Night Watch Division.


The logistics personnel who were watching this scene felt as if a chill had rushed to their foreheads, chilling.

Could it be that Commissioner Su Ye was also affected by that weird symptom? !

Commissioner Zhao Jue just recovered!

What's more terrifying is that the person who can't be affected the least is actually affected...

"It's over, the team leader hasn't rushed back yet, now, who will suppress Commissioner Su Ye..."

"I think the team leader has rushed back. With the terrifying strength that this evildoer has just shown, he may not be able to suppress it?"

"Fortunately, he rushed in the direction of Qiongjiang. If he was in the county... the consequences would be disastrous!"

"But why, I always feel weird. It seems to be a bit different from Commissioner Zhao Jue's actions. Shouldn't it be to find the nearest person and massacre unconsciously? But why is it rushing into the garbage dump, and then rushing towards no one? rush to the place?"

"Quickly contact the deputy team leader!"


After a while, the monitoring was interrupted, and Su Ye completely rushed into the depths of the Qiongjiang River, and the monitoring could not find the situation in the black mist.

However, when the logistics department contacted Uncle De and the others, Uncle De gritted his teeth with difficulty and said, "Don't worry about it for now, let the investigation department try its best to spread the field of vision to keep up with Su Ye's field of vision!"

After saying this, Uncle De also looked confused.

Because just now, the sentence that Su Ye sent seemed to have something in it. After struggling for a long time, he decided to listen to the former's words first.

After all, before the team leader came back, if Su Ye really went crazy, no one would be able to stop him.

But of course he really couldn't let Su Ye be alone, instead he immediately recruited a fighter plane, took a few auxiliary reconnaissance military personnel and night watchmen and hurriedly searched away.


At this time in the depths of Qiongjiang.


Like a cannonball, a black shadow rushed out of the river and crashed straight into the steep river bank shrouded in black mist.


After a strange cry, he slammed headlong into the black mist mountainous area, and the steep rocks were directly smashed to pieces and collapsed.

bang bang bang bang...

Make a loud bang!

And the evil spirits sleeping in it were naturally startled, and they sensed the human breath, so they approached curiously.

It's just that before they approached, the black shadow had already slammed into it on its own initiative.

First-order evil, ogre, die!

The second-order evil spirit, the water ghost, was violently wrung off his neck, and died so badly that he couldn't die anymore!

level one…

The crazy shadow, in a state of madness, unintentionally killed one evil spirit after another.

The surrounding environment was completely changed by the devastation, but Xie Chong couldn't run away at all.


"Ding! The host killed the first-order evil night bug and got 172 energy points."

"Ding! The host killed the second-order evil rock corpse and obtained 721 energy points."

"Ding! The host has killed..."


"Host, your actions make the system look dull."

Hearing the voice in his head, Crazy Shadow paused, but it seemed he didn't hear it.

He directly took out a weird straight knife, and slashed towards the top of a rock, as fast as lightning!

"Babadilla, you can make him stop."

On the rock, a slender figure was standing here at this moment, exuding wisps of devilish aura around him, seeing that Su Ye, who was in a state of madness, dared to kill him, the evil female voice was dissatisfied: "Shut him Just keep the control in a sluggish state."

Beside the slender figure, there is a flute that is one meter long, lingering with purple awns, and makes a slight flute sound. After hearing the expression with a human face on it, it visibly froze: "Master, I... I can't control him all of a sudden!"

Saying that, the purple awn quickly enveloped the slender figure, forming a protective shield with purple patterns.

Su Ye also flashed into the mid-air of the rock at this time. At this time, there was no sign of ferocity in his expression, with a smile on his mouth, he was handsome.

The magic knife thousand blades dissolved in an instant, and the strange fragments turned into a 100-meter-long knife one after another, and it was chopped down in an instant!

Tear up~!

The air seemed to be cut open, and with a tearing sound, it hit the protective cover made by the weird flute.


Under the huge force, although the purple protective shield did not break, the rocks below collapsed on the spot, shaking the ground!

When the dust and mist cleared, the face of the slender figure also appeared under the reflection of the purple awns, half of which was a burnt scar, and half of a pretty face, who else could it be if it wasn't the quiet and well-behaved girl in the villa.

It's just that at this time, her cute and cute expression has disappeared, and she is extremely cold. Looking at Su Ye who jumped onto another boulder, she said with an ugly expression: "Su Ye, how dare you play me?! You haven't been caught by Babadi at all. Pull control!"

Baba Dila is exactly this weird flute with a human face.

While it was dragging the girl in the air at the moment, it looked at Su Ye with an abstract expression of disbelief: "I am a semi-ghost-level forbidden object, and even the diamond level can arouse negative emotions. How could it be resisted?"

"Tricking you?"

The perception locked the girl coldly, and Su Ye's voice gradually turned cold: "Causing countless people to get sick and die, and that weird phenomenon, you made it?"

The words fell.

"Hee hee hee hee~ Ah, Baba Dila, we've been exposed, forget it, I'm tired of playing anyway."

Covering her mouth and smiling mischievously, she saw a large cloud of black air suddenly enveloped the girl's body.

Within a few seconds, the black air dissipated, and the girl completely changed her appearance.

I saw that her pretty little face that was burnt had disappeared, and turned into a strange and strange face.

Golden pupils, purple lips, a more delicate face than before, with black lines spreading from forehead to chin.

Her long purple hair reached her waist vertically, and she was wearing a tight-fitting robe made by unknown creatures. The most terrible thing was that her originally slender figure suddenly became tall and tall.

And behind it, a pair of huge demon wings embroidered with purple patterns grew out!

After the girl's transformation was completed, she stretched her tall waist and said with a sweet smile, "My own body is still comfortable, it's hard to become the body of that little human slut, but the meat quality is pretty good, quite tender. "

After saying this, she looked at Su Ye with a cute expression of course: "In order for Babadilla to be promoted to a ghost-level forbidden object, I can only feed on those humans, isn't it normal? ?

As for the weird phenomenon, as long as I play with my abilities and evil power, I will get a little bit of improvement, but if you, a god-talented person, discovered it, then I can only change to another place. It's a pity that you want Babadilla to control you. Who knew that your soul is so powerful. "

Although I am amazed at why this woman has both evil aura and human vitality.

But at this moment, after hearing this, Su Ye took a deep breath, and just wanted to ask: "Did you eat that girl?"

Suddenly, Su Ye thought of Mr. Zhang’s gratified expression looking forward to his daughter’s participation in the awakening next year, and the old father who cried in grief and even wanted to commit suicide because he killed his son, and his family that was overwhelmed by grief…

The girl didn't pay attention to Su Ye's expression, she pouted and said, "I won't eat her, how did you sneak into the human place, are you a fool?"

Babadilla on the side noticed that something was wrong with Su Ye: "Master, let's go, he is only at the golden level, he can't control the sky, he can't catch up with us, and if we are noticed by the strong human beings, it will be bad." gone."

Hearing this, the girl said angrily, "Next time I will definitely control this guy."

After finishing speaking, Babadilla dragged the girl and flew into the air, but at this moment, it found that it seemed to be being pulled crazily by something...

I can't fly anymore!

On the boulder below, Su Ye's expression was icy cold, and he saw his left hand hidden under the black robe, which had been lifted high by him at some point.

Blood vessels protruded from the left hand one after another, and the entire arm was gradually covered in blood. A terrifying and evil force quietly emanated at this time...

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