The President is Being Shameless Again

Chapter 139: I said you do n’t deserve him, and it ’s not that your people are bad

139 I said you do n’t deserve him, and it ’s not that your people are bad

Originally there were some serious faces in front of others, and now a bright and glaring smile appeared, and the whole person seemed young. The original 33-year-old man looked like a twenty-five or six Young guy.

The heads of the various departments that followed him rushed out, and when he saw the bright smile of Yan Beicheng, his face was full of ghosts.

But they did not dare to delay too much, for fear of Yan Beicheng's face turning, and hurried away, but could not suppress the curiosity in their hearts, while walking and looking back secretly, the careful appearance, really Yan Yancheng invisible?

Yan Beicheng immediately smiled, turned his head and gave them a cold glance. The managers were agitated, and quickly pretended to talk about business affairs as if nothing had happened, leaving while talking.

Zuo Qiu has left with interest.

Yan Beicheng looked like a face, and immediately smiled again.

Lin Chu didn't hold back, and "噗嗤" laughed out loud. When he took her hand, Lin Chu smiled sweetly, "Stupid!"

Yan Beicheng was said to be silly and willing, and smiled even brighter.

So at noon that day, the president smiled like a flower when he saw his girlfriend. Such rumors spread throughout Yanhui during the lunch break.

After eating, Yan Beicheng wanted Lin Chu to take a nap in his office.

In Linyi, she works in a large office and there is no place to rest well. But Lin Chu refused. Although he didn't say it, he didn't want to disturb his work.

Knowing that he was busy, she just came to want him to eat on time, and how he worked the rest of the time, she didn't want to be too wide.

Although she didn't say it, he seemed to know it, and smiled at her with special satisfaction.

So Yan Beicheng personally sent her to the door of Yan Hui, so many staff members came and took her hand in front of the lunch break.

"It's good for you to come and eat at noon, every day in the future." Yan Beicheng said to her, her forehead was almost on her forehead.

Lin Chu noticed that there were a lot of eyes around him, and many of the staff who came out saw them, and deliberately slowed down, hoping to take one step back and three steps like that. Perhaps because of the fear of Yanbei City, no one dared to look upright and look at each other, squinting at the corner of each eye. As if it wouldn't be discovered.

When Lin Chu saw a bunch of people looking at it this way, they were almost speechless, silently worried for their eyes, don't look into squint.

"I'll go first." Lin Chuyao's ears were all red, and his head was low, but he didn't hide from him, just ashamed.

Yan Beicheng also knows that it is at the company's doorstep. Although he doesn't mind people watching, he loves to show publicly and affectionately, but he doesn't want to be the focus of gossip, let others treat him like a theater. .

However, she was still reluctant to let go of her, still holding her hand, called Shao Huai, and sent Lin back to the company.

Lin Chu did not refuse, even if it was only a short way. But since Yan Beicheng decided so, she reassured him that there was no need to push back and forth for such a trivial matter.


Shao Huai drove the company's Mercedes-Benz and sent Lin Chu downstairs to Lin Yi.

Lin Chu thanked Shao Huai, got out of the car, entered the office building, passed through the automatic door, and walked straight towards the elevator, but behind him came a female voice, "Lin Chu."

"..." Lin Chu turned his back to the source of the voice, and showed impatience and unhappiness on his face.

The original good mood disappeared now, and when I turned impatiently, I saw Lu Weining getting up from the sofa and walking towards her.

Lin Chu stood still and didn't move. When he landed, Wei Ning walked in front of her, and did not give her a good look. From the beginning to the end it was cold. When Lu Weining approached, she didn't hide her face.

What was Lu Weining's mood at the time, she didn't know, anyway, she was very proud to see Lu Weining smiling, and looked at her with a superior attitude.

Lin Chu usually doesn't like wearing high-heeled shoes. For professional needs, she looks professional and decent. Although she usually wears them, they are not too high. Unlike Lu Weining, she can't wait to be on the ground like a ballet, and heels are scary, but Without discussing comfort, it looks pretty good and looks elegant and imposing.

