with the girl from the Xie family?"

Lu Yan smiled slightly, and exchanged a cup of tea that the emperor hadn't touched, "Your Majesty, Miss Xie is very talented, has a good appearance, knows how to advance and retreat, and values ​​friendship. This time I went to Juzhou, and I was with Chen County again." Together with Wang, it is reasonable for Prince Xiang to make this idea."

The emperor stood up angrily, and was about to go out with his hands behind his back, but he had to stop and asked, "Did that girl say when she will be back?"

"I calculated it. It will take about a month. I guess it will be the middle and late February."

The emperor thought about it, "Arrange someone to report a letter to Xie's house, and also go to Fengzhi Palace to tell the queen, the queen has been thinking about that girl all the time. Just make a seal for the imperial decree. This time, the reward is just According to the usual double, it can't be too thin. The fief is counted as one thousand households."

A feudal city of a thousand households is already a lot, and it can catch up with the special county king Chenjun.

The main reason is that now Xie Zhiwei is different from before. In the past, a county lord gave 300 households fiefs, which is understandable, but if it is thin now, King Xiang will definitely not let it go. The emperor had to bear the pain and cut more meat.

Anyway, it's also a field where the fat and water don't flow to outsiders.

After the emperor left, Lu Yan came out of Linde Hall, and when he arrived at Donghuamen, Li Baozhen came over with the notebook in his hands, "Master, this is the memorial that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince sent over from Juzhou City on horseback."

Lu Yan took the booklet, he opened it, took a look, closed it, and said to Li Baozhen, "Go to Xie's house yourself, and tell me that the county lord is safe and sound in Juzhou City. A batch of supplies will be shipped to Juzhou soon. City, if the Xie family has anything to send to the county lord, they can sort it out and send it together."


Since Xie Zhiwei went out, the door of Xie's house has been closed tightly. Xie Tiao is so busy that the treasury is empty now, even Juzhou City, an epidemic that was strangled in the cradle before it spread, cannot allocate money.

If it weren't for Sibaozhai's raising more than 100,000 taels of silver, and Lu Qiling's ability in Shuntian Mansion, I'm afraid Xie Tiao, a clever woman, would be hard-pressed to cook without rice, whether it's medicinal materials or food.

In just over half a month, Xie Tiao's official uniform has loosened up a lot. He was settling accounts in the study, when he heard that Li Baozhen came, he hurriedly greeted him, "Eunuch, please come inside!"

"Master Xie, our family is here today, and we will congratulate Mr. Xie in advance, and we will come to ask for a glass of wedding wine in the future."

Who is Dongchang? Where is the supervisor of ceremonies?

In the capital city, even the princes, as long as they don't sit in that position for a day, they have to curry favor with the courtiers around the emperor. When have you ever seen the people from Dongchang and the Supervisor of Rituals curry favor with whom?

Xie Tiao, who was not showing any signs of happiness or anger, couldn't help smiling all over his face at this time, and cupped his hands to Li Baozhen, "Please tell me clearly, father-in-law, I don't know where this joy comes from?"

"Hahaha, it's just double happiness!" Li Baozhen didn't bother, and walked through the Yimen Gate with Xie Tiao and walked towards the main hall, "Master Xie, the county lord has done a great job this time. Today, the emperor let the governor The reward that the lord intends to give to the county lord will be completed when Juzhou City is unsealed."

It was Xie Zhiwei's proposal to lock down the city. Naturally, Xie Zhiwei had the final say on when to unblock the city.

Xie Zhiwei found a prescription for this epidemic, and Xie Tiao knew it. Because there is an East Factory in the palace, it is natural for the emperor to know about it earlier, but he did not expect that once the emperor knew about it, he would already have the intention of rewarding him before the court meeting.

The focus is on the word "seal". For a person like Xie Tiao, obedience has become an instinct, so of course he will not miss it.

"Eunuch Li, this is all due to the great grace of the emperor!"

"What Master Xie said is true!" Seeing Xie Tiao's excited look, Li Baozhen didn't care, "Master Xie, the governor ordered our family to come because there will be supplies delivered to Juzhou City in the near future. If you have something to bring to the county magistrate, you can send it along."

Fearing that Xie Tiao would wrong the county magistrate for the sake of fame, Li Baozhen pointed out, "The county magistrate is a little girl's house. This time, she has made great achievements and suffered a great crime. In such a place, there is really nothing to eat. No drink, now that the crisis is over, our spoiled girl really doesn't have to wrong herself anymore."

"Yes, yes!" Xie Tiao thought of his granddaughter. The eldest daughter of the Xie family is now in a plague-ridden place like Juzhou City. Go and tell the eldest lady, tell the girl to count all the things, and bring all the things that can be brought to Juzhou City, don't wrong the eldest girl, "


The man went down, Li Baozhen sat for a while, then got up to leave. Before leaving, Xie Tiao stuffed a piece of high-quality Chinese jade in the past, Li Baozhen did not refuse, and repeatedly said that he would come to Xie's house to beg for a drink in the future.

Li Baozhen, the No. 2 person in charge of ceremonies, has many people in the capital who want to invite him to drink. Will he lose a glass of wine? Moreover, every time he mentioned Xie Zhiwei, he was the county master. There are at least ten or eight county masters in the capital. If it wasn't for his family, who would call him so close?

In this way, it was Xie Zhiwei who cast his eyes on Dongchang. Unexpectedly, Lu Yan was still a person who knew how to repay his kindness.

The only reason Xie Tiao could think of was that Xie Zhiwei had saved Lu Yan's life in the Zhuangzi outside the city, so Lu Yan would take care of Xie Zhiwei everywhere. Xie Tiao would never have thought that it was because of the Xie family.

The Xie family has always kept these Dongchang people at a respectful distance.

I will not look down on them, but I will not deliberately curry favor with them.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Xie Yuanbai went to the military camp, leaving early and returning late every day. Xie Mingxi officially entered the ethnology after the new year, and she also left early and returned late every day. Yuan was making shoes in the house, and complained to Mother Tian, ​​"no wonder the daughter is said to be the mother's little padded jacket. Meimei these days Not at home, I seem to have lost my soul."

Grandma Tian was sitting on a small twig. She had just come back from the outside, stretched out her hand to dry on the smoker cage, and said with a smile, "Madam, there may be good news in the first month."

As soon as she said this, Yuan's face was already flushed. Last night, she was really thinking about Meimei, so she asked her to go to Juzhou City, but her husband disagreed. Unknowingly, his foot poked into the husband's bed, making him shiver from the cold.

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