The Pregnancy Energy Is Contrary To Heaven, And My Children Are All Over The World

Chapter 89: Kowloon Is Divided Into Catastrophes, Prepare For A Rainy Day (Please Order And Customiz

Lin Zijun paused and asked.

"What secret? Tell me.

"As long as Fellow Daoist swears a blood oath to spare my life, I will inform you immediately."

Blood Lianzi Nascent Soul spoke quickly, and then continued as if he was afraid of not arousing the other party's interest.

"The strength of Fellow Daoist is not far away from Soul Formation. He should also be preparing for the Soul Formation Tribulation. I have been polishing the Nascent Soul Dzogchen realm for more than two hundred years. I am also trying to figure out how to Transcending Tribulation.

Lin Zijun's eyes narrowed.

"The secret you're talking about - has to do with Transcending Tribulation?"

"Yes, I have collected many ancient records about Soul Formation Tribulation over the past two hundred years, and read the handwritten experiences of more than a hundred Soul Formation monks. Finally, I found a stable Transcending Tribulation method.

As long as this method is used, Fellow Daoist will definitely succeed in Soul Formation without risk. "

His words were seductive.

I have to say that Lin Zijun was moved.

Any monk who is about to face the catastrophe of Soul Formation would probably be moved.

"Hmph, if you have this method, why are you still Nascent Soul Dzogchen? Do you think I am easy to deceive?"

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood. This method pays attention to the favorable time, place, and people. All are indispensable. I have already gathered the favorable location and people, and the only thing missing is the favorable time."

Xue Lianzi lamented, unable to express the pain in his heart.

According to his calculations, it could take as short as a few years or as long as more than ten years before the optimal time is reached.

By then, he will surely succeed in Transcending Tribulation, Soul Formation in one fell swoop, and become the first Soul Formation monk in the chaotic land of the Three Kingdoms.

Unfortunately, things backfired. I don't know where this evil thief came from. Xue Lianzi is still confused as to what the grudge is between them.

Lin Zijun fell into deep thought.

This guy doesn't look like he's lying.

And there is no point in lying about it. Whether it is true or false, he can know everything by searching the soul.

"Okay, I promise you, I will swear a blood oath to spare your life, but you must open your consciousness and let me search, and you must not hide any resistance."

Xue Lianzi's cultivation level is higher than his. If he forcefully uses the Soul Searching Technique in this situation, if this old guy resists desperately, his sea of ​​consciousness will explode, and all the secrets will be blown away by the wind.

Blood Lianzi Nascent Soul showed a hint of joy and nodded repeatedly.

As long as you save your life, you will have a chance to escape and turn around in the future.

Lin Zijun immediately swore a blood oath in front of him.

But with this oath, he played some word games appropriately.

Immediately, Lin Zijun's spiritual consciousness invaded and swept through Xue Lianzi's sea of ​​consciousness.

This Demon Dao giant who dominated the Immortal Cultivation World of Xia Kingdom in his early years has indeed had a wonderful life experience.

Born as an Independent Cultivator, he joined a Xiuxian family. Relying on the family's resources, he climbed to the position of family elder step by step. Later, when his cultivation level became high, he decisively joined a second-rate sect and got an opportunity.

Seize luck and eventually become the ancestor of the sect.

It's a pity that this old guy Late Stage went astray and joined Demon Dao in order to pursue a higher realm.

Otherwise, he would still be an old-timer respected by everyone in the Xia Kingdom Immortal Cultivation World.

Lin Zijun looked a little strange.

This guy's early life experience is quite similar to his. They both started by marrying into a small family.

These days, sons-in-law are all potential stocks!

Continuing to look through the second half of the old devil's life, Lin Zijun's eyes suddenly lit up.

This person actually found a way to survive the Soul Formation tribulation safely, and it seemed... feasible.

According to the classics that the old devil consulted, this method was created by an extremely talented Independent Cultivator in ancient times, and it is called the Nine Dragons Dividing Tribulation Method.

As the name suggests, it is to find a place with nine dragon veins, which is a favorable location.

Find eight more Nascent Soul fellows, plus myself, there are nine Nascent Soul monks in total, each sitting in the nine dragon veins, this is the harmony.

Finally, the Night of Nine Stars, which only occurs once every 810 years, triggered the Soul Formation catastrophe. The power of the formation was combined with the power of eight Nascent Soul monks to forcibly increase his own strength to an incredible height.

This is the time of heaven.

The right time, right place and right people are indispensable.

In this way, you can survive the Soul Formation calamity safely.

Lin Zijun looked amazed and filled with emotion.

The Immortal Cultivation World never lacks geniuses with fantastic ideas, and there are people who can think of this method.

Then he looked at Xue Lianzi again, with a hint of pity in his eyes.

This old devil is really ready for everything, all he needs is the east wind, the right location and the right people, and he is just waiting for the right time.

And according to his calculations, the next night of nine stars seems to be not far away.

It's a pity that when I met Lin Zijun, I fell short and made him a wedding dress instead. It's so sad!

"Fellow Daoist, with your knowledge, you should be able to see that this Transcending Tribulation method is true, right?"

"It's true, but these nine Nascent Soul monks are a little hard to find."

Lin Zijun smiled bitterly.

If I had known earlier, I would have stopped killing those guys and kept them to work first, and then kill them after the work was completed.

Xue Lianzi said quickly.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't have to worry about this. I have a few friends from Nascent Soul. You can invite them to help you. Plus, I can help you set up the Transcending Tribulation array and you'll be safe."

The corners of Lin Zijun's mouth curved slightly, and sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

The old devil's wishful thinking is good. If I really listen to you and you just do some tricks on the formation, I will die without a burial place.