"Miss Lu." Lin Chu called indifferently, his mouth twitched, "I don't know what else to advise?"

Lu Weining didn't seem to hear Lin Chu's ridicule, nor did she pretend to be as pretentious as before, and now she was full of proud smile, "Miss Lin, I do have something to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to you." Lin Chu said impatiently, took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time, "Sorry, I have to work."

After that, Lin Chu turned and left.

Immediately after, she heard the high heels on the marble floor making a crisp clatter. Lu Weining trot quickly came to Lin Chu's body and stopped her again.

Lin Chu's face was even heavier, but Lu Weining said indomitably, "Lin Chu, let's talk."

"I don't have anything to talk to you about." Lin Chu said annoyingly, and didn't mind being louder, to make Lu Weining shame, "Miss Lu, you are also an excellently educated person and the general manager of Ding Xing Chuang, It's a public figure, so please take care of yourself. "

"My boyfriend doesn't like you, and even hates you, but you rush to find him every day, and if you can't find him, you will entangle me again. Will you do this without shame? Is this the case of your Lujia tutor, your tutor? You bravely become a primary three, and even if the other man doesn't like you at all, you still have to beg you to disturb others? "

Lu Weining also noticed that there were a lot of people coming and going in the lobby, especially the first floor, there were cafes, cake shops and the like, even if they were not working there, some people came in to buy something.

"What do you say loudly?" Lu Weining's expression changed, and her eyes flashed in a low voice.

Lin Chu wasn't as shy as a vixen, but the sound was clear and clear, and the echo in the open hall was very strong, which itself played a sound reinforcement function. Even if you do n’t, it ’s enough for everyone around you to hear clearly.

Everyone near the door of the coffee shop looked around. People who originally wanted to enter the store stopped, instead of just entering the store, they took a few steps here.

They don't know Lu Weining and Lin Chu, but they don't care about Lu Weining's identity, they don't hide their mentality of seeing gossip.

"Since you can do shameless things, are you afraid to say it? Shameless and shame cloth." Lin Chu stepped forward slightly, leaned close to Lu Weining's ear, and whispered, "To put it plainly, I just want to As a female watch, I want to set up a chastity arch. "

Lin Chu sneered coldly at the corner of his lips, stepped back, and saw Lu Weining's angry face twisted, listening to her saying, "Lin Chu, keep your mouth clean!"

"What you do is not clean. Why should I ask my mouth to be clean? You are dirty, so you ca n’t say clean to you, are you?" Lin Chu said sarcastically, scanning around to see the lively ones. Everyone set his eyes back on Lu Weining's face.

"Miss Lu, as the general manager of Ning Lu's family and the general manager of Xingchuang Entertainment, I advise you to take care of yourself and don't do all these trivial things all day long. There are so many men in the world, don't stare at me all day Do n’t let it go. My man is good, but that ’s mine too. It ’s immoral for you to be my third boy to grab my boyfriend. The truth is not on your side. I ’ve been bothering me for three days, saying I ’m not worthy of me. Boyfriend, is it ridiculous? Do I deserve it? Do you think you deserve it, but my boyfriend doesn't like you, he thinks you don't deserve it. So you do n’t deserve it. You He has no right to choose for him. He has no right to dictate and decide who he should be with and who he should not be with. "

"His parents didn't say anything. When did you turn around and draw your hands? Miss Lu, it's not who you like, that person must like you. You haven't reached the point where you can be loved. If you think you He could hear what you said. If you said that I didn't deserve him, he broke up with me. Then you just talked to him. What's going to bully me? "

"Lin Chu, don't go too far!" Lu Weining was startled by Lin Chu too.

Who knew that she would tell her identity on purpose, what Ning Lujia, general manager of Xingchuang Entertainment, such a specific title came out, as long as you search online, you can know her identity.

At that time, not only would she be shame, but the Lu family behind him would also be shame with her.

"Why am I overdoing it? You came to me, forcing me to break up with my boyfriend. You are neither his elder nor your relationship with him. Come and tell me this and that, too. Wider! "Lin Chu said coldly.

