On this side, Cao Yi was paralyzed, while on the other side, his five precious Tianjiao students were visibly relieved and excited.

Naturally, he breathed a sigh of relief if he didn't touch God Jingsheng University and Modu Shengda.

This wave is definitely top-notch!

It must be a wave of joy to meet the old rivals of the seniors and seniors.

Although this year's Chen Feng and others are stronger than the previous one, they still belong to Shuguang.

Zhong Yan, who had just paid respects to Su Ye, raised his glass again with a big smile on his face.

I saw an orange-red thorn head, and even the eyebrows were dyed orange-red. A young man who looked like a ruffian approached.

Zhong Yan, the third-ranked Tianjiao of Dawn Federation Saint University!

The s-level fire element, bursting with extreme flames, is an extremely pure, masculine flame, but it is a bit short of fire when it condenses the spring.

In the end, only two springs were condensed, and the ability to control the speed almost entered the third level of mimicry, so compared with the previous two, it is indeed inferior.

But the strength is equally terrifying!

As for why he dyed orange-red as long as the hairy place is, in his words, it seems that it can be integrated with his own flames, and can improve the degree of control...

In terms of personality, he is a bit careless, ruffian, not bad, but irritable, just like his ability, irritable and hot.

Looking at Su Ye, Zhong Yan gave a hearty smile and then raised his glass: "Junior Su, I can't stop fate when it comes. I've already decided that when I come to the stage tomorrow, I'll announce you as senior.

In fact, after watching you defeat Wei Ming last time, I almost wanted to take a fighter plane to Jiangnan to find you,

As a person like me, once I see the object I am interested in, I can’t restrain the fire in my heart. In fact, it’s not just me, other colleges, even Zhao Juechen, Feng and the others, although they don’t say it, they definitely I really want to compete with you.

If you can beat you at this stage, when you become a boss in the future, it will be enough for us people to boast for a lifetime, haha. "

A frank and hearty laugh fell, but there was no sense of offense at all, and his personality was similar to that of senior Chu Gang.

Only Zhao Jue, who was on the side, looked obviously unnatural when he heard this, and drank the wine silently.


When the wine glasses collided, Su Ye couldn't help smiling: "You are welcome anytime."

When the matching results fall, some people are happy while others are sad.

For example, the few academies in the back are very helpless when they encounter the Imperial Capital and the Modu.

Although their top two Tianjiao have the strength to fight in the first battle, it is very difficult for the bottom three. The overall strength is absolutely inferior. In this way, the overall score will definitely be a little less.

Because in this first competition, while competing for strength, it is actually a competition for the comprehensive strength of the academy.

But since you have encountered it, let's touch it. If you are really capable in the next few items, you will naturally get more points.

"Okay, the results are out. For the rest of the time, the banquet will continue. On behalf of Long Guo, I congratulate you all on getting the results you want tomorrow. Let's do our best to show your demeanor. Cheers!"

After speaking, the military personnel also raised his glass with a smile on his face, and the audience drank together.

At this time, the elegant music also quietly spread, making the scene more romantic.

Many Tianjiao invited their partners to step onto the central stage and danced a ritual dance, showing their youth

Tantai Mo and Liu Xiaosi looked at each other and smiled, and directly pulled Su Ye and Tantai Xuan'er out, making Su Ye extremely embarrassed: "Brother Mo, Miss Xiaosi, I can't dance, so I won't..."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Xiaosi put Tantai Xuan'er's hand on his hand: "Xuan'er will teach you, you are a gifted god, you can't even learn such a simple dance Bar?"

Tantai Mo also smiled cheaply: "No way? No way? Our little god can't even dance, right?!"

After teasing, they mixed with Liu Xiaosi into the crowd, leaving behind the pretty ruddy Tantai Xuan'er and the embarrassed Su Ye.

"Let's go, I'll teach you."

"It's troublesome, Xuan'er learns..."

"That... is called, just call it Xuan'er."



Early the next morning, outside Qianlongwu Temple.

There are huge crowds of people, including ordinary people and awakened ones, all waiting for the moment when the Martial Hall opens.

Many wealthy nobles even drove their cars in the dedicated parking lot early on. After getting out of the car, they waited patiently like the ordinary people.

"I'm so nervous! I learned from my uncle in the night watchman that this year's group of extraordinary talents in our Dragon Kingdom are much more powerful than last year. It's just that Mr. Zhuang from our demon city, who has dual abilities, is absolutely Feast our eyes!"

"I heard that there seems to be another one in the Imperial Capital, Mr. Zhuang and Mr. Zhuang are hailed as the most popular duo this time. When I hear the stories of these heroes, I can't wait to see them!"

"Wait, did you guys forget about that god-talented person from Jiangnan? He seems to have skipped a level to participate in this Tianjiao Debate. He's an SSS-level evildoer. I think he might also be one of the hottest ones." one!"

"Is this true? Damn! Why haven't I heard of it?!"

"My natal family is from the Jiangnan side, and my eldest cousin is a C-level genius of the Federal Saint University, what do you think?"