With just a few clicks, Lin Zijun completely sealed his Nascent Soul.

"Fellow Daoist...Fellow Daoist, you can't go back on your word..."

"I only said I would spare your life, but I didn't say others would spare your life. This is not called regret.

Lin Zijun's body swayed and he quickly arrived dozens of miles away.

The golden-winged tiger closed its eyes and lay motionless on the ground.

Nangong Feiyan stood beside him, staring blankly at Jiulong Mountain in the distance, with shock still on his face and unable to recover.

"What's wrong with it?"

Lin Zijun suddenly appeared, glanced at the big tiger and asked.

He remembered that when he used the Ice Art before, he deliberately avoided this area, so it probably didn't hurt them.

Nangong Feiyan came back to her senses immediately, blinked her eyes, and couldn't move her eyes away when she looked at Lin Zijun, whose upper body was naked.

After a while, her face turned red and she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look again.

"It must have fainted from fright, senior, Jiulong Mountain..."

Lin Zijun tossed it casually, and a small red figure landed in Nangong Feiyan.

"This is the Nascent Soul of the old devil of Jiulong Mountain. I have killed all the others."

There was a roar, and it was clear that Mingming was bright, but it seemed like a bolt of thunder exploded directly in Nangong Feiyan's mind.

She stared blankly at the Nascent Soul in her hand and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.



Is this how my great avenged?

Nangong Feiyan couldn't believe that all of this was true.

Lin Zijun ignored her, came to the side and kicked the Golden Winged Tiger in the butt.

The Great Monster tiger jumped up suddenly as if it was shocked by electricity, and cursed.

"Who doesn't have the guts to kick Ben Tian's ass?"

When it turned around and saw Lin Zijun's true appearance, a pair of tiger eyes showed doubts.

Doesn't this person's aura sound familiar?

Oops, isn't this senior? Why is he not wearing clothes or a mask?

The golden-winged tiger quickly lay down on the ground, showing a cute expression like a kitten, and said flatteringly.

"Senior, I have no eyes and no words. I don't know your majestic and broad body and your fairy beauty. I almost blinded my eyes...

0Please ask for flowers…………

Lin Zijun quickly waved his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Okay, okay, it's really disgusting."

After that, two people and one tiger came to Jiulong Mountain.

Within a hundred miles, there was no one alive except them, and even the birds were all dead.

Lin Zijun's consciousness moved and he searched everyone's storage rings. He also found a token from Xue Lianzi's storage ring and injected it with Entering Spirit power.

In an instant, a large formation opened, covering an area of ​​three hundred miles around this place.

With this great formation, the news that Jiulong Mountain was destroyed will not spread for a while.

Even if other monks see something unusual and come to investigate, they will not be able to break the formation as long as they don't have the Nascent Soul's Dzogchen cultivation.

After everything was safe, Lin Zijun looked at Nangong Feiyan and Golden Winged Tiger and said.

"You guys stay here first and repair the damaged buildings. I'll be away for a few days.

There was a trace of worry in Golden Winged Tiger's eyes and he asked quickly.

"Senior, when will you come back? Without you, I won't feel safe."

Nangong Feiyan was in a daze, and suddenly turned around and knelt down to Lin Zijun.

Her eyes were red, and tears slowly flowed down the corners of her eyes. She was obviously a heroic-looking woman, but at this moment she looked particularly pitiful and pitiful.

"Senior, I have no repayment for your great kindness. I am willing to serve you all my life, be a cow or a horse, without any second thoughts."

Lin Zijun smiled slightly and helped her up.

This woman values ​​love and justice, hates evil as much as hatred, and is decisive in killing. She has no virginity whatsoever. With a little training, she can become a capable assistant.

It just so happened that he wanted to use the Nine Dragons Tribulation Method and needed nine Nascent Soul monks, so she could be one of them.

As for her cultivation, it is now Gold Core Dzogchen. For others, Infant Formation may take a lot of time, but for Lin Zijun, isn't it just a matter of giving birth to a child?

"Feiyan, concentrate on working for me, and I will give you a great opportunity when you come back."

Nangong Feiyan looked up at Lin Zijun's handsome face, her heart beating wildly.

She had never seen such a good-looking man, and he was also so powerful. She couldn't help but have wild imaginations, so she didn't even listen to what Lin Zijun said.

With a wave of his hand, the Sunway portal opened.

Lin Zijun turned around and stepped into it, disappearing without a trace.

One person and one tiger were stunned on the spot, watching the portal dissipate, with huge waves in their hearts.

Xiaoyue Peak, back mountain Cave Mansion.

Lin Zijun took a step forward and changed out of the tattered black robe on his body.

The golden-winged tiger was imprinted with the spiritual brand by him and was already his Spirit Beast.

Nangong Feiyan swore a blood oath to him and was considered his.

It's no big deal if you show your true face in front of them and use the system to teleport.

Next, he plans to arrange for some of his children to go there and practice in Jiulong Mountain, making it his own backyard.

In this way, even if there is a big trouble in the future, and even Falling Moon Sect cannot handle it, he can still save a group of children.

It’s not a bad thing to plan ahead.

Three days later, Lin Zijun received the female cultivators sent by other sects as usual.

After completing the task, he came to a secluded attic in the south courtyard.

Pushing open the door, a blast of cold air hit my face.

Inside the house, an attractive woman with heavy silver hair was teaching two children how to practice.

The three of them turned their heads together and saw Lin Zijun. The two children immediately shouted happily.


Lin Zijun smiled gently and looked at the silver-haired woman.

"Bing Xin, I'm here to see you."

PS: Thank you Ziteng for your monthly ticket and reward, thank you boss! Nine!.

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