Lu Weining is taller than her, coupled with wearing high heels and heels higher than Lin Chu, when Lin Chu spoke, naturally looked up at her. Ke Linchu ’s momentum was not weakened at all. Although he looked up, he did n’t have the feeling of looking up at the other side. Instead, Lu Weining felt that he was a little big and big, was he too big and bulky, first The second thought was a shorter one.

"I said these things are not right. Do you want me to be tempted to do everything you want. It ’s rude to lead my boyfriend's little three? That ’s the unreasonable thing. Lu Weining, you might as well ask these present People, see if it's your shame or I'm overkill. "

At first, the crowd couldn't help but talk quietly and watched the lively. At this moment, I heard Lin Chu's speech, a girl who was holding a bag of Lorentz pepper sea salt flavor potato chips in "Kazkaz" , Holding a piece of potato chips in one hand, shook and pointed in the direction of Lu Weining, "Of course, Xiaosaner is wrong, shameless!"

"Just, shameless! You ca n’t be polite to this kind of person. You are too kind to a girl, you should just hit her, scold her, spit her mouth, and curse her ancestor eighteenth generation!"

"This kind of person is so shameless, girl, who did you say she was just now? It seems quite famous?"

"I know Xingchuang Entertainment, a very well-known brokerage company, who has made a lot of youth magic films and held a few fresh meat. I did not expect to be the general manager of that company. No, there is no face or skin. "

Lu Weining saw her reputation spread out suddenly, looked at Lin Chu resentfully, "You are too vicious!"

Lin Chu refused to talk to her in private, so she had to yell out loud here, to draw everyone's attention, and then tell her identity clearly, not to ruin her reputation!

Lin Chu snorted and said, "I'm only allowed to come here to shame you, don't you allow me to tear your skin? Anyway, you don't shame, don't be afraid to tear me!"

She thought it was ridiculous. Lu Weining blamed her while doing such shameful things. Seeing Lu Weining's reaction, she also knew that she was doing bad things, and she said she was out of shame. Now that I know, I have been entangled, and now I still have an angry face.

Lin Chu wanted to see how Lu Weining's mind grows. Really everyone had to turn around her and think about her.

She looked at the phone impatiently again. "Sorry, I'm at work."

After speaking, Lin Chu stopped looking at Lu Weining and passed by her side by side.

Being watched by so many people, Lu Weining didn't have a face to stop Lin Chu again. Seeing that Lin Chu had left, she also hurriedly buried her head and left, feeling anxious in her heart.

It was just that Lin Chu had just entered the office not long after, and his mobile phone was shaken. It was a text message.

It is annoying when the SMS ringtone suddenly sounds from time to time during work. Especially when I was working in the office, it was very quiet. It was too embarrassing to hear such a sudden sound, so Lin Chu was always set to shake.

Sit back to your seat, take out your phone, and see from the notification on the lock screen that it's a strange number.

Lin Chu slipped on the screen to check the text message, and as a result saw a long paragraph of text: "Lin Chu, hello, I'm Lu Weining. Since you don't want to talk to me, I have to talk to you in this way .You went to pick up Beicheng last night. You should also know that Beicheng is having a headache for business recently. Last night, he called on Quan Zhiwu, the president of DNY in Asia, to discuss the theme park. "

It may be because of the relationship that is not in front of her. She is not afraid of what Lin Chu will do. Lu Weining's fault has been committed again. She speaks Yan Beicheng's name fluently and intimately.

Lin Chu was also angry, but fortunately Lu Weining was not in front of her, otherwise she would really say hello, so that Lu Weining would not dare to call Yan Beicheng so affectionately.

What she saw now was just a few paragraphs of text that made her lose her temper. When I saw Lu Weining's "Beicheng" one by one, I didn't know how sweet she felt when she wrote it. Looking at the unsightly eyes, as if I could see Lu Weining's full emotion through two cold words.

