After Linghua returned home, Xie Zhiwei focused on Xiao Ke's marriage.

At Prince Xiang’s Mansion, Xie Zhiwei has already delivered the letter that should be delivered. As for who will move here and who won’t, she doesn’t care if Prince Xiang doesn’t speak. Very powerful.

When Xie Zhiwei left the capital, he handed over the imperial concubine of the mansion to Concubine Yu. The original consideration was that Concubine Yu was very strong-tempered and had no son. In the future, she would depend on her son to live. Even if she had a different heart, she would not go too far.

The mansion was indeed well-managed by Concubine Yu, of course, she did not miss the benefits she deserved. Taking advantage of this time, she promoted a lot of her own people to be in charge, and these people did not show less filial piety to her on weekdays.

In just two or three years, she has also accumulated no less than ten thousand taels of silver, which will be needed in the future to buy a dowry for her daughter and keep some for old age.

Xie Zhiwei asked people to send the letter back, but she was very upset. The current living conditions are quite good, so why change it? Although the prince is not here, what does it matter if he is there or not? She is over 30 years old, does she still expect to be able to sleep with the prince and give birth to a son and a half?

Back in the yard, Mrs. Yu sat alone for a long time, and the nurse next to her gave her advice, "The lord didn't bring a letter back anyway, the prince got married, and there was a county magistrate to take care of him, and the side concubine went only to lay hands on it. Just send the gift I gave, and it will be over. There is no need to rush to move there for a while, look, how about this?"

Before Mrs Yu could make a decision, her daughter came, Xiao Lingjing was fourteen years old, and she hadn't made a kiss yet.

There is no concubine in the palace, and Yu Shi managed to give it to her in the palm of her hand. She originally thought that if there were any banquets, she could take her daughter out for more walks.

In previous years, there were quite a lot of spring wines and flower parties in the four seasons. Who would have thought that in the past two years, there were not many banquets in the capital. Even if some people have weddings and funerals, and drink wine for three full moons, even if a post is sent to the palace, and she takes her daughter there, not many people will respond.

She's still a bit weaker.

The lord is not at home, and the lord can't see that others are fawning on her, so why bother with the concubine?

Seeing her mother frowning, Xiao Lingjing was very puzzled, "Mother, the Princess sent a letter saying that the palace over there has been repaired, we can move there, why are you not happy?"

Xie Zhiwei asked someone to bring a letter, but it was a oral message, and all the maids and women who served inside and outside the house heard it, and in less than a cup of tea, there was no one in the palace who didn't know.

Yu Shi was so worried, she thought about it, and told her daughter the truth, "The son will marry a wife soon, and the palace will definitely be handed over to the concubine in the future. After the mother passes away, there is nothing to talk about at home, and it's not like Now, if you want something, just ask and I'll get it for you."

Only then did Xiao Lingjing understand what her mother meant. She thought that since her mother became the head of the house, she had more clothes and jewelry than before. Every time she wore them out, although the second and fourth sisters didn't say anything, she could still see them. The envy in their eyes.

"Mother, then we won't move there. Whether they move or not, let them go."

Yu decided to ask Concubine Ma and Concubine Zhong, if they could make an appointment and not move, and maintain the current state, things would be much easier.

Concubine Zhong got the news, and she knelt in the small Buddha hall in a daze, as if the Buddha could help her decide this matter.

Xiao Lingyue came in from the outside and asked Nanny, "Where's mother?"

The nanny glanced inside, "The side concubine is paying respects to the Buddha, and she has been in for an hour."

Xiao Lingyue was already ten years old and knew a lot of things. She was wearing a summer shirt with short sleeves. She went to the door of the Small Buddha Hall and took a look. He asked, "Did mother ever say whether to go to Yanjing City or stay in the mansion?"

The princess sent someone to bring a message, only saying that the palace over there can already be moved in. If they want to move, they can move now. Does the implication mean that if they don't want to move there, they still don't have to move.

Nanny knew that the side concubine was not a worry person, so she asked Xiao Lingyue, "The side concubine didn't say anything, but what does the fourth girl think?"

Xiao Lingyue came here to discuss with her mother. She took a sip of the tea served by the maid, "Of course I still have to move there."

What's the matter with staying here? She entered the women's school in Huanxiyuan last year and studied piano with Lin Yueying.

I heard that the princess has invited four female masters to set up a female school in Yanjing City. The location has been selected. The four female masters are already tempted by the Taoyuan Academy behind the imperial garden. Recently, they have been discussing moving there as soon as possible every day.

The girls' school here in the capital city was proposed by the former empress, except for the land, when she was alive, she never gave out a tael of silver. If it weren't for the Xie family, this girls' school would have been closed for a long time. down.

She asked her husband why the princess invited them to set up a women's school in Yanjing City. The husband said that the capital should be moved to Yanjing City in the future. They are going now. There must be one or two people who follow them. One, as much as you can follow in the past, that's how much.

After all, the gentlemen are still helping the princess.

What they value is the princess, and she is the sister-in-law of the princess anyway, not to mention helping the eldest brother, even if her father is there, even if she is doing her filial piety, she should move to Yanjing City instead of being far away. stay here.

When Zhong heard her daughter's voice, she woke up. When she got up, her legs were numb and she almost fell. She stood on the ground for a while, and slowly got up.

Xiao Lingyue heard the movement in the small Buddha hall, hurried over, helped her mother up, "Mother, you are old, you should not kneel for such a long time in the future, if something happens, the Buddha will watch it from the sky I’ll be sorry when I get there.”

Concubine Zhong smiled, "Why are you here?"

"Daughter heard that there was a letter from Yanjing, and came to ask mother, when are we going to leave?"

Concubine Zhong was startled and hungry, "Do you want to move there?"

"Mother doesn't want to?"

"I haven't figured it out yet."

Just as he was talking, Concubine Yu's servant girl came outside and said that Concubine Zhong had something to ask Concubine Zhong to go over to discuss. In the meeting hall, Concubine Zhong guessed that it was about moving to Yanjing.

When she passed by, Concubine Ma and Concubine Yu had already arrived, and she didn't know how long they had been waiting. Concubine Ma was very upset, and said in a strange way, "You are always so slow, and everything is slower than others. hurry up?"

Without the person in charge in this family, it will be a chaotic world. Whoever is more powerful will have the right to speak.

Concubine Yu picked up the tea and drank it, as if she hadn't heard it, she was just appointed by the princess as a concubine, but she was not a concubine, so she was not qualified to say anything.

Today's update!

Dear friends, Piao Piao let's go!

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