The President Asked Me To Go To Her House Again

Chapter 30: The president wants me to go to her house again


Tomato sauce, with fries?"

The two were facing each other, and their warm breaths fell on each other's faces. Lin Sheng didn't feel that this posture was inappropriate, but Xu Nan looked at Lin Sheng completely, and only felt that his cheeks were a little hot. Feeling a little uncomfortable.

Xu Nan calmly, stretched out a finger, pressed Lin Sheng's forehead, nudged away some distance, looked at her, and kept a charming smile: "That's great, I like potatoes Bars with tomato sauce."

I almost fainted Lin Sheng.

The big boss gave her a beauty trick again.

No, no!

Lin Sheng subconsciously pinched her thigh.

Don't pass out, it's useless.

Xu Nan restrained the smile on his lower lip, raised his hands, kneaded Lin Sheng's cheeks, and smiled lightly: "What are you still doing, want to starve your employer to deduct your salary?"

Hear the words "salary deduction".

"Duck it and threaten me again!"

The mouth was hard for three seconds, and while the boss was in a good mood, Lin Sheng ran to the kitchen to work.

Recalling Xu Nan's smile, Lin Sheng couldn't help but mutter in his heart, if the big boss can smile at her more, not to mention deducting the salary, it will do.

Xu Nan turned around and looked at Lin Sheng who was working, a little speechless, but at the same time wanted to laugh, resisting the urge to hold his forehead, looking at Lin Sheng's busy figure, slowly Slowly, the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

Sometimes it was so close, Lin Sheng kept his hands and glanced at Xu Nan.

Looking at her with gentle eyes, could it be that she moved her to cook for her in the middle of the night.

In order to hide the embarrassment of being smashed and peeped.

Lin Sheng protested dissatisfiedly: "Boss, at night, can you stop smiling at me like this, smiling so beautifully, you want to blind my eyes."

Xu Nan sneered and said, "I'm happy, you are a little nanny, and you are very lenient."

"Who cares about you."

Lin Sheng snorted softly, but did not dare to look back, for fear that she would fall for the beauties of Xu Da BOSS again.

Originally, Lin Sheng planned to fry three dishes, and two potatoes died heroically in Xu Nan's hands, leaving only tomatoes, scrambled eggs, and a handful of vegetables.

No wonder Xu Nan can't cook. With her ability to scrape potatoes into finger-thick potato strips, it is best not to enter the kitchen for the rest of her life.

Cleaning the table, in order to express a little apology, Xu Nan took the initiative to walk over, stood beside Lin Sheng, watched her skillfully move, and asked slowly: "What do you need? help?"

Thinking of the poor two potatoes, Lin Sheng glanced sideways at Xu Nan, and she swallowed the word "no need" at the side of her mouth.

Picking up the vegetables, Lin Sheng thought about it and suggested, "Let me teach you how to cook."

Xu Nan shook his head and said, "It's as simple as cooking, do you still need to teach it?"

Lin Sheng rolled his eyes: "You can cut a potato like that. I doubt it is as simple as cooking. You don't know anything at all."

Xu Nan got angry and kicked her: "Lin Sheng, are you despising me again?"

Being caught off guard and being kicked, Lin Sheng frowned and said nothing, only glaring at Xu Nan next to him, and put the cleaned induction cooker away.

"You are a single female boss, you don't have an aunt at home, and you can't cook. When you learn this skill, if I don't do it for you in the future, you can do it yourself. Hygienic and environmentally friendly.”

Hearing what she said, Xu Nan looked thoughtful and asked softly, "Why are you being so nice to me and want to increase your salary?"

Lin Sheng hummed lightly: "Don't be moved, when you learn it, I don't need a nanny, I'll be freed, and the working people can stand up."

Xu Nan turned around and left: "Then I don't want to learn anymore, I want to stand up and keep kneeling."

Lin Sheng raised the kitchen knife: "..."

So, Xu Nan sat back on the sofa and read a book, listening to the "crack" from the kitchen, looking up at the little nanny from time to time, she wanted to monitor the little nanny, lest her close The babysitter is slacking off.

Xu Nan doesn't like the kitchen, she doesn't like the smell of lampblack.

However, the praise should still be praised. I have to admit that Lin Sheng is not only good at cooking, but also very good at living.

Twenty minutes later.

The faint smell of the food came, Xu Nan just put down the book, and Lin Sheng's voice came: "It's done, come over to eat."

"Here." Xu Nan responded lightly, got up and walked to the dining table to sit down.

It was originally three vegetarian dishes, but now it has become two dishes, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and green vegetables.

Lin Sheng deeply felt that Xu Nan, the big boss, was really pitiful. He ate so miserably in the evening.

It's not that she is an incompetent nanny who abuses the big boss's stomach. It's the big boss who shaved the potatoes like that. It's also the big boss who said that she doesn't eat meat at night. Art, nowhere to display.

Xu Nan looked at the two vegetables, but she didn't feel miserable. It made no difference to her whether to eat or not at night.

"Here you are."

Lin Sheng handed the bowl of rice to Xu Nan, Xu Nan took it, and Lin Sheng also sat down to eat.

As for the towel, it's a little unfair.

While cooking the rice, Lin Sheng looked at Xu Nan and wondered if she should ask the big boss, she was drunk last night, didn't she do anything out of the ordinary?

Xu Nan ate slowly, wondering why Lin Sheng was so quiet, not like her usual.

