When Cheng Lianxun got out of bed, his eyes almost popped out.

"Who told you to come up!"

In broad daylight, he just came up to her room like this.

There are too many people talking, and the influence is not good.

Zhuo Dingding didn't know what to say to the maid, and the maid left.

After he entered, he closed the door and locked it.

"What do you want to do?"

The action of him locking the door made her heart pound.

She didn't want to drive in broad daylight.

"What do you want me to do?"

Zhuo Dingding's lips smiled, implying something.

"I want you to go back to your house."

This is neither his house nor hers. In broad daylight, there is always the illusion of having an affair, which feels a little dangerous.

"I'm afraid not." He walked to the bed and stood still, "At least not in a short time."

Come and come, there is no reason to leave as soon as you come.

"You go downstairs first, I'll change my clothes and go downstairs to find you."

She stood tall on the bed, at least one meter away from him.

The bed is a dangerous place, and one must always be on guard against being thrown down by him.

"It's not that troublesome."

Zhuo Dingding would definitely not go downstairs obediently.

He took a cell phone out of his pocket.

"for you."

The mobile phone she used when she was in Shanghai.

When he thought of her new number, which was a couple number with Luo Zhijin, he wanted to drop her phone.

Cheng Lianxun looked at his old mobile phone, but didn't pick it up.

"I don't want to use it anymore."

In the old phone, there are Cheng family members and former classmates.

She hadn't contacted her classmates after the accident, and if they asked her about her life experience, she didn't know what was going on.

Just treat it as a line and divide it into two.

She didn't want to go back to Shanghai, and she didn't want to see her former classmates.

Zhuo Dingding stared at her for a few seconds, knowing that it had aroused her sadness, so he didn't force her.

From another pocket, he took out another mobile phone.

A brand new new phone.

"What are you doing?"

She doesn't understand.

Does he juggle?

Take out so many mobile phones at once.

"If you don't want to use the old phone, use this new phone."

Zhuo Dingding extended his hand.

"No, I already have a new phone."

Cheng Lianxun still didn't pick it up, and pointed to the bedside table.

The new phone was given to her by Luo Zhijin.

"It was given to you by someone else, don't use it!"

Zhuo Ding Ding Jun's face sank.

How could his woman use the mobile phone and couple number given to her by other men.

"What happened to the one given by others? Why not use it?"

Hearing his domineering and authoritarian tone, the little guy was blown away.

As long as the mobile phone is available, she doesn't pick it.

Moreover, she can decide her own life.

Even if he is a boyfriend, he can't control her in every way.

She didn't want to live a life of being obedient and relying on him for everything.


Resist his dictatorial machismo, starting from the mobile phone!

"You have nothing to do with Luo Zhijin. For no reason, you are short-handed, and you still owe him a favor. Be obedient, and return your phone to him when he comes back from get off work."

What he said was high-sounding, but in the final analysis, it was actually Zhuo Dingding who was jealous again.

And he, the jealous king, just refused to admit that he was jealous.

He also wanted to force her to submit by coaxing and deceiving, half coaxing and half threatening.


What he hasn't realized yet is that his little guy was hurt by him once, which triggered the rebellious little factor in his body, and he is no longer so easy to deceive.

"No!" Cheng Lianxun rejected him without even thinking about it, "I'll just use the phone that brother Zhi Jin gave me."

Brother Zhi Jin was so kind to her, and he returned the phone to him for no reason. He might think it, and he would definitely be sad.

"What do you call him?"

Zhuo Dingding's eyes sharpened in vain when he heard the sweet and greasy words 'Brother Zhijin' pop out of her mouth.

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