All the people were busy protecting Ye Lizhuo, and all their attention was attracted by the mad dog. The mad dog was soon surrounded by guards, and all their weapons were stabbed at the wild dog.

It was too late to say, it was soon, brother Ye Liling saw the opportunity coming, knew that it was a good opportunity given by Tuoba Sigong, he hurriedly drew out the scimitar, and stabbed at Ye Lizhuo.

A cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and Ye Lizhuo, who was good at fighting, turned sideways to avoid it, but he avoided the vital point, but he couldn't avoid his own nose, which was cut off by a sharp machete, and he screamed in pain Call.

The Queen was also very surprised. Before she had time to recover, Brother Ye Liling grabbed her hand and ran out with her.

There was no way for the two of them to escape from the palace, so they had to hide in a side hall. There were ear-piercing sounds of weapons clashing, horrific shouts, and the smell of blood blew along with the new wind. It was disgusting until the evening. I don't know who it was, and shouted, "The emperor is dead!"

The palace change subsided.

An old eunuch found Brother Ye Liling and No Yi's family, Tuoba Sigong led people to welcome the crown prince, and Wu Zang Yepang led the imperial guards to surround the palace. He was dressed in military uniform and carried a sword. Walking over, he looked sharply at Tuoba Sigong, "Hand over the son who killed his father, otherwise, you and I will only meet with swords!"

Tuoba Sigong looked around, and said, "There is nothing wrong with you, you are just a guard at the gate of the palace, and the number of people is less than ten thousand, are you sure you want to meet me?"

Wuzang Yepang didn't know what medicine was sold in Tuoba Sigong's gourd, but right now, killing the old emperor must be Tuoba Sigong's conspiracy, he looked angrily at Tuoba Sigong, then at Ye Liling Brother, said angrily, "Dayong's soldiers are still surrounding the capital, and you are killing each other here!"

Tuoba Sigong looked at Wuzang Yepang viciously, "Why did you let the soldiers point at us with knives and arrows?"

At this moment, a cold arrow shot towards Brother Ye Liling, and a dim light flashed in Wuyi's eyes. Blocking the arrow, the arrow sank into her back and shot out from her chest. The severe pain made her extremely beautiful face turn paper white.

Brother Ye Liling quickly turned around and hugged her in his arms, looking at her in disbelief, she clenched her teeth tightly, her beautiful eyes seemed to have a thousand words, but she couldn't utter a single word.

She stared blankly at Brother Ye Liling, the expression in her eyes seemed to recall all their past, and finally, gray eyes appeared in her eyes, she slowly closed her eyes, tilted her head to one side, and passed away .

"Ah!" Brother Ye Liling roared loudly, as if he wanted to shout out the resentment in his heart, he hugged Wuyi's body tightly, then suddenly stood up, pointed at Wuzang Yepang and said, "Tuoba Sigong, didn't you say you want to follow the dragon? If you kill Wuzang Yepang, this Xiliang country will be yours from now on!"

Tuoba Sigong suddenly burst into ecstasy, really fell asleep and hit the pillow, he hurried forward and said, "It's not true that someone shot and killed the queen, committing chaos, an unforgivable crime, warriors, follow me!"

There was a lot of fighting!

Brother Ye Liling carefully placed Wu Yishi on the steps, then he drew out a guard's sword and rushed forward.

Outside the city, in Dayong's handsome tent, Xiao Xun stretched his legs leisurely, took a cup of tea, took a sip comfortably, looked out, his eyes seemed to look beyond the high city wall, to the palace wall Among them, Wei Mushan asked happily, "Master Prime Minister, tell me, what happened in the palace right now?"

After Wei Mu Shanxi talked with Xiao Xun for a few words, he didn't dare to look at him as a young man, shook his head, and said cautiously, "I don't know, I wonder if His Royal Highness Chen Wang knows?"

"I don't know, but we can infer. First of all, Tuoba Sigong must know that the prime minister came to negotiate with this king. What are the talks and what are the conditions? Do you think he will be arrested without a fight?"

Wei Mushan was overjoyed, and asked after a long time, "Could it be that he still wants to make trouble? Will the emperor let him do anything wrong?"

Xiao Xun smiled, "It is said that scholars have wronged the country. This is true. Since ancient times, the reason why the founding kings did not perish is because every founding king knows the principles of governing the army and is very knowledgeable. I know how courageous the generals are. In the city today, there are a total of 200,000 troops, of which no less than 150,000 are in the hands of Tuoba Sigong. Mr. Prime Minister, if you have such a heavy army in your hands, do you think you Will you be caught without a fight?"

Xiao Xun laughed loudly, he stood up, walked to the commander-in-chief's tent, and watched the banners change on the city wall not far away. "Master Prime Minister, tell me, at this time, who will be sitting on the dragon chair in the city?"

Wei Mushan looked at the handsome flag with joy and horror, and couldn't believe it, the blood on his face gradually faded away.

The soldiers brought the cloak to Xiao Xun, he held the silver gun in his hand, looked at Lu Yan next to him, and said, "Brother, Tuoba Sigong is handed over to you, okay?"

Lu Yan glanced at him angrily, and asked back, "What about you? Can you do it?"

Xiao Xun didn't know what he thought of, he laughed, turned over and jumped on the horse, and shouted, "Boys, go, go home after the war for the New Year!"

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The siege equipment had been prepared long ago. The Xiliang soldiers guarding the city were attacked from inside and outside. They didn't know how to deal with it. Soon, Dayong's soldiers broke through the six gates and rushed in.

In the palace city, Tuoba Sigong blasted out the brains of Unzang Yepang with an axe. He turned his head and saw Ye Liling was stabbed to death by a concubine who had no home. He was overjoyed. The army rushed in, and the smell of blood became stronger.

When Tuoba Sigong looked up, he saw the young man wearing a silver mask on a red horse. His narrow eyes were so familiar to him. There was a cold, cheetah-like light in his eyes, calm, sharp, and full of strong aggressiveness. .

"Marquis Dingyuan?"

Tuoba Sigong didn't have time to think about it, the young man had already jumped up from the horse, on the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, the light of the sharp blade condensed into substance and slashed towards him.

"Tuoba Sigong, die!" Lu Yan's soft voice was inlaid with a cold metal texture, and he attacked Tuoba Sigong.

A trace of timidity flashed in Tuoba Sigong's heart, but at this moment, there was no way to avoid it, he raised his two axes and rushed forward, the ax on the top of his head collided with the sharp blade of Fang Tian's painted halberd like an earthquake, and there was a loud crash. There was a loud noise, countless flames were hit and scattered, and both of them took a few steps back.

Tuoba Sigong couldn't help being shocked, he didn't expect that this young man who served the emperor all the year round would have a skill no less than that of Marquis Dingyuan back then, he chuckled, "The thing I don't regret the most in this life is to It was Yin who killed Marquis Dingyuan, and the one thing he regrets the most is that he missed you, a bastard!"

The third update!

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