"Listen to mom and don't let her get hurt."

"I want to grow up quickly so that I can protect her."

"Beautiful white hair sprouts in happiness."

"Angel's magic, warm and kind."


The whole chorus is over.

The applause and cheers in the studio became a flood.

Some people applauded.

Tears welled up in one eye.

What rap brings to this song is a story and a track of growth.

Everyone who listens carefully to the song can see that familiar figure.

And the ignorant self.

Accompanied by singing.

From the beginning of pure rapping, it also incorporated melodic chanting, and finally turned directly into singing.

It's like my young self, walking towards my current self step by step.

From faltering to walking like flying.

"In your future, music is your trump card."

"Take the trump card to fall in love, alas, I don't want to teach you badly."

"Let's listen to my mother and fall in love later."

"I know your future path, but Mom knows better than me."

"You will start to learn from other students and write in your schoolbag"

"But I suggest that it is best to write Mom, I will study hard."

"Working to study, how could it come out of my mouth?"

"I don't want you to lose."


Li Xuan speaks very fast.

But very clear, can hear every word clearly.

He didn't do anything pompous.

But very serious in telling a story.

"woo woo woo woo....."

"I suddenly miss my mother."

"I just realized that I haven't been home for a long time. I'm busy in the company from morning to night every day, and I always hang up on the phone without saying a word to my mother."

"I used to always complain about the lack of this and that at home, but when I heard this song, I realized that my mother has given me everything she has."

"I bought 99 roses for my girlfriend and she doesn't answer them, but as long as I give my mother a wild flower on the roadside, she will be happy for a long time."

"That's real rap."

"Don't kill me with a family knife, woo woo woo."

"Why does Li Xuan always make it easy for me to break the defense."


The immersive atmosphere made the scene almost become Li Xuan's personal concert.

"Absolutely, rap can still be played like this."

Old Xue's face was full of emotion.

"really good."

"No wonder he said that this is not traditional rap, but I think real rap should be like this."

Deng Ziqi made no secret of his surprise and liking for this song.

as a professional musician.

The song was unanimously given the highest rating.

Deng Ziqi kept saying that Li Xuan's singing skills seemed to be different from last time, not so young.

She strongly suspected that Li Xuan did it on purpose last time.

The three of Lao Xue were quite excited.

Xiao Yun was smiling, but the smile was stiff no matter how you looked at it.

"He really will?"

Xiao Yun was extremely upset even when he saw Li Xuan.

Even if his own music level is really not good, he cannot deny the gold content of this song.

After all, everyone has numbness, who can jump out of a rock.

But when he thought about it, he would vote for Li Xuan.

I felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

It's the kind of feeling that you obviously hate, but deep down you like it.

"Brother Yun." The assistant suddenly took advantage of the fact that the camera was not on the Xingtui official seat, and ran over.

Then, she leaned over and said a few words in his ear.

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then asked in a low voice: "Is that what the company really said?"

The assistant nodded, and then left quietly.

"Would you like to vote for Li Xuan?"

Xiao Yun's expression was cloudy and uncertain.

But see the stage.

That much-anticipated figure.

After all, he couldn't hold back.

Mango table top.


"It's a kitten, it's so big in a blink of an eye."

Jiang Yun looked at the studio below and listened to the singing.

There was a hazy mist in his eyes.

There was a proud smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking back, Lao Li dared to say that his son was not doing his job properly.

Isn't that a good song?

Son is really the best.


"I can't find it, the love letter I wrote in my childhood."

"Don't give it away after you finish writing it."

"Because you'll pick it up on the playground in two days."

"You start to like pop music."

"Because Zhang Xueyou started to sing kiss goodbye."

"Listen to mom and don't let her get hurt."

"I want to grow up quickly so that I can protect her,"

"Beautiful white hair sprouts in happiness."

"Angel's magic, warm and kind."


The last line fell.

The accompaniment sound also slowly lowered.

Applause slowly erupted in the audience, from the small at the beginning to the deafening deafening at the end, and it lasted for a long time.

Everyone stood up.

Expressing my highest praise for this song.

This scene has never appeared on Tomorrow Superstar's program.

The Lianxing promotion officials and the staff on the scene also got up together.

Old Xue's hands were red, but he still didn't want to stop.

look carefully.

All the big men were sung and cried.

The last "Sorrow" did not make him like this.

The lyrics of this song, as well as the rap style, are amazing.

"You are wonderful!"

Deng Ziqi completely turned into a fan, calling wildly.

It's just weird.

Participating in the program can also make the instructor a fan.

Xiao Yun still had that incomprehensible expression.

Sing along with a song.

It's not the same in the live broadcast room.

"Why does he always pierce my heart?"

"Don't scold, don't scold, I'm already calling my mother."

"Woooooh, I just listen to a song, it's not like I got a brick in my eye."

"I'm Li Xuan, and I might be able to write this kind of song. Whoever makes Li's mother turn 500 million, and it's easy to slip."

"Really, this is called rap. Some raps diss this and that every day. Listen to what Li Xuan is singing."


With the audience's thousands of emotions.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room also reached its peak.

A full 12 million people watched online.

This is the record set by the last show.

At this time, it seems that this record has not been maintained for long.

It was about to be broken again.

PS: It will be on the shelves tomorrow, please ask for another wave of flowers.

Every flower and every ticket, Xiao Pujie will be very happy, because this means that the book is still read by the parents of food and clothing. When writing the book, even the thinking is clear, and the level has also improved, just like loading infinite kidney power... .

There is one more chapter on the shelves, seeking funding!

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