Seeing Chen Chen, Cheng Lianxun's emotional ups and downs in the past few days suddenly sank down and returned to calm.

This feeling is very weird, as if life is still the same as before the college entrance examination, nothing happened.

"Chen Chen." She went out and opened the door, smiling slightly, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see you."

Chen Chen seemed to be a little taller, but his expression was still so cold, not easy to get close to.

I went to the imperial capital to look for her before, but I didn't have a chance to have a good chat.

Knowing that she had returned to Shanghai, he came.

"Thanks, I'm fine."

Knowing that Chen Chen really cared about her, she also sincerely thanked her.

"Won't you invite me in?"

The two stood at the door, and she didn't move when she opened the door.

"come in."

Only then did Cheng Lianxun realize that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly invited him in.

"any drinks?"

She looked for drinks in the refrigerator, not sure what Chen Chen liked to drink.

She doesn't know how to make tea, otherwise she would make tea for him.

"It will be all right."

The TV was not turned on in the living room, and she didn't see anyone else, so she was at home alone?

"Chen Chen, which university did you go to?"

Cheng Lianxun brought out two bottles of ice coke.

"Emperor Capital University." Chen Chen took the drink and added after a pause, "It's quite close to the Film Academy."

"I kind of don't want to go to film school."

Cheng Lianxun sat down beside him, and said the thought that popped up this morning.

She just shot an advertisement, and all her privacy was stripped out, it was horrible.

"Your score is quite high, and you can get into Imperial University."

She had already filled out the college entrance examination application, and she didn't want to miss the film school. She wondered if Mr. Zhuo could help her to go to other universities.

"I'll just say, it hasn't been decided yet."

She was just stimulated, she said it casually, and didn't think about anything else.

"Have you received the admission letter from the Imperial Film Academy?"

Chen Chen asked.

"not yet."

It was only then that Cheng Lianxun remembered that there was an admission notice.

The notice will be sent to the Cheng family, but grandma didn't say so, so it probably hasn't arrived yet.

"It should be soon, other students have received notifications one after another."

Chen Chen took a sip of Coca-Cola, and the cool feeling that spread from his throat to his heart made his eyes light up slightly.

"Moving out from Cheng's house, have you thought about what to do in the future?"

He wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but never had the chance.

"Just go to school, finish college first, and don't think about anything else."

More others, she really didn't think about it.

"Will you go back to Cheng's house in the future? For example, during winter and summer vacations, or after graduation."

Chen Chen took one sip after another, drinking it until his body was cold and comfortable, and he looked straight at her with his calm and slightly cold eyes.

This question made Cheng Lianxun lower his eyes.

"Probably not anymore. Cheng Liande and Ning Yao live in Cheng's house, so I can't get along with them."

This is her sincere words.

She didn't want to live under the same roof as Cheng Liandian and Ning Yao.

"What if they move out?"

Chen Chen stared at her with serious eyes.

To answer this question, think about it in the long run.

In recent years, it has been impossible for them to move out.

It suddenly occurred to her that Brother Zhuo had said that he wanted to support Chen Chen and let him return to Cheng's house.

"Chen Chen, you and the Cheng family..."

In the middle of speaking, she stopped, not sure whether to speak or not.

I asked Chen Chen before, and his reaction was very violent and very angry.

"Ask whatever you want."

Seeing her hesitation, Chen Chen knew what she wanted to ask.

"You, you and Cheng Xian..."

Before she finished asking, she lowered her eyes again.

I always feel that this question is too cruel to him, so don't ask it.

"En." Chen Chen responded lightly, and took her words, "Cheng Xianzhe is my father."

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