Hearing this, Teacher Huang's face turned pale, and a trace of uneasiness began to appear in the depths of his eyes.

The enchantment disappears for no reason...

Are those strange calls really capable of breaking the barrier?

Once the enchantment disappears, the consequences will be disastrous!

Leaving aside the remaining nearby abandoned urban areas, will those second and third-order evil cults who have not been cleared notice the movement here.

In the case of no enchantment alone, the stability of the space is a problem.

In the central area of ​​the base, even if there is a solid barrier, there will still be space shocks.

But now this abandoned urban area is not guarded by an enchantment, and there may be an uncertain crisis like a space quake at any time!

Even if the enchantment troops rearrange the enchantment, it is impossible to complete it in a short time.

During this period of time, there are many crises!

Once there is a space shock, even if it is only a level one, for those new students...

Instructor Huang couldn't imagine it any longer, and quickly responded to Officer Yan: "The trial of new students is cancelled! You can't gamble with the hope of human beings. After you go back and investigate the reason, you can make a long-term plan!"

Unexpectedly, Chief Yan replied with a trembling tone: "I'm afraid...it's too late."

"What do you mean?!" Teacher Huang trembled.

"The anti-space shock device has responded!"


Cold sweat began to break out on Teacher Huang's forehead.

On the side, Su Ye also frowned, subconsciously clenched the dark golden knife in his hand.

How could it be such a coincidence?

But at the moment when the barrier was broken, the anti-space shock device responded? !

The reaction of the device means that a space shock is about to occur!

It happened to appear at the trial site of their group of freshmen again...

Everything is because of that weird evil spirit!

But these weird third-order evil cults are indeed unexpected situations.

Dimly, Su Ye always felt that there was something weird in it, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Now, I can only hope that there will be no more unexpected situations in the upcoming space shock.

The first-level space earthquake is also the most common crisis in the major base cities. The strongest evil that can be tolerated will not exceed the third-level, and the number is limited. The seven diamond-level instructors currently sitting in the town and the military personnel outside the border , try my best to barely cope...

"It's a second...secondary space quake!"

However, he was really afraid of what would come, so Officer Yan hurriedly informed: "I have already contacted Commander Yue, but even for a strong person like her, it will take at least an hour to get here, so we must persevere. Hours! Even if you die! Protect these students!"

After the sonorous resolute words fell, Teacher Huang took a deep breath: "Yes! I will protect you even if you die!"

As educators, this group of talented freshmen is the future of their humanity, and no accidents are allowed!

"Let's go, Su Ye, the situation is at this point, it is no longer possible to carry out the trial, you are powerful, the teacher can not only protect you by following the teacher, but also escort the freshmen to retreat together!"

"Yeah." Nodding, Su Ye can't care about any tasks now.

The second-level space quake is about to come, and it is an extremely dangerous disaster that can transmit the fourth-level evil spirits.

Tier 4 evil cult!

Su Ye is not arrogant enough to deal with such monsters and ghosts. If he is encountered alone, let alone a mission, his life will be lost.

He could only try to kill the first-order evil spirits he encountered during the retreat.

And also in less than a moment.

The black smoke in the sky has completely enveloped the mid-air of the abandoned city.

Almost all the freshmen scattered in the abandoned city were in a passive state, confused by the sudden change.

They were fighting against a first-level evil spirit, but when their vision was blocked, it became difficult to fight, and even wounded.

"Retreat! Follow me, don't run around, don't save energy if you attack with a wide range, attack Xie Chong to buy time to retreat!"

Although a top sophomore in college was also nervous, he still fulfilled his responsibility and directed the freshmen who were at a loss.

But even so, in the dark night, some new students were unable to react in time, and were attacked by little devils who were good at speed.

"Ah! I... my leg was impaled!"

"Senior! My spiritual power is almost exhausted, what should I do?!"

All the teenagers and girls who were pampered and pampered on weekdays were terrified on the spot when faced with such a predicament.

As a last resort, the top sophomores in each team could only grit their teeth and try their best to protect them, and they were in a precarious situation.

the other side.


At this time, in a street in the abandoned city, accompanied by an invisible crisp sound, a deep, rippling vortex quietly emerged.

A withered arm full of green energy protruded from the vortex first, and then the whole body.

Surrounded by green energy, the dry and sticky torso is strange, and the mysterious head is covered by hair strands like iron whips.

The cold air continued to overflow from the mouth under the hair, it was cold and biting!

The fourth-order evil spirit, the ground is stiff!

After the Zombie completely stepped out of the vortex, behind it, a huge sword made of pitch-black flesh and blood floated out.

It is a full three meters long, and the blood vessels and flesh on the surface are constantly wriggling. In the center of the sword body, a huge eye pupil is emitting a trace of purple light, and it is very strange.

The fourth-order special demon species, the ghost sword embryo!

All of the fourth ranks belong to the kind of existence that is extremely difficult to deal with. The awakened human beings do not have the peak of the diamond realm, and they can run as far as they can.


Several fourth-order evil spirits stepped out of the invisible vortex, with different shapes, but all of them had terrifying and depressing auras, and there were many third-order evil things behind them.

All of a sudden, the temperature in a radius of tens of meters plummeted, and it was extremely cold. All the first-order evil spirits in the streets and alleys were all trembling and prostrate on the ground. Driven by instinct, they couldn't move at all.


A hoarse male voice came from nowhere, and the intelligent fourth-order evil cults led by them didn't even resist, and they scattered all over the abandoned city together.

Among them, the strongest Ghost Spirit Sword Embryo and Ground Rigid rushed directly in the general direction of Su Ye and Teacher Huang.

The speed is so fast, 100 meters in an instant!


"Everyone, the second-level space shock has appeared, the location is unknown! The location is unknown! We must beware of the attack of high-level evil spirits!"

In a long and narrow alley, one black and one dark golden figure were running wildly.

Hearing Officer Yan's full-channel announcement, Su Ye finally couldn't help expressing his doubts: "Teacher, do you feel that everything happened too strangely?"

Instructor Huang suppressed his uneasy emotions: "Even you are aware of this, how could we not realize it? The thing that caught us off guard the most was that the evil spirit was able to break the barrier. Going back this time, We human beings have to figure out a way to be on guard in the first place..."

Before he finished speaking, a sense of crisis suddenly hit, and both Tutor Huang and Su Ye's hairs stood on end.


There were two bends, hundreds of meters long, and the evil purple light suddenly pierced through the void a thousand meters away to the right of the two.

In less than two seconds, Su Ye had come to a distance where he could not react, and Su Ye even smelled the breath of death.

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