Three hours later, we finally came to the CEO's car parked at the gate. I was like a dead fish. The author set Batian Manor too big.

Whether I walk on the balance bike, or the CEO walks on the balance bike, it is inappropriate because of the inevitable difference in forward speed.

The president also insisted on not wanting to take the car, and refused five or six times all the servants who drove by the car and wanted to invite us to get on the car.

I also carried a ten-kilogram electric balance bike on my shoulders. It felt like I had experienced a midnight hike in the wild, and I was exhausted.

After finally being able to open the door and get on the co-pilot, I suddenly remembered a question.

The president had a drink just now.

And I didn't drink.

So the CEO's mother nominally said that the CEO would send me such a nice sound, but she actually wanted me to send the CEO home, right?

Why don't you say it directly, beating around the bush.

At this time, the president, who has no sense of road safety, has already sat in the driver's seat and fastened his seat belt.

I sighed and patted the president resignedly, "You've been drinking and can't drive, so let me do it instead."

Alas, I am so miserable.

My calf muscles are starting to tremble from excessive exercise.

The car drove out for a few minutes when the president suddenly said, "Is it romantic?"

The vision is not good when driving at night. I looked at the road very seriously, and I didn't pay attention to what the president said, so I asked "Huh?"

The president's cold tone was filled with irresistible pride, "I specially arranged for you to walk under the moon, is it romantic?"

The president continued to ask: "Secretary, I gave you too much time to enjoy me, do you like it?"

I kept my eyes fixed on the road ahead, "President, it is best not to talk to the driver frequently while the vehicle is driving, as it may affect the driver's judgment."

The president was silent for a few seconds.

After a short period of silence, the president's perfect voice turned on again, "Secretary, my parents are very satisfied with you."

Didn't you say that the character of the male protagonist doesn't like to talk? How is it like a talker.

Whether the president's parents like me or not, I didn't really see it, but the president said it should be. I was very happy, and quickly expressed my sincerity, "Really? I am deeply honored. I will definitely work harder in the future and will not disappoint Mr. Batian and Mrs. Batian's expectations for me!"

The president glanced at the back seat casually, "The back seat is your reward, go get it."

I was embarrassed, "President, I'm driving..."

The president's strong and aggressive, "If you want me to condescend to do it for you, just say it."

The president brought it for me. I can't watch it even if I focus on driving, and continued to refuse: "No, it's dangerous to stop suddenly now. I'll stop and look at it later. Thank you in advance for me. Picking a gift, you've been bothered."

The president snorted slowly, "Woman, don't hide your joy, are you shy? Huh? Call it out if you like it, and let me hear it."

My eyelids twitched violently. I really couldn't listen to this kind of nonsense, "...Stop, stop talking, please deign to help me get it."

The president turned around and took a box and opened it. It happened to stop at the red light. I took the opportunity to glance in the direction of the passenger seat.

In the box is a pair of red RV branded heels.

The satin-finished diamonds gleamed in the streetlights.

In fact, I prefer commuter shoes with thick and short heels. At first glance, this pair of FlowerStrass is not designed for commuters like me who have to squeeze the bus every day.

However, if you come to the president's house for a meal, you can receive such a reward, which is still a very good deal.

I was really surprised, "How do you know my shoe size?"

The president was stunned for a second, and looked out the window as if nothing had happened.

My smile instantly froze on my face, "You don't know my shoe size, you just bought it, right?"

The president continued to indulge in speechless looking at the scenery outside the window.

I snorted and made a reasonable guess, "Is it because you planned to send it to someone else but didn't send it, so you sent it to me? Who is it, Miss Bai Bai?"

"No!" The president was anxious.

It really isn't.

Getting started isn't too much of a hassle.

I smiled again and sincerely thanked the president, "Thank you, I like it very much."

The president's instruction was clear, "Put it on."

"Huh? Now?"

If you wear it, you can't sell it at the original price!

And the car is running fast on the highway, how?

The easy money may be flying, I reluctantly said, "President, look, I only have two legs, right?"

The president hummed for unknown reasons.

I feel like I'm talking to a demented child, "One foot is for the gas pedal, so I can't change it right now."

After my long-term and unremitting efforts to popularize traffic safety regulations to the president, the president already has a little basic road safety knowledge, "replace at the service area."

I am still struggling to sell the spare money, "No. When driving a motor vehicle on the road, you must not wear slippers, high heels (heel height is more than 4 cm), bare feet, smoking behaviors that impede safe driving.”

