Naturally, the young man saw Tuoba Sigong, smiled evilly, held a bow to compare with Tuoba Sigong, and then went down the tower.

In the handsome tent in Lingzhou City, Xiao Xun sat on the first seat with his legs slightly apart. There were a total of ten generals sitting on both sides of the table. Pressing the battle, everyone felt excited and excited.

"Commander, the last general is willing to lead three thousand troops as the vanguard, and smash the Xiliang camp!"

"Commander, the last general is willing to lead an army of 10,000 to attack the opponent's west road..."

Xiao Xun raised his hand and interrupted the discussion of the generals. He stood up, walked to Kanyu map, and shouted, "Meng Shaoqing!"

"The end is here!"

Xiao Xun pointed at a point on the Kanyu map with the horsewhip in his hand, "I'll give you a thousand cavalrymen, will you be able to get here at Chenshi tomorrow morning?"

It is about three hundred miles away from here, Meng Shaoqing didn't know what to do, but he had fought several battles with Xiao Xun, knowing that Xiao Xun used his troops to hide and disappear, he couldn't help being shocked, "The final general is willing to issue a military order!"

"Forget about the military order. After the troops are counted, set off immediately. There must be no mistakes!"


"Pei Wugui!"

"The end is here!"

"Defend Lingzhou City, and lead the attack after seeing the commander's flag raised, otherwise, defend the city tower to the death!"

"The last general takes orders!"

"The rest come with me!"

Xiao Xun put on his hat, walked out, and said, "One of the 100,000 Xiliang soldiers brought by Tuoba Hongxing, the Southern General of Xiliang Town, escaped. Whose army did he escape from? Responsibility, to receive thirty military sticks in front of the commander's camp!"

"Yes!" All the generals said in unison, the sound was like spring thunder.

At night, a total of three armies left the city from the south of Lingzhou City. After bypassing the city wall, they separated towards the east, west and north respectively. One of the cavalry teams was discovered by the opponent's scouts. Tuoba Hongxing heard Xiao Xun personally Leading a cavalry to make a surprise attack, he ordered troops and generals immediately, and took the initiative to attack.

Xiao Xun only has more than 3,000 cavalry under his command, and everyone wears silver battle armor. This iron eagle cavalry is a cavalry team built by Xiao Xun himself, and everyone is brave and fearless.

The mighty water of the Wuding River blocked the retreat of Xiao Xun's three thousand iron eagle riders.

As the sun was rising, Tuoba Hongxing saw the team in front of him stop. Not only was he displeased, but he was terrified. He raised his hand and shouted, "Stop!"

"Withdraw!" Tuoba Hongxing dragged his voice, hoping to stop this moment, but it was too late.

Behind him, there was a loud fight, and on Longshan Mountain, countless Dayong soldiers swooped down, slashing at the back of the Xiliang army with long knives in their hands, and the Iron Eagle Cavalry under Xiao Xun's command had already raised their swords. The sharp-edged spear waved and slashed at Tuoba Hongxing.

Tuoba Hongxing didn't dare to fight, the soldiers protected him and made a bloody road, broke through the siege, and rushed towards the camp, Xiao Xun's iron eagle cavalry followed closely behind, the black dragon on the handsome flag was terrifying, It seems to be going out in the wind.

Standing on the tower, Pei Wujiu saw the black dragon flag, knew that Xiao Xun had succeeded, he was overjoyed, he hurriedly rushed down the tower, ordered the gate to be opened, and rode his horse towards the attacking Xiliang army, shouting, " Boys, go, Xiliang is defeated, and the commander wins!"

Pei Wujiu was like a dragon entering the river, the Dayong army behind him swarmed out and directly tore the attacking Xiliang army in two.

At this time, a sharp arrow crossed the Xiliang army formation like a meteor chasing the moon, and went straight to Tuoba Hongxing. Just when the remnant army led by Tuoba Hongxing was about to join the Xiliang army in the camp, an arrow shot With a mighty force, it penetrated from his back.

Tuoba Hongxing couldn't believe it, he turned his head and looked back, Xiao Xun raised the hard bow in his hand, and said with a smile, "What you owe will be returned eventually!"

In this battle, Xiao Xun led 30,000 soldiers and killed 100,000 Xiliang troops. The main general Tuoba Hongxing was killed by an arrow, 30,000 of the 100,000 Xiliang troops died in battle, and all 70,000 prisoners were shot to death.

The news came back to Dayong, the emperor who was still recuperating in the Chifeng Palace was so shocked that he dropped the medicine bowl in his hand on the couch. He couldn't believe it, and asked Zhang Minghe, Minister of the Ministry of War, who came to report the letter again, "What did you say?"

Zhang Minghe was trembling, kneeling on the ground, sweating all over his body in the cold weather, "Lingzhou great victory, the king of Chenjun led 30,000 troops, defeated the enemy's 100,000 troops, wiped out 30,000 Xiliang troops, and shot the remaining 70,000 troops." Killed by the Wuding River, the ice on the Wuding River was melted by the blood of Xiliang soldiers, and the water in the whole river was stained red with blood, it was horrible!"

After Zhang Minghe finished speaking, he presented the memorial in his hands and handed it to the emperor.

The emperor trembled and did not dare to take it. Next to him, he stretched out a jade-like hand, took the memorial, opened it, looked at it, and handed it to the emperor, "Your Majesty, it is the memorial sent by Zhou Youjie, the chief envoy of Shaanxi. , Tuoba Hongxing was shot and killed by King Chen, and Lingzhou won a great victory!"

The emperor closed his eyes, "When did the report happen?"

Shoot the captives, seventy thousand!

What is Xiao Xun trying to do? He doesn't mind people criticizing him verbally, isn't he afraid of being recorded in history as an emperor?

It seems that I have been too lenient to this nephew to let him be so unscrupulous!

Lu Yan glanced at the time again, "If you go back to the emperor, it should be a month before the victory."

Zhang Minghe could already tell that the emperor's spirit was not good, the battlefield in the northwest was out of control, and the king of Chenjun was not an obedient person at all. One month later, who knows what will happen over there?

The emperor naturally thought of it too, he didn't bother to ask Prince Chen, he suddenly asked, "What is Prince Xiang doing after returning to Beijing?"

"If you go back to the emperor, King Xiang has been staying in the imperial prison. I heard that the prince of the county appeared in Lingzhou, and King Xiang doesn't care about Marquis Yiwu. These days, there is a new oiran in the Peony Tower, and the Prince of Xiang is in the Peony Tower every day. !"

"It's worthless!" But the emperor was still relieved.

Lu Yan hesitated for a moment, glanced at Zhang Minghe who was on the ground, and said, "Jiyi Wuhou is not very good!"

"Why is it bad?" A bad premonition suddenly rose in the emperor's heart, "What happened? Is there anything you can't say?"

Zhang Minghe regretted it very much, but it was too late to go out now.

Lu Yan said, "Marquis Yiwu may be a bit obsessed. He has been saying that he framed Lu Xiufu as a traitor and traitor... the emperor gave him a secret decree."

"Absurd!" The emperor was furious, "Could it be that he told me that the Marquis of Dingyuan was collaborating with the enemy and treason, and that's why I ordered him to go to the western border and invite the Marquis of Dingyuan to come to Beijing and defend himself in front of me..."

The emperor suddenly coughed violently, Lu Yan hurriedly stepped forward, stroked the emperor's back, and said considerately, "Your majesty, please ask the princess to give the emperor a needle?"

The emperor coughed so much that he was about to throw up his lungs, he waved his hands, "Since it is, since it is a madman, no need, no need to stay!"

"Yes, I obey the order!"

The second update!

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