"Yanhui has a lot of competitors this time, so Quan Zhiwu did n’t say whether he would give it to Yanhui. On the surface, he did n’t show much interest in cooperating with Yanhui. The initiative was in his hands. .It just happened that I had some friendship with Quan Zhiwu, so I could help Yan speak up. "

"At the beginning of the forest, have you thought about it, when there is nothing, you can really be sweet with Beicheng, and you don't need to worry about anything. But once something goes wrong in Beicheng's work, you can't do anything but look at it. Anxious. I can only watch Beicheng frowning and worrying about his work, exhausting his head, worrying alone, but there is no one who can talk and discuss the problem together. "

"You are his girlfriend, and he can be regarded as a very close person, but he can't tell you something, maybe he's afraid of worrying you. Even if I tell you, you can't help, and be side by side. The turbulent turbulence turned him into a more upset heart. You can't help, but you always show a worried look in front of him. He will feel bored after a long time and don't want to face you again. "

"Moreover, you do n’t understand the things at work, and it ’s no use telling you. Then what common language do you two have in addition to the trivial things in your life? He is a man who works outside and is doing People who are big things must not care about the little things in life. You always annoy him with trivial matters, and he will only get more tired of it. Gradually, you two don't even have this topic. "

"Moreover, you ca n’t help him with work. Once or twice, he may not feel that way. But he will always feel impatient and regret his decision now. When the time comes, he will want one. A wife who can help him. A wife who can go out and socialize with each other. "

"You have never been in contact with these. You don't know how to deal with those famous wives, how to deal with them, and what to talk to them. You will only be helpless when you go out, and will not help him at all. He certainly did not take you away. Some banquets or business occasions? I ’m afraid that you ca n’t handle it, or you ’re nervous, but in private, how do you know he did n’t think you were ashamed? ”

Lin Chu looked at this short message, Lu Weining was afraid she looked dazzled, and thoughtfully sent her a paragraph.

If she hadn't talked to Yan Beicheng before, she might really be affected by these words of Lu Weining, thinking wildly, and even feeling unconfident and timid. I can't help thinking about something bad, which is influenced by Lu Weining's words, the more I think about it, the more I think about it.

But because she had talked to Yan Beicheng before, she was at ease now.

Lu Weining said that Yan Beicheng did not take her to those banquets and did not let her know the famous wives.

In fact, Yan Beicheng himself did not go to those banquets or anything. Except for the necessary business dinner, there was no reason for her to participate. The rest of the time, he came to take her home early after work. She has never left her to go to any party.

Moreover, he introduced her to Qi Chengzhi, those of Han Zhuoli, to his best friends, and to let her know his friends' wives.

These people are much higher than those in the ordinary banquet. He introduced her to those friends and got their approval and blessing. She even showed her in front of her that they were different from the outside impression.

All of them were cheap, but they did not evade her, but also accepted her as a friend, and all this was because of Yan Beicheng.

Otherwise, they will not relax and trust as individuals.

With Qi Chengzhi's affirmation and blessing, why should she care about those who have nothing to do with Yan Beicheng?

Yan Beicheng also took her back to her old house, and the second old man was so kind to her. He took his heart and heart, and even the Yan family ’s inhuman things were not concealed to tell her that this was not to accept her. accept?

Just these words, Lin Chu was too lazy to tell Lu Weining that Lu Weining would not take it to heart, let alone accept it.

Lin Chu did not reply to her, and was about to turn off the text message. Who knew that Lu Weining had new information.

"But I'm different. I can help him. I know everything about his business. I also have my contacts. I know how to deal with those bosses and their wives. I know what kind of attitude I should have with them. .People get along. Meeting people who are familiar with me is helpful to Beicheng's business, and I can also match him. Just like Quan Zhiwu this time, I can help him, but you can't. "

Lu Weining seemed to be very excited. It didn't take long to finish this post, and another one followed.

"I said that you are not worthy of him, and it is not that your people are not good. If you ignore the status and everyone is equal, then there is no problem of being worthy of it. It is just the difference in status levels that has existed since ancient times. Yes, it is impossible to get rid of, and it is never possible for everyone to be equal. You are not worthy of him because you are not worthy of him. And I can be. "

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