Taking the address given to me by the hostess, I called the logistics department of Batian Group and wanted to borrow an official car. I was told that all the buses of the group were dispatched today.

I was shocked, how could it be possible! The dignified Batian Group, the world's No. 1 Batian Group, shouldn't have countless luxury cars sitting obediently in a row in the garage.

Later I figured it out, maybe the author has not written a plot related to the official car, so the setting of the bus is blank.

Then there is no other way, I have to take out my mobile phone and call an online car-hailing car at my own expense, and I will reimburse it later.

The second male was filming a costume movie recently. Today, he was shooting a scene in a barren mountain. The fare plus the toll was more than 300 yuan and nearly 400 yuan. Lungs and kidneys are shaking.

The eldest brother of the driver is very kind, and he was very worried when he saw the tears on my face. He glanced at the rearview mirror many times, and repeatedly confirmed to me that I did not come here to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. Incessantly speaking, he spent several hours conducting all-round psychological counseling for me, from the Russian October Revolution to Marxist philosophy, trying to help me re-establish a scientific and positive value.

The driver is very envious, "Little girl, how much does a group show cost a day? You can still spend so much money for a taxi."

Now, I want to pursue my childhood dream of being an actor.

The driver's brother thought for a while, "Ah, little girl, I remembered, you just got on the bus from Batian Group, you are not the daughter-in-law of the president of Batian Group?"

No, I am the lackey of the president of Batian Group.

I stubbornly turned my head and looked out the window, refusing to have another conversation with the driver.

Finally arrived at the destination, the studio is very conspicuous, and there are many people on the empty yellow sand at the foot of the mountain. The driver's brother helped me find the place where the extras gathered and let me out of the car.

I pretended to be, but it didn't matter. To look more like it, I tugged my hair hard. Doing a line of work must love it, and pretend to be like it. This is my basic requirement for my work attitude.

Maybe it's too similar, I'm in and out of the crew like no one else.

I crouched in a circle with the resting group performers, overheard their conversation for a while, and learned that the RV that was not far away was the second male.

When no one was paying attention, I sneaked over like a thief, stuck it on the door, and knocked on the door.

This is Mr. Huangfu's latest autographed photo. Don't forget that Mr. Huangfu's new drama "Hurry Up and Run" and the series "Male and Horses Don't Eat Grass" will be released soon, please come to the cinema to support Just a moment."

The other party is so professional, I also put on a professional mechanical smile, "Hello, I am the secretary of the Batian Group President's Secretary Office, I want to communicate with Mr. Huangfu for a business meeting. Could you please let me know about any related matters?"

The fat brother frowned, took a step back with his arms in his arms, and looked at me from top to bottom.

I was wearing a messy chicken coop head, a mess of makeup on my face, and a dirty and torn beggar's outfit.

The fat brother's eyes were full of alertness, and the words "I don't believe" were written brightly on his face.

The car door opened again, and the male voice was low and gentle above my head, "Come up."

A slender white hand stretched out in front of me.

I looked up and saw a delicate and handsome face looking at me with a warm smile.

Although I have seen the appearance of the second man on TV and newspapers a lot, this is the first time I have seen a real person, and I look a hundred times better than on TV.

I was dizzy and pulled into the car by the second man, and then I remembered what I was here for, and hurriedly showed my professionalism and explained to the second man my intention.

After I finished speaking, I stared at the second male nervously, sweating so hard that I didn’t dare to move, my old secret’s life is here, and if the second male also dropped a sentence coldly and disappeared , I'm going back to the city to pick a cemetery for myself.

The second male had a shallow smile on his mouth and nodded lightly, "See you then, I can't let the president embarrass you because of my relationship."

I stood up and bowed deeply to the second male, incoherently excited, "Thank you! I really appreciate you! I really don't know what to say. Express my admiration for you, and your new play will definitely sell!"

The roof of the actor's RV is so high that I didn't even touch my head when I stood up.

The second male waved his hand and let me sit down, "Actually, I have an unkind request, I may have to trouble Miss Mi."

My eyes were full of tears, and my chest was full of blood.

The second male seemed to be amused by my serious expression, "I heard that the female lead is working under Miss Mi. The female lead is a fledgling college student. There will inevitably be some omissions in her work. Please bear with me, Miss, and take care of the heroine for me."

I asked a question that had been entrenched in my heart for three minutes and fifteen seconds, "Why do you agree to let the heroine enter the Batian Group? Be the heroine directly in the Huangfu Group. Wouldn't it be easier to arrange a position?"

She should support her to do everything she wants to do. When she is tired and injured, the door of Huangfu Group will always be open for her."

Listen to the emotional intelligence of others, look at this bit of others.

If I hadn't had a deep-rooted love for Minister Zhang, I would have fallen.

President, you're done.


I'm a little scared, I don't know if the president will agree, but don't let me run 100 kilometers in vain, the old man said "too far, don't go."

I called the president tremblingly and explained the situation.

The president's coldness came over the phone, "Okay, come back now."

"President, I am already here with Mr. Huangfu."

The president's cold voice was a little impatient, "Give you thirty minutes."

My hands trembled along with my heart, and I asked reluctantly, "Do you mean that I don't have to be your accompanying secretary later on and attend your meeting with Mr. Huangfu? "

The president blew my fantasy mercilessly, "You come back and drive. Mind you, you have twenty-nine minutes and fifteen seconds left."

Are you kidding? ah? I finally came over, go back, and then come back with you? Am I fed up?

Do you want me to drive? Where's your driver?

Huh? !

If I hadn't been worried about maintaining a good image in front of the actor, I would have been sitting on the ground and crying.

The second male sighed when he saw my despairing appearance, and patted my shoulder sympathetically, "You can wash and change your clothes in the car, and I will ask the driver to take you back."

You see, it's not that I want to resign, it's that the contrast is too strong.

A little impulse burst out from the bottom of my heart, and I wanted to ask if the second male Huangfu Group was still recruiting people.

The second male called the fat brother just now and asked the fat brother to find a car to take me back to the city.

Taking advantage of the fat brother looking for the car, I smiled and approached the second male coyly, "Mr. Huangfu, do you still have any staff?"

The fat brother came back, "Mr. Huangfu, the car the driver drove over had a flat tire just now."

I silently shut my mouth. The author won't let me resign, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back today if I say one more sentence.

When everyone worked together to change the spare tire, the driver hurriedly took me back to Batian Group. I lifted my wrist and looked at my watch, it was already two hours later.

The president's face was so low that it was scary to death, and there was a hint of anger in his voice, "Secretary, you are late."

With the comparison of the second male pearl and jade in the sky and the ground, I don't want to talk to the president any more. The explanation is superfluous. I lowered my head and said, "I'm sorry."

The president snorted coldly and threw an eye knife at me, without further entanglement.

The departure vehicle seating arrangement is: I am driving, the president and the hostess sit in the back row; Minister Zhang drives his own car and follows.

So why can't I wait on set and let Minister Zhang drive?

Don't ask. Asking is God's will, asking is destiny, asking is doomed.

Because of driving such an expensive car, a scratch on the headlights is a price I can't afford. I was very cautious and didn't pