On the loess flat ground, dust and mist filled the air.

The silhouettes of black shadows loomed under the moonlight, and they were slowly approaching in an enveloping manner.

Looking for the source, after smelling Su Ye's human breath.

This first-order evil chong with different heads and heads was obviously stunned for a moment, and the next moment...

Jie Jie Jie~~

hiss hiss...

woo woo woo...!



They all let out greedy and cheerful cries, and then they all violently burst into flames, scrambling to be the first to speed up the rush.

Like Su Ye, they were excited.

In the past, if they gathered together like they are now, they would definitely fight and devour each other.

But compared with human flesh and blood, the same kind is a piece of shit!

"Yes, that's right."

In the center of the loess, Su Ye grinned with satisfaction when he noticed a group of evil cults who looked like mad dogs.

Losing his wit means that he can kill a lot and kill well. If this group of evil spirits scattered and fled in all directions, wouldn't this wave of monsters be for nothing?

Therefore, a quick decision must be made!

"Wave engraving."

With a low murmur, a golden rune imprint immediately appeared above Su Ye's head, spinning slowly.

Feeling the surging power of fluctuations in his body, before all the evil spirits approached, he lightly slashed at the densest shadow.


A saber blare resounded, and a long and narrow wave of saber air swept away for tens of meters!


The air was cut in an instant, making a sharp tearing sound.

In the blink of an eye, the saber energy has already submerged into the haze with a destructive momentum, only to hear...

Puff puff puff puff puff puff...!

The sound of a large piece of flesh being cut was heard one after another, and the pitch-black blood was flying, accompanied by Xie Chong's shrill scream.

"Ding! The host killed the first-order evil ogre and obtained 160 energy points."

"Ding! The host killed the first-order Xie Chong imp, and got 265 energy points."

"Ding! The host killed the first-order evil snake worshiper and obtained 176 energy points."

"Ding! The host kills the rotten spirit of the first-order evil and gets 230 energy points."

"Ding! The host killed the first-order evil..."


It took only a moment, before the dust and mist that filled the sky cleared.

Dozens of Xie Chong died under this lightning-fast saber energy.

However, even so, driven by greed and desire, this group of low-intelligence evil chongs still broke through the dust and hunger to surround Su Ye, even faster and faster.

But what greeted them was more and more terrifying golden sword aura, and...

"Earth Fissure... Wave Sword!"

The power of fluctuations in the body surged wildly. After the previous wave of sword energy killed another wave of Xie Chong, Su Ye accumulated power for a few seconds, and swung the dark gold long knife with both hands from bottom to top.

A piece of saber energy with a length of hundreds of meters, like a golden wave, immediately clings to the ground and rushes forward!

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka...

Shocking ravines were plowed out of the khaki mud in an instant.

The small group of Xie Chong who rushed forward were also shrouded by the Earth Fissure Wave Sword, and were directly smashed to pieces by the wave of sword energy!

"It seems... don't worry about this kid."

The tall and thin mentor in the distance stared blankly at the dilapidated land destroyed by the wave sword, and went numb.

This shit is a dimensionality reduction blow!

Let's not talk about the wave attack like a sea of ​​golden knives.

That alone is enough to kill the golden long and narrow saber aura in the early stages of the ordinary golden state.

It's not something that the first-level Xie Chong can take over, and the second-level Xie Chong will have to be chopped up!

Textbook-like dimensionality reduction strike!

The principal and his old man are right, Su Ye's actual combat power has really reached the golden level!

It's not even early days.

Most likely mid-term, or even...higher!

Completely relieved, the tense mood of the tall and thin instructor was completely relaxed, and he looked amazed: "Such a talent, I am afraid that it will not be long before they can enter the Tianjiao trial camp across the country, right?"

Just like Mo Ningshuang in the previous two years, after only one year of study at the Federal University, she entered the Tianjiao Trial Camp.

And Su Ye, I'm afraid it will be faster and more outrageous!

This time on the other side.

Just after Yu Jin passed through the Earth Fissure Wave Sword, with Su Ye as the center, within a radius of tens of meters has completely become a death zone.

buzz buzz...

Before Xie Chong could get close to Su Ye's 20-meter range, he was precisely killed by waves of undulating saber energy!

Either being beheaded or cut in half, the stumped limbs and arms are lying on the ground, the smelly blood is flowing, and there is a disgusting smell. Such a scene is like a Shura hell!

Until ten minutes passed.

Su Ye put away the dark gold long knife with a smile on his face: "In less than half an hour, nearly two hundred heads, not bad."

A total of 164 first-level evil spirits gave him 28156 energy points, nearly 30,000!

Among them, the two special types of Tier 1 Xie Chong, the Little Demon and the Earth Rot Spirit, are the most valuable, and their strength is much higher than that of ordinary Tier 1 Xie Chong.

Killing one, the energy points obtained are almost in the early 200s, but the quantity is a bit small.

The base number is simply not comparable to common evil cults such as ogres and snake people.

"Within a few hundred meters, it seems that there will be no more Xie Chong. Even if there are, there will not be too many. Instead of looking for them slowly, it is better to go directly to the next area and do the same. The efficiency should be faster."

After waiting quietly for a few minutes, he found that Xie Chong was no longer approaching. Su Ye thought for a moment, then rushed directly to another area, and at the same time separated a trace of mind to connect to the system.

【Host】: Su Ye

【Cultivation base】: Silver realm peak

[Ability]: Fluctuating power (sss+)

[Item]: 1-100,000 energy random scroll 1, primary unlocking progress scroll 1

【Energy points】: 78286

[Character template]: Asura (unlock progress 202)

[Template Capacity]: Level 2 (accommodates two character templates)


"The first kill bonus of 50,000 plus the harvest this time, is almost 80,000 energy points. If the energy random scroll is lucky, 210,000 energy points doesn't seem to be very difficult, plus random tasks..."

Everything is slowly accumulating for the better. Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't help speeding up his sprint.

For the next wave of pulling monsters, his dark golden sword is already hungry and thirsty!


But at this moment, Su Ye stopped suddenly, frowning slightly.

Within the range of his wave perception, on an open space tens of meters away, a gaseous black shadow like black smoke was suspended in mid-air. Two strange arms condensed by black air were raised high, and the black shadow moved back and forth. Pacing, I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

And as the gaseous black shadow continued to pace, traces of black air continued to flow around, sinking into the void.

"The Xie Chong that Mr. Tang Yun didn't introduce, and it's not the first level...Is it the second level? Or the third level."

Sensing the tightly locked gaseous black shadow suspended in mid-air and constantly pacing, Su Ye thought to himself.

He hastily clicked on the chief student's bracelet and input the characteristics of this strange thing.

"Can't Seek! Can't Seek!"

Unable to find it!

Obviously the characteristics have been described very aptly...

Su Ye frowned, and slowly approached the gaseous black shadow.

Unexpectedly, he had only taken a few steps when the black shadow suddenly looked in his direction, and then...

U-turn and run!


Su Ye was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he chased after him.

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