After hearing this, the advertising company employees looked at Chen Hao with hostility.

"What do you mean by me? Who are you?"

Chen Hao was puzzled.

"Chen Hao, this is what happened."

Xue Ping'an explained, "Last night, the safe in the finance office of the advertising company was stolen, and 300,000 yuan in cash was lost. We found it when we went to work this morning. We wanted to check the surveillance, but unfortunately the surveillance was also broken. Wang Dali repaired it overnight and just fixed it. However, Manager Wu of the advertising company said that he saw a figure when he was working overtime last night, and suspected it was you, so he asked us to come over and ask."

"Suspect me?"

Chen Hao was surprised, "You don't think I stole it?"

"You stole it!"

Wu Liang said loudly, "The security department has already asked, and the employees who worked overtime last night have proof, and they all left before seven o'clock. There are security guards on duty on the first floor of the building 24 hours a day, and outsiders can't sneak in. Who else could it be except you who stole the money on duty?"

"Manager Wu, you can't say anything without evidence. I believe in Chen Hao's character. Maybe you saw it wrong."

Xue Ping'an said unhappily.

Chen Hao conquered the veteran and solved a long-standing problem for him. Xue Ping'an was extremely grateful and naturally leaned in his heart.

"I can't be wrong, because everyone else is wearing work clothes, only he is wearing a light white jacket and navy blue jeans, you can tell at a glance."

Wu Liang sneered.

Everyone looked at Chen Hao's clothes, and it was indeed as Wu Liang said.

The work clothes of Xiyue Group are all handmade, and it takes at least half a month to complete. Chen Hao has only been working for a few days, so naturally he hasn't got them yet.

"Manager Wu, you keep saying that Chen Hao stole it, but this is just your one-sided statement, without any evidence, why should we believe you?"

Li Hongliang said coldly.

"That's right, whoever you say is who, isn't it too arbitrary?"

"Without evidence, isn't it just pure nonsense?"

Liu Peng, Chang Jinfa and other security guards also said coldly.

Chen Hao's status in their minds is higher than Xue Ping'an, so naturally they can't tolerate being questioned without reason.

"Who said I don't have evidence?"

Wu Liang sneered, took out his phone, and opened the album, "This is the photo I took last night, you can take a good look."

Everyone looked at it.

The photo showed a back figure walking towards the stairwell, and it can be clearly seen that he was wearing a light white jacket and navy blue jeans.

"See clearly, although it's just a back figure, but don't tell me that there are other people in the group wearing the same clothes as Chen Hao besides him."

Wu Liang sneered.

Xue Ping'an and others changed their faces and looked at each other.

They naturally didn't believe that Chen Hao would steal the safe.

But how to explain this photo?

"Chen Hao, do you still want to deny it?"

Wu Liang looked at Chen Hao and asked sternly.


Chen Hao said lightly, "When did I say that this is not me?"

Wu Liang was stunned.

Shouldn't Chen Hao be shocked at this time and try his best to defend himself?

This script is going a little wrong.

"So you admit that you stole it?"

He thought quickly and asked immediately.

"I didn't admit it."

Chen Hao said calmly, "It's true that the person you took the photo of was me, but that was because I was on duty and patrolled each floor according to the duty system requirements, paying attention to fire prevention and theft prevention. Is there a problem?"

"It turned out to be a normal patrol. I was wondering why Chen Hao would do such a thing."

"Yes, the truth is finally out."

"Other duty personnel went directly to the duty room to sleep, only Chen Hao followed the system, patrolled the floors, and checked the safety situation. He was so serious and responsible, but he was still suspected of stealing. It's really unfair."

Xue Ping'an and others suddenly realized.

Wu Liang was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that Chen Hao not only admitted to the photo, but also found a very suitable reason to clear himself and win a good reputation for being serious and responsible.

But Wu Liang calmed down immediately and smiled coldly.

He understood Chen Hao's thoughts.

Chen Hao must not know how to explain this photo, so he came up with this excuse in a hurry.

He is probably still feeling proud of himself

What a pity, Chen Hao, you don’t know that Wang Dali has left the money in the duty room, just waiting for my fatal blow...

Thinking of this, Wu Liang shouted: "Since you don’t admit it, do you agree that we search the duty room to prove your innocence!"

"Manager Wu, are you going too far?

? Without evidence, why should Chen Hao prove his innocence? "

Xue Ping'an's face darkened.

"Minister Xue, we asked other employees who worked overtime last night before, and they were able to prove themselves, so why can't Chen Hao? Or does the security department want to protect Chen Hao?"

Wu Liang argued.


Xue Ping'an's face changed.

"It doesn't matter, Minister Xue."

Chen Hao waved his hand, "If you are upright, you are not afraid of your shadow. It's better to prove it, so that they don't suspect me."

Xue Ping'an snorted and nodded.

"Manager Wu, you can search the duty room, but I have a condition."

Chen Hao said.

"You say."

Wu Liang smiled triumphantly, thinking that you probably still think you are innocent.

"Chen Hao, you don't have to prove anything, I believe you."

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded.

After the voice fell, Gao Xiyue came over with a group of people.

"Mr. Gao! "

Everyone said in unison.

"I already know what happened. All personnel, return to your posts immediately and go to work as usual."

Gao Xiyue said.

"Boss Gao, what should we do if the safe is stolen?"

Wu Liang's face suddenly changed, and he asked anxiously.

If he didn't search the duty room, his plot to frame Chen Hao would be in vain.

"I will deal with this matter separately, you can go back."

Gao Xiyue glanced at him and said lightly.

Wu Liang's eyes showed a very unwilling look, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, the entire group belongs to Gao Xiyue, and she can deal with it as she wants.

"Boss Gao, thank you for your trust, but let them search it. After all, other employees have proved themselves. If I don't prove it, my colleagues in the advertising company may doubt me, and I don't want them to have a knot in their hearts. "

Chen Hao was also very surprised and said quickly.

Although Gao Xiyue's actions prevented Wu Liang from framing him, they also disturbed his plan.

"Come here, Chen Hao, I have something to tell you."

Gao Xiyue frowned when she heard this, and suddenly walked to the side and waved to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was startled and walked over.

Everyone looked at this scene in surprise.

The president who has always been high and cold would actually treat an ordinary employee like this.

It's really rare.

"Chen Hao, don't you think it's strange?"

Gao Xiyue whispered.

"What's strange?"

Chen Hao didn't understand.

"You have just been on duty for a few days, and you are assigned to be on duty. This is not in line with common sense. Moreover, the group has not had any safety accidents for so many years, but it happened that on the day you were on duty, a safe was stolen. "

Gao Xiyue lowered her voice even more, "I suspect it's not a coincidence, but someone wants to harm you, so they want to suppress this matter. "

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