The Pregnancy Energy Is Contrary To Heaven, And My Children Are All Over The World

Chapter Ninety-Two, Xiu Xian Mansion Newspaper, Things Are Leaked (Please Seek Customized Order, Ple

Nangong Feiyan was startled.

She walked slowly closer and was hugged by Lin Zijun.


Nangong Feiyan's cheeks were flushed, and she was shy and timid. On the other hand, Lu Bing was calm and composed, not caring at all about another woman sharing her man.

Lin Zijun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled.

"You still call me senior?"

Nangong Feiyan was stunned for a moment, and called out "Husband" as loudly as a mosquito.

Lin Zijun was very satisfied, looking at the two girls nestling in his arms, he said softly.

"Feiyan, you don't have to be restrained here. You will all be a family in the future and need to support each other. You have the highest cultivation level. If you have time, you can guide everyone's cultivation. I will also come to see you often."

Nangong Feiyan asked, her delicate body trembling slightly.

"Are you leaving?"

"I won't hide it from you now. In fact, I am the elder of Xia Kingdom's Falling Moon Sect."

Nangong Feiyan's face was full of shock.

She had naturally heard of the Falling Moon Sect and knew that it was an Apex Level sect with Soul Formation monks.

"You must be curious as to why I am in a large sect and come to the Three Kingdoms Chaos to occupy this Nine Dragons Mountain.

To be honest, I feel that a storm will sweep through the Xia Kingdom sooner or later, and I am afraid that even the Falling Moon Sect will not be able to withstand it by then, so I have created a way out here so that all my wives, concubines, and children will not be trapped in it. "

Lin Zijun's words shocked Lu Bingxin.

She had never heard Lin Zijun mention any storm before.

"Husband, what happened? Why did you say that?"

"I'm also guessing that it's not a bad thing to be more prepared, so you can practice here with peace of mind."

Lin Zijun didn't want to put pressure on them, so he exposed the matter and continued.

"By the way, there is a formation under each of the nine peaks of Jiulong Mountain, which requires a Nascent Soul monk to activate it.

When the time comes, these formations will be of great use to me in overcoming the Soul Formation tribulation. You two have the highest cultivation level. I am waiting for you, Infant Formation, to help me. "

Nangong Feiyan is full of confidence. She is now just one step away from Infant Formation.

But Lu Bingxin was still far from it.

She had only just entered Core Formation when she entered the Falling Moon Sect. Even though she had been practicing hard in the sect for these years, she had only broken through to the middle stage.

But fortunately, this time I took a lot of cultivation resources from the Jiulong Mountain treasure house and concentrated on practicing hard. It might not be impossible.

Regarding the eight Nascent Soul monks needed for the Nine Dragons Tribulation, Lin Zijun was also thinking about the candidates.

Hu Ling'er and Nangong Feiyan can be counted, but he has not yet decided on the remaining six.

He didn't want to use the Nascent Soul Elder of Falling Moon Sect unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, the system teleportation can fool Lu Bingxin and others, saying it is a teleportation circle.

But it may not be possible to hide it from Nascent Soul monks like Zuo Punan and Ziyue.

If the wives and concubines like Lu Bingxin and Fang Yiran can Infant Formation before the Night of Nine Stars Comes, if they cannot Infant Formation, they will have to find another way.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Lin Zijun spent some time relaxing with these wives, concubines, and children, and then spent a night alone with Nangong Feiyan to deepen their relationship.

Under the reluctant eyes of everyone, he opened the portal and returned to Luoying.

Spring passes and autumn comes, and the years fly by.

A year passed quietly.

As women from various sects gave birth to children with excellent qualifications one after another, the commotion became louder and louder, and various shocking visions of heaven and earth sprung up everywhere.

At the beginning, all the sects and families had a tacit understanding and strictly guarded against borrowing seeds, treating it as the most important secret.

But when more and more people know about it, the secret will inevitably be leaked one day.

Dongguan City, this is a large business city located in the center of Xia Kingdom, with connections from all directions.

Suddenly one day, I don't know who broke the shocking news first, which spread throughout the streets and alleys.

There was even a Xiuxiandi newspaper with the title written directly on the front page.

Why do fairies from various sects gather in Crescent City, why do family elders frequently retreat into seclusion, why are centuries-old iron trees blooming, and visions of heaven and earth occur frequently? Behind all this, is it the loss of morals or the distortion of human nature? Please pay attention to the story of the fairy borrowing seeds.

Of course, not many newspapers dare to write like this, because most of them are circulated in the black market.

For a time, this matter became a hubbub, and countless monks were discussing it.

Many young talents overheard it and ignored it at all.

But when they saw the newspaper circulating in the black market, their minds suddenly roared, and they felt that the whole world was about to collapse.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. How could Fairy Qingxia, whom I admire most, be this kind of woman? In my heart, she is the most beautiful and holy fairy. You must be spreading rumors and slandering, saying, who sent this newspaper? `°?"

A handsome young man from an aristocratic family could not accept the fact. He tore up the newspaper and grabbed the vendor selling the newspaper, roaring with jealousy.

"It's fake, it must be fake. How dare you spread rumors about my senior sister Shui Mengxian, you are seeking death!"

"Water Dream Fairy, that is the most Pure as Ice and Jade fairy in our Xia Kingdom. The world is declining. For a few Spirit Stones, you even dare to spread rumors about this kind of thing. You are really desperate."

"What does this mean? I heard that the leader of the Liuli Sect, Duan Hongchen, was rumored to have ruined her Taoist heart and changed her name to Hongchen in order to give birth to a child for a man.

