
Everyone's face froze instantly.

We have already convinced you and bowed down to your beauty, why are you still not satisfied?

Do you have to keep pressing us to the ground and rubbing us?

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissatisfied."

Chen Hao waved his hand and said seriously: "This cleanliness is what I want to ask you one last question. You are convinced by me, but are you convinced by the group? Are you convinced by Minister Xue? When I leave, you may be temporarily obedient due to your promise. But in the future, will you always be willing to be security guards?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then they all fell silent.

Indeed, although they have been convinced by Chen Hao, they still have a knot in their hearts about the job of security guards.

In the final analysis, the opposition to Xiyue Group and the resistance to Xue Pingan and others are all caused by this knot.

"I know that although you don't say it, you actually look down on the job of security guards in your heart, and you know that some veterans who are far inferior to you have entered government agencies through connections and become civil servants that everyone envies, so you feel unbalanced."

Chen Hao said, "I understand this, but what I want to ask is, if you also have connections and can enter government agencies, will you feel balanced?"

"Anyway, government agencies have stable jobs, high benefits and good treatment, and it's decent to say it out."

Li Hongliang smiled awkwardly, "We are all ordinary people, so naturally we all want to pursue better jobs."

"Yes, although the salary and treatment of the group are not bad, when it comes to working in a company, it still feels worse than that of a government agency."

"We are not jealous, but we feel that those people are obviously not as capable as us, but they rely on their connections to find better jobs, and we feel upset."

Others also echoed.

Chen Hao smiled slightly: "What if you enter a government agency and the leader is a mediocre person, what will you do?"

Everyone was stunned and hesitated.

They had never thought about this question.

"Since you can't tolerate the orders of mediocre people in the enterprise, can you tolerate it in the government?"

Chen Hao asked again.

Everyone was speechless.

"Of course, I'm not saying that you will meet mediocre people when you enter the government, but no matter what job, it is unlikely to be smooth sailing."

Chen Hao said, "In the enterprise, if you don't want to tolerate, you can leave at will, but in the government, can you leave at will? If you don't leave, are you willing to tolerate it?"

Everyone's face became complicated.

"With my personality, I will definitely not tolerate it if I don't like it."

After a while, Li Hongliang said affirmatively.

"Neither can I."

"If you have to tolerate it when you are not happy, how aggrieved it is."

Many people followed suit.

"So, even if you enter a government agency, it may not necessarily be better than working in a company."

Chen Hao said, "The key to a good job is whether it is satisfactory. If you have the ability, you can eat anywhere, and eat well and be satisfied. Why bother about the so-called stability, decency, good benefits and high treatment?"

Everyone nodded after tasting this sentence.

"And everyone should broaden their horizons. Since we have the ability, why should we envy those who rely on connections?"

Chen Hao said, "You should know that with your ability and quality, at most you can enter a professional security company after a few years of training, and an annual salary of hundreds of thousands will not be a problem. Even in the future, if you have the capital, it is not strange to open your own security company and be the boss. There are thousands of career development paths, which are both free and extremely broad. How can this be compared with government agencies and institutions?"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it.

"Chen Hao, can we do it?"

Li Hongliang asked in surprise.

"Of course."

Chen Hao said, pointing at Chang Jinfa, "Take Jinfa for example, his weight-bearing ability is definitely at the level of a professional athlete. Just now you joked about asking him to practice weightlifting to win a gold medal. To be honest, why can't he go? If he goes, I don't believe that with his ability, no provincial team would want him. Even if he enters the national team, it wouldn't be surprising."

Everyone looked at Chang Jinfa.

Chang Jinfa grinned.

"Remember, we go to society not to find a so-called good job and spend our lives in peace, but to prove our ability at work, constantly hone ourselves, and step onto a bigger stage in life in the future."

Chen Hao said in a sonorous and powerful voice, "You are good security guards,

But we will never be security guards for life!"

"Well said!"

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't help but applaud.

"Chen Hao, thank you!"

Li Hongliang was so excited that he couldn't help but applaud. "You not only conquered us in terms of ability, but also untied our knots... Don't worry, we will never make trouble again in the future. We will definitely perform our duties faithfully and work hard. This is not only to fulfill our promise to you, but also to realize our own value!"

"Chen Hao, it is you who let us find the direction of life. We know what to do and will never have resistance again."

"We are rough people and don't understand any reason, but we will always remember what you said today. Just look at our actions."

Everyone was also very grateful.

"You are polite. I am very happy that you can think it through."

Chen Hao said, "But I think the person we should thank the most is Minister Xue! "

He pointed at Xue Pingan.

Everyone was startled and turned their heads away.

Xue Pingan was also surprised.

"You may not know that your knot was actually observed and told to me by Minister Xue."

Chen Hao said, "Without him, I can't help you solve it."

Everyone was shocked.

"Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, and no one is necessarily stronger than anyone else."

Chen Hao said meaningfully, "Although Minister Xue is not as good as you in physical fitness, he has many years of management experience and knows how to perform his duties and carry out his work. This is enough. If you want to hone yourself, you must not only have a balanced mentality, but also be humble and learn from others."

Everyone's face changed and nodded.

Li Hongliang saluted with a snap and said solemnly: "Minister Xue, I'm sorry, we have done something wrong these days, please forgive us, we will never do it again in the future, and promise to obey your orders."

"Yes, Minister Xue, please forgive us for our previous offense! "

"We know we were wrong, and we will definitely be qualified subordinates in the future!"

Others followed suit and saluted.

"It doesn't matter, as long as everyone understands, it's fine as long as everyone understands."

Xue Ping'an was surprised and said quickly.

"Chen Hao, thank you..."

Then, he looked at Chen Hao gratefully, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

If it weren't for Chen Hao, he didn't know how long he would be tortured by these veterans. Even if it dragged on, the president might think he was incompetent and dismissed him in anger.

A big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Minister Xue is polite, this is my job."

Chen Hao smiled and nodded.

Seeing that the matter was resolved satisfactorily, he was also very happy.

"Minister Xue, are you here?"

Suddenly, the door was pushed open heavily, and a security guard rushed in in panic.

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