"F*ck, shit, shit! Then this year's Tianjiao's Martial Arts Competition is absolutely wonderful! Tickets! I really want a ticket to enter!"


Tianjiao's discussion on martial arts is about to begin. Every year, outside the Qianlongwu Temple, there will be people surrounded and discussing it enthusiastically.

The multi-party media even sent people to record every moment, and the excitement was no less than that of the awakening ceremony.


At this time, a loud noise came out, it was the Qianlong ancient bell in the Wudian!

When the bell rang, it meant that the annual Tianjiao Discussion on Martial Arts...

It's finally time to start!

The Qianlong Martial Arts Hall stretches for tens of thousands of meters, and the atmosphere of the quaint martial arts arena rushes towards us. The largest martial arts arena is the five Shenglong Terraces standing in the center, which are thousands of meters long. Cannot be easily destroyed.

Today, the first relay battle of the top ten academies will be held on the five ascending dragon platforms, and the sense of ceremony is full.

But at this time, it had only been ten minutes since the opening, and in the surrounding seats, everyone with some status had already taken their seats early, and they were all prominent figures in the awakened people and ordinary society.

The rest of the positions will be open to common people to compete for.

On the dragon head pavilions of the five ascending dragon platforms, the top ten academies have already made preparations, and five referees, all with the strength of the star power, are standing in the center.

"Everyone, I think you have understood the rules of the first relay match of Tianjiao's Martial Arts. There are two matches in total, and the points won will be determined by the number of matches won or lost.

And the results of the first round of matching have already been drawn at the banquet last night. The order of appearance, the distribution of strength, and the restraint of supernatural abilities are all determined by your academy.

Then, the first round of the first competition of Tianjiao Lunwu's first relay competition officially begins——! "


Another chime of the Qianlong ancient bell was heard, and the live broadcast equipment was switched on, and huge virtual screens were even set up in the open air in all directions.

Everything is to show the clearest picture to the Dragon Kingdom audience!

Screams, shouts, and voices cheering for their own academy were also heard overwhelmingly in the next instant, it was extremely lively!

On the ten dragon head pavilions, Tianjiao has already come down one after another, and they are all high-spirited and graceful, falling down to the dragon tower.

At the third rising dragon platform, Zhong Yan from Dawn Academy jumped down, with flames rising all over his body, looking at the pavilion in the south of the river like an emperor in flames: "Brother Su, do you remember what you said last night? Dare to come down and fight! "

Hearing this sonorous and forceful declaration of war, Chen Youde and Zhao Jue looked at this hot-blooded arrogance with strange expressions.

Young man, you are so courageous, the others didn't choose, but you chose a boss, um...very ambitious!

"Principal, then I'll go down first."

After Su Ye chuckled, he also floated down the Shenglongtai gracefully.

As Su Ye's figure was reflected on the big screen, the people who were paying attention here were all taken aback.


so exciting?

It's only the first game, and this godly talent is on stage? !

The students and elders who watched Su Ye defeat Chu Gang and Wei Ming still can't forget the shock that Su Ye gave them that day.

That terrifying flesh body, and the golden saber energy ability with little raindrops and loud thunder...

So soon, will he be able to witness the splendor of that ability again?


In the center of Rising Dragon Terrace, Zhong Yan wiped his nose angrily, looked at Su Ye with a grin and said, "Thank you Su Ye, you really came down as soon as the senior shouted, I am a little flattered by this face, haha,

However, I will not be merciful, quickly use that mysterious rune on your head, and that terrifying golden saber aura! "

Hearing this, Su Ye just smiled: "Senior, invite you first."

"Let me go first...Okay, don't regret it, kid, I...I'm not a weak elemental system like Wei Ming!"

After Zhong Yan finished speaking, the next moment...


After a loud explosion, an overwhelming orange-red flame surged out from his body, no matter in power, breath, or spreading range, it was much more terrifying than Wei Ming's poisonous element!

This is the real element system!

Boom boom boom~!

The temperature within 100 meters plummeted, and it was extremely hot. The turbulent and entangled flames also instantly condensed into a small sun that was not too delicate, but more explosive, and blasted straight at Su Ye with a whoosh.

Wherever he passed, the air was distorted, and this was just a tentative trick!

"Why hasn't Su Ye condensed that rune? In this way, isn't he in a passive state? You know, Zhong Yan is not a half-assed elemental system like Wei Ming, this..."

Many people watching through the big screen in slow motion looked puzzled at the calm Su Ye with his hands behind his back.


This scorching hot sun, which is over fifty meters long, is about to hit you. Is it really okay if you don't make a move?

But suddenly, they seemed to see Su Ye's mouth move.

I saw the next moment...

A light blue cold current centered on Su Ye, like a blooming lotus, suddenly swept out to the surroundings, and then...

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka...!

I saw that where the cold current passed, the ground of Shenglongtai actually condensed into a sheet of ice, covering a circular area of ​​nearly a hundred meters, and even the scorching sun that had rushed to the front less than ten meters...

It was also completely frozen in an instant!

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