"It's ridiculous, it's too ridiculous. There are Yulong True Monarch of Liuli Sect and Elder Jiang Ruobing of Snowland Sect. None of these people are unattainable fairies. How could they give birth to other men's children?"

Rumors are rampant.

Some people believe it, and some people don't believe it, but most people believe it 70% to 80%.

After all, Crescent City has gathered a large number of female cultivators a few years ago, and it is still overcrowded to this day.

Moreover, Fairy Qingxia, Shui Mengxian, Jiang Ruobing and others reported in the Di newspaper had indeed been to Crescent City a long time ago, which caused quite a stir at the time.

Of course, the most important point is that visions of heaven and earth appear too frequently in various places.

Visions of heaven and earth that were not seen even once in hundreds of years are now too common.

The newspaper in Dongguan City was like a fuse, quickly detonating the whole city.

Because of this incident, many young talents who admired those fairies got into fights with people, and even beat people to death in the street.

The wind rises at the end of Qingping.

No one knew that a storm was set off on Dongguancheng Street because of a small post.

In the corner of a street restaurant, a burly man wearing a bamboo hat raised his head slightly and looked at the young monk who had just beaten someone to death on the street, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The next day, the heads of each major sect and the heads of the seven major Immortal Cultivation Families received a Cultivation Immortal Residence Report.

After seeing the above article, the clan leaders were so angry that they trembled all over and were furious.

After some questioning, no one knew who had spread the news first.

Only a few vendors selling newspapers were caught. After searching the souls, the person behind the scenes was not found.

But the more so, the more frightening it is.

In the Xia Kingdom, who else's power can compare with the six major Apex Level sects and the seven major cultivating families. The black hand behind Di Bao can do this kind of thing without concealing the truth. He either has hands and eyes, or he is one of his own.

Zuo Punan immediately summoned all sect leaders and family patriarchs to come to Falling Moon Sect to discuss the matter.

A few days later, more than a dozen rainbows entered the Falling Moon Sect outside the Falling Moon Mountains.

In Crescent City, a burly man wearing a bamboo hat saw all this matter.

In the Luoyue Peak Sect's main hall, all the sect leaders took their seats one after another.

Zuo Punan took out a Xiu Xian Di newspaper, threw it on the ground, and coldly snorted.

"You must have read this newspaper, Fellow Daoist, right?"

There was silence in the hall, no one spoke.

"We made an agreement at the beginning that the matter of borrowing seeds should not be publicized, and we should never let irrelevant people know about it, even the closest people, because we should not tell it.

Now everyone knows about this incident in the streets and alleys, do you know the consequences?"

Wu Yang, the leader of the Imperial Beast Sect, opened his mouth, but eventually it turned into a sigh, with nothing to say.

Hongchen, the leader of Liuli Sect, had a gloomy face and his eyes were cold.

Her name is clearly mentioned in this newspaper, and now many people in Xia Kingdom are talking about her private affairs.

The other clan leaders don't look very good-looking.

No one knows who spread this incident.

Besides, what's the point of checking this now? The most important thing is how to suppress this storm.

After a long silence, the master of Daoyi Sect spoke first.

Anyway, his Taoist sect lives in seclusion and has a small number of disciples. It must not have been leaked by his family.

`Fellow Daoist Zuo, the matter has come to this, and it is useless to talk more. Let us still think of ways to solve this matter.

Now I'm afraid that this matter will spread to Monster Race. Our Xia Kingdom is bordered by Qingqiu Kingdom to the west and Kraken Kingdom to the east. It would be terrible if these two countries knew about Lin Zijun's affairs and attacked together. 11

Everyone's hearts sank.

Zuo Punan stood up and paced back and forth, not knowing how to deal with it.

At this moment, the unparalleled Yue Feixian, dressed in black clothes, walked in.

When everyone saw it, they stood up and bowed.

Yue Feixian said coldly.

"As of now, let's just drop the matter of borrowing seeds. Let's discuss it again when the limelight is over.

The expressions of all the clan leaders changed, with unwillingness showing in their eyes.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After tasting the benefits of Lin Zijun, which one of them is willing to stop.

Who doesn't want to have as many high-quality (Zhao's) heirs as possible?

"Senior, the matter is not serious enough yet. At worst, we can unite and block the border, as long as the news cannot spread."

Yan Qiuhe, the leader of Xueyu Sect, said in a deep voice.

"Yes, there is the most news in Dongguan City now. We only need to arrest all the people who made the news and find a few people to refute the rumors, so that this matter can be suppressed."

"Now that the human spies in Xia Kingdom have been basically eradicated, it is not easy for Monster Race to know about our affairs. Senior, please consider this matter again."

When it came to severing the cooperation, everyone became anxious and began to offer suggestions.

But to be honest, everyone knows that these suggestions are not very reliable.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to give up having children.

When it comes to the interests of the sect family's future events, they will not take a step back, even when facing a Soul Formation monk.

Yue Feixian frowned slightly, and just when she was about to refuse sternly, her face suddenly darkened, and she suddenly turned her head to look to the west.

An astonishing aura erupted west of the Luoyue Mountains, shaking the world.

"Old fox, I let you off the hook last time, but you dare to attack again this time!"

PS: Friends, the data has not moved in the past few days. Everyone helps to vote for free flowers and evaluation votes every day. Those who have monthly votes also help to vote. Without data, it is really confusing. Thank you everyone! !.

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