Seeing Huihe, Ziyu took a step back in fear, bowed his head and saluted the Buddha's name "Amitabha", and was about to bypass Huihe and move on.

Standing on the street, Huihe couldn't help but shed tears. At this moment, there were two forces competing in her heart, one of which was saying, if you listen to your parents' arrangements and follow their arrangements, you will be able to Maybe there will be a good marriage, and another voice is shouting, you love him, you love this monk, you are pursuing your own happiness, what is wrong?

Huihe turned around, and she followed Ziyu, her eyes fixed on the traces of quitting incense on his head, and she walked persistently.

In the private room, only Xiao Xun and Xie Zhiwei were left, and the maids all withdrew.

"Mei Mei, I heard what you said just now. I didn't expect that you fell in love with me so early, Mei Mei. Can you tell me when it started?"

Xiao Xun looked at Xie Zhiwei nervously, he didn't really want an answer, rather than saying that he wanted to know when Xie Zhiwei liked him, it was better to say that he wanted to make sure whether Xie Zhiwei really liked him.

Xie Zhiwei looked at Xiao Xun, they hadn't seen each other for more than half a year, he had grown taller and stronger again, the youthful spirit between his brows had faded, and a touch of youthful maturity quietly emerged.

Xie Zhiwei put his hands around Xiao Xun's neck, smiled and kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Don't you know, how many girls in the capital have secretly expressed their love to His Highness, and I am just an insignificant one of them. "

Xiao Xun was very happy to hear that, and kissed Xie Zhiwei's lips dissatisfied, and after a long time, he let her go. She averted her eyes and buried her face in Xiao Xun's arms.

"Mei Mei, you are not insignificant, you are more important than life to me!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xun picked up Xie Zhiwei and went out.

The carriage was moved to the back door, Xie Zhiwei's head and face were covered by a hood, and she was hugged in Xiao Xun's arms. Everyone only saw a woman in the arms of His Majesty Prince Chen, but they didn't know that it was Xie Zhiwei.

In the carriage, the two hugged each other, Xiao Xun compared his chin, "Mei Mei, you have grown taller, you have already reached my place, I have to grow faster, so that you will not surpass me."

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "You have also grown a lot taller and stronger."

She touched Xiao Xun's body up and down, and asked, "Did you get hurt anywhere when you went out this time?"

"I didn't suffer any injuries, and the occasional injuries are minor injuries." Xiao Xun held Xie Zhiwei's mischievous hand. If he wanted to say that there was no injury at all, Mei Mei would not believe it, so she coaxed, "You sent it over there." The wound medicine is really useful, the casualties of this Western Expedition have been reduced by at least 50%, the soldiers are very grateful to you."

"Thank you for what I do?" Xie Zhiwei said shyly, "They were born and died, I just did my best, they are all Dayong's heroes."

The time the two spent together passed quickly, and when the carriage stopped in front of the Xiao Mansion, Lu Yan had already returned to the next door. After washing up, he refused the visit of the officials from the Jingzhao Mansion, and was reading a report.

"What's going on in the capital?" Lu Yan asked.

Mi Tuan said respectfully, "Li Baozhen is still sending news every day, the emperor's health is still up and down, and the document from the supervisor, Anxi Dufu, has been sent out, and the third prince and the fourth prince are now in the hospital. Running outside, a few days ago, according to the governor's order, let the fourth prince's people say good things about the fourth prince in front of the emperor."

"What did Wang Shipu say? How long will the emperor live?"

If this is the case, it is the crime of punishing the Jiuzu if it is put outside. Lu Yan asked casually, even though Mi Tuan had been with Lu Yan for many years, he was still in a cold sweat from fright.

"Responding to the governor's words, the doctor Wang said, please make arrangements for the governor early."

Lu Yan gave a "hmm" and ordered, "Pack up your luggage and follow me back to Beijing!"

At the reception banquet in the evening, there was an extra plate of sweet potatoes, which Yu Yingzhi planted this year. He took out a piece with great pain, steamed it, and placed it on the table.

After watching one person dig a spoonful, Yu Yingzhi asked excitedly, "How is it? How does it taste?"

"Sweet but not greasy, and full of satiety, not bad!" Xiao Xun nodded in praise, and asked Yu Yingzhi, "How is the yield of this sweet potato?"

"Your Highness, the yield of these sweet potatoes is very high, and it is very easy to grow. This year, I cut up a few sweet potatoes for planting, and they also took root and germinated. The fruit produced is no less than that of the whole sweet potato. In the future, if we save the seeds, we will You can keep the vines, or you can cut the sweet potatoes into pieces and save the seeds, and the harvest will increase even more.”

Yu Yingzhi was overjoyed. Seeing a sweet potato, each of them would be gone with a spoonful. Xiao Xun and Lu Yan still seemed unsatisfied. He was afraid that the two of them would have another dish, so he hurriedly said, "Your Highness, although this year's harvest is bumper, but If there is a large amount of promotion, there will still be fewer species!"

Both Xiao Xun and Lu Yan are human beings, so they naturally saw through Yu Yingzhi's thoughts, they looked at each other and smiled, and both felt that this person was worthy of use.

Lu Yan said casually, "Mr. Yu used to work in the Ministry of Industry, right?"

When Yu Yingzhi heard this, his heart beat wildly. Although he was farming, but with his own strength, it must be very difficult to expand the cultivation on a large scale. He had originally thought about borrowing a few people from the princess. Help, happiness comes too suddenly!

Yu Yingzhi hurriedly got up, bowed to Lu Yan and said, "I used to watch the government in the Ministry of Industry, and then I became a county magistrate in a county under the jurisdiction of Pingjiang Prefecture. After that, I resigned from office. I have traveled so far. If I hadn't met the princess, I would have done it today. Maybe the corpse is exposed in the wilderness, and the family is destroyed."

Lu Yan nodded slightly, "The two Jinshi scholars used to be Shujishi. Such an experience is really a pity. Most scholars are washed by scriptures. If there is no someone to teach them how to understand the world, they will be angry with books. I can't tolerate sand, these years, sir, I have traveled all the way, what have I gained?"

This is a matter of refinement. In terms of age, Yu Yingzhi is much older than Lu Yan, and he can be Lu Yan's father. However, at this moment, he really understands that between people, the level of talent is really important. Humans can do it!

Yu Yingzhi thought for a while, and said cautiously, "The next leaf is blind, the officialdom is ups and downs, and the capable ones prevail. It's like two armies facing each other. Only by going forward bravely and fighting hard can we open up a territory and make a difference!"

At this moment, Yu Yingzhi bowed deeply to Lu Yan as if enlightened, "Thank you, Lord Lu, for your teaching!"

Lu Yan raised his cold eyelids and glanced at him. He held the wine glass in his hand, picked it up and took a sip, "After three months, you should report to the Ministry of Accounts. I will give you a chance to let the You are the head of the household department, in charge of the promotion of sweet potatoes, and after three years, if you can do something, even if there is even a piece of land in the northwestern prefectures to grow sweet potatoes, I will promote you to Yuanwailang."

The second update!

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