He raised his head to meet Lin Sheng's admiring gaze, Xu Nan glanced over coldly: "What are you looking at, I'm very proud of the masterpiece you left on my neck, right?"

"The heart of the wolf."

waved his chopsticks again, and said coldly: "Look again, believe it or not, I will stab you."

At this time, Xu Nan seemed to forget that she was very proud a few days ago, and with the same admiring eyes, admired the masterpiece left on Lin Sheng's neck.

Lin Sheng pouted and muttered, "Miss Xu, why are you so cruel to others?"

"You still have reason?" Xu Nan was angry.

Lin Sheng whispered: "You bite me, I will bite you back, there are back and forth, just balance."

"Shut up and eat your meal."

Xu Nan's face was cold, she didn't want to talk to this wolf-hearted woman.

Lin Sheng was very sensible and kept silent.

The two of them had their own thoughts and finished their meal.

Xu Nan sat on the sofa, still reading her book.

At this time, the phone on the table rang, and the voice was not hers.

Xu Nan looked at the book in his hand without raising his head: "Lin Sheng, your phone is ringing."

Lin Sheng was washing the dishes, and answered dissatisfiedly, "Who is calling you in the middle of the night."

As if thinking of something, Xu Nan raised her head and glanced at the screen of her phone.

No remarks.

The voice was still ringing, Xu Nan was a little irritable, put down the book, picked up Lin Sheng's mobile phone, and walked to her side: "Could it be your ex again?"

Lin Sheng took a look and shook her head: "I don't know this number, it's not hers."

"Will you take it?"

Lin Sheng raised his hands from the pool, and said, "It's all bubbles, how can I pick it up."

Unmoved, Lin Sheng continued to wash the dishes: "I don't know if there is no remarks, hang up, hang up."

Xu Nan raised her eyebrows slightly, cut off the call, and just sat back on the sofa when the string of numbers came in again.

The little nanny said that she didn't know her without a note. Xu Nan held the book and ignored it.

Lin Sheng, who was washing the dishes, heard the ringing of the phone again and muttered in her heart, it couldn't be really Wen Yiyun. After breaking up with Wen Yiyun, I never saw her for half a year. The last time they met, they didn't contact each other.

After the ringing stopped, Lin Sheng also finished washing the dishes, she wiped her hands, walked to Xu Nan and sat down, picked up the phone and glanced at it, and confirmed the number again and again. I don't know either.

The corners of her walls were dug up by this guy.

He bowed his head again, Xu Nan said casually: "It's not your ex again, is it?"

"What is the predecessor, I have lived for 25 years, and I have only one predecessor." Lin Sheng rolled her eyes at Xu Nan, opened the game, and started playing.

Xu Nan didn't say anything, just glanced at Lin Sheng and continued to read.

"Oh, that's right." While playing the game, Lin Sheng moved closer to Xu Nan, shrugged and touched her shoulder: "Miss Xu, I haven't asked you yet, I was drunk last night, didn't I do anything at your house?"

Xu Nan thought for a while: "Does it count?"

Lin Sheng played without raising his head: "No, you can't take off your clothes in the shower."

Xu Nan thought again: "Does it count?"

Lin Sheng didn't care: "No, no, you don't take off when you take a shower."

"Then nothing."

I really didn't do anything, so I just took off and stood in front of her, and she was just staring at her.

"Oh." Lin Sheng answered, and didn't say anything, and concentrated on playing her game.

At this time, one was reading a book, the other was playing games, nestled on the sofa, the two sat next to each other, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

After finishing a game, Lin Sheng rubbed his eyes, yawned, turned to look at Xu Nan, saw that she was not sleepy, raised his hand to cover the book.

"Don't look so late, rest early, I have to go back to sleep."

"Okay." Xu Nan took Lin Sheng's hand away.

Lin Sheng shrugged, stood up, and was about to leave when Xu Nan grabbed her wrist.


Lin Sheng looked at her: "What?"

Xu Nan let go of his hand, put down the book, raised his eyes and looked up at Lin Sheng, pursed his lips and chuckled, a soft voice overflowing from his throat: "Come with me tomorrow to buy something."

Ignore the beauty plan.

Lin Sheng blurted out: "Buy aunt's towel?"

The smile on Xu Nan's face froze.

But Lin Sheng's belief is that working people must stand up and not be squeezed by capitalists, so he bravely persuaded: "Miss Xu, you bought a lot of eh last time, all It can be used for a year.”

"Shut up."

Seeing Xu Nan's frantic look, Lin Sheng blinked innocently: "If you don't have an aunt's towel, I'll lend you my aunt's towel."

Xu Nan's face instantly turned green.

Sure enough, people who are mean-spirited are asking for beatings, and those who are humble will always be humble.

Auntie's towel is Xu Nan's hatred, and she never wants to think about it in her whole life. It will remind her of borrowing Auntie Lin Sheng's towel, which is embarrassing and embarrassing, and she is so angry He hugged the pillow and smashed Lin Sheng angrily.

"Shut up."

"Don't mention the aunt's towel!"

"Hey, didn't my aunt's towel offend you? You don't need my aunt's towel. Don't let me mention it. I'd rather mention it, and I'll be mad at you." Lin Sheng took the pillow, showing great courage He smashed it back, bared his teeth and grimaced, then before Xu Nan got angry, he patted his butt, turned around and quickly opened the door and slipped home.

Deduct her salary.

And want her to be free labor?

Wash and sleep.

I wish Boss Xu a good dream tonight.

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