The president probably felt that I had failed his good intentions, and then thought that my conscience fed the dog, and until the car drove back to the city, the president did not say a word to me.

I have entered the city. The president has many properties in the city. I am not sure of his destination today, so I can only ask: "President, where do you want to go back today?"

The president drank several bottles of red wine by himself just now, but now he seems to have stamina, and his eyes are a little blurred.

The president paused for a long time before asking me, "What do you like?"

“My favorite is your downtown penthouse.”

Because the set is closest to my house, I don't need to take a taxi, I can walk home in a while, and save a lot of money.

Although I hold the one million that the second man gave me, the habit of saving can not be changed for a while.

The president's eyes flickered, as if he had forgotten that he still had the apartment, and after a long time he decided, "Just go there."

There was no traffic jam at night, and I soon arrived at the gate of the apartment building. I gently pushed the president who was resting with his eyes closed, "President, you go first, I will park the car in the underground garage later. Just go."

The president suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed my hand suddenly, "Don't go."

The president seemed to be drinking too much and was sleepy. He leaned his head on my shoulder in a daze, and said in a soft nasal voice, "Don't go tonight."

My heart thumped and fell desperately.

Although this man doesn't speak much, his voice is really charming.

Which woman who has been solo for 27 years can resist the temptation of a subwoofer?

I originally wanted to refuse, I am not the president's close guard, and I have no responsibility to take care of him when he is drunk.

I think so intellectually, but I don't know why I can't rest assured to leave the drunk CEO alone.

I accidentally drove the car into the underground garage, parked the car in the parking space, and carried the sluggish CEO out of the car.

I secretly rejoice in my heart, fortunately, I didn't let the president drive just now, denying that the consequences would be unimaginable.

I took the elevator to the top floor, I held the president's finger and pressed my fingerprint to open the door.

"Cough cough—"

What a lot of dust.

I just remembered that the president doesn't come back to this apartment very often, and he rarely asks people to clean it.

Too melancholy, I had to put the president down on the sofa first, put clean sheets and duvet covers on the bed in the master bedroom, and threw the changed set into the washing machine.

After I threw President Kang into the room and threw it on the bed, I ordered fruit takeaway on my mobile phone, and went to the kitchen to make fruit tea for the president to hangover.

The pots and pans have not been used since the day I bought them, and they were covered with a thick layer of dust. I had to clean them all.

The fruit tea was boiled on the stove, the washing machine was washed, and I pulled out the wet four-piece bed set and put it in the dryer to dry.

Housekeeping please.

There are too many houses, and the president himself can’t take care of it.

Alas, there are so many troubles for the rich.

Go home, take a shower, change clothes, and it’s almost time to go to work.

Before I went out, I left a note to the president, asking him not to forget to drink fruit tea.

Ah, I'm so tired!

I will go to the company tomorrow to discuss with the president to see if this cleaning can be counted as overtime pay for me.

I went home, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and returned the electric balance car on the way to work. I yawned and arrived downstairs in Batian Building on time.

From a distance, I saw a woman covered in logo waiting for me at the gate.

Everyone came to the door, and it seemed too stingy for me to ignore it, so I sat down with Bai Bai Lianhua in the cafe on the first floor.

It's the same place where I sat with Minister Zhang last time. There was a hint of sadness in my heart.

I haven't thought of Minister Zhang for a long time.

But that is all in the past, people must look forward! Don't give up the pursuit of a new and better life because of a one-sided lovelorn!

I cheered up and politely smiled at Bai Bai Lianhua, "Miss Bai Bai, do you have anything to do with me?"

Bai Bai Lianhua didn't talk nonsense, she went straight to the point, "There was a bit of an accident yesterday, I promised to give you money, and you will leave the sight of brother Cai immediately."

Are you kidding me? Are you addicted to playing me?

I'm busy, but I don't have time to play with this eldest lady every day, so I impatiently fumbled an amount, "Five hundred million, cash, not a cent less."

Bai Bai Lianhua was taken aback, "It wasn't only five million yesterday..."

"That's right." I made a pause gesture and interrupted her coolly, "That was yesterday's price, you didn't cherish the opportunity, now?" After hanging out with the president for a long time, I can learn the tone of his beating beatings, "Oh, the price has gone up."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I don't like 5 bottles of live animals; I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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