"I'm very interested in Mr. Su Ye, I want to know about Mr. Su Ye."

After finishing speaking, the girl from the Bear Country, that is, Alina Scheres, did not forget to look back and smile at Su Ye who was astonished.

Then she sat down gently, and every move she made carried the innate noble temperament of a lady.

And at the next moment, after hearing the girl's introduction, the entire classroom immediately erupted into exclamations.

"I just said, why does this girl from Xiong Country look so familiar? It turns out that she is really that princess!"

"Alina Sheres! It's really her! The real person looks more beautiful and charming than the TV! Her mother is from the Dragon Kingdom, and her father is from the Xiong Kingdom. She is an authentic mixed-race beauty, and she seems to be the only SS who has awakened in the Xiong Kingdom this year. Is it a super evildoer?"

"My grandfather is one of the ten most powerful human beings, the god of the Xiong Kingdom, the granddaughter of the King of Heroes, he must have good aptitude!"

"But why didn't she study at the Federal Holy University in Xiong Country, but came to our Dragon Country?"

"Long Guo and Xiong Guo are originally allies, and according to my father, the principal of our college seems to have a little friendship with the King of Heroes, so it's not surprising to come to Jiangnan to study."

"But why do I feel that, looking at her speech just now, she came here for Su Ye..."

"Naturally, I'm from Linhai Base City next door, and I came to sign up because of Brother Ye's fame."


In the classroom, many students were discussing in low voices, and most of the boys cast admiring glances at Elina.

She is really a mixed-race beauty, really attractive, the true nature of a man, definitely not their lsp!


It wasn't until Tang Yun spoke that the teacher quieted down.

Geniuses from various regions stood up and introduced themselves one by one.


Then came a young man wearing a kimono, with shoulder-length black hair and a feminine face, and stood up.

Introduced in the slightly awkward Longguo dialect: "Lori Jiantai, from the Sakura country, the ability is a rapid multiplication of S-level in the regular system. Because my father will work in the Jiangnan Night Watch Organization for a period of time, so he studied in Jiangnan. My hobby is kendo and challenging the strong, my wish is to spread the kendo of Sakura country all over the world, and make the kendo of Sakura country the number one swordsmanship in the world!"

As he spoke, he sat down with a cold and aloof expression.

He was another student from abroad, and he was one of those little... guys from Sakura Country who had a pretty good life.

Talking is even more crazy!

Let Sakura Country's kendo become the world's number one swordsmanship?

Many students scoffed at this.

Although you are an S-level genius, but you don't even have any soul-type sword abilities, how can you become the world's number one swordsmanship?

Have you asked Miss Xuan'er in the base city of the magic capital of the Dragon Kingdom?

Of course, they would not say these words in person.

Their Longguo people's way of hospitality is that one person will not offend me, and I will not offend others.

This Lori sword too did not slander their Dragon Kingdom verbally, so there is no need to hold too much hostility towards it.

There are even some students who are very curious about Sakura Country because of its animation culture.

Of course, talking about anime culture is actually just learning a few words of Sakura Mandarin from it.

for example…

Common languages ​​for boys such as Ya Die, Yada, and Ki Moqi.

After Lori Kenta sat down, the next student immediately took over the introduction.

Half an hour later, Zhou Ziyun finished her introduction in a daze, and it happened to be Su Ye's turn to be next.

In an instant, all the students, including Alina and Lori Jiantai, the two talents from other countries, all looked at Su Ye.

That group of different gazes appeared again, but this time, among these gazes, there were some shy gazes from a little girl, secretly staring at Su Ye, not knowing what was going on in his little head.

Su Ye's big name!

They already understood it yesterday.

Divine talent!

The eleventh sss-level existence of mankind!

That sacred and spectacular vision crushed all the geniuses of the same class until there was not even a scum left.

There is no doubt that at yesterday's awakening ceremony, this Su Ye was the most beautiful cub in the world!

And looking at the way he was looking for a seat just now, it is obvious that he has definitely obtained a supernatural ability that fits his current situation!

I just don't know what the specific effect of this ability is.

Being watched like this, Su Ye didn't panic, and even felt deeply.

As if returning to the high school in the previous life, I lowered my head and nervously introduced myself that day.

A breath called youth suddenly poured into his chest, and he stood up with a chuckle on his face: "Hi everyone, my name is Su Ye, I am from Lingzhou District in the south of the Yangtze River, and the power is a special sss-level fluctuation power. If you like it, I didn’t pay much attention to some eye problems before, but now that I can regain my vision, I think I should look for some interesting hobbies.”

Too short for a brief introduction.

Volatility power!

Is this the name of that god-level ability?

Pretty domineering!

Many students looked at Su Ye with anticipation.

I just don't know what the power and effect of this ability is.

Does it have a wide range of damage like the elemental system? Or is it as lethal as the weapon soul system?

Or the extremely weird one?

It's unbearable!

"Now that the introduction is complete, let's start practicing spiritual guidance."

On the podium, Tang Yun patiently explained to the students: "I think many of you already know the function of the spiritual guidance technique. You can sense the spiritual mist of heaven and earth, and then use the special ability to use the spiritual guidance technique. The channeling method is absorbed and transformed, and finally condensed into the spiritual energy that activates the supernatural power. This is the reason why we awakened ones can evolve and grow, and finally have no fear of evil!

As for the absorption and transformation of spiritual energy guidance, the spiritual energy obtained by each person is different. The higher the level of the power, the faster and more the speed and amount of absorption of the spiritual mist of the world, and the transformed spiritual energy The quality is naturally more terrifying..."

As she said that, Tang Yun looked at Su Ye and said with a smile: "For example, Su Ye, if he uses his sss-level god-level ability to absorb and transform the spiritual mist of heaven and earth, the speed and quality will be difficult for ordinary awakened people to achieve. Progress will be very fast!"

After saying that, all the students cast envious eyes on Su Ye.

It's good to be a god-talented person, and they are far ahead of them in the first place!

The same psionic channeling technique, different talents, but there is a world of difference, despair.

Thinking about it, there are only a dozen or so s-level talents in the class and ss-level talents like Alina.

Can you barely keep up with Su Ye's footsteps?

After a while, Tang Yun's voice came again.

"The speed of progress in the first practice of spiritual guidance is the fastest. The strongest recorder of the first practice of spiritual guidance in human history is the senior sword master of our Dragon Kingdom. He has never had any spiritual powers. Cultivation has crossed to the early stage of the silver realm in one fell swoop, and almost entered the middle stage, and the spiritual energy penetrates into the internal organs!

A week later, it will be your new trial, so you must treat this first practice well, and try not to face Xie Chong in the trial, and you will not even have the power to fight back. Okay, come up now Get a copy of Psychic Guidance. "

Below, I heard that the first practice is so important, and there is still a week to go to the trial to face Xie Chong.

Everyone's expression became a little tense.

Unlike these talented young men and women, Su Ye was secretly happy.

His Asura's 20 progress in the early stage has not been unlocked yet, so he just took advantage of this opportunity to increase it all at once.

Once the progress is unlocked, not only can the ability of the template be improved, but also his physical fitness, soul strength, and even the realm of spiritual power will be enhanced in all aspects!

I don't know, after unlocking the progress of 20, whether the god talent who is also sss level can reach the level of the senior sword master who maintains the strongest record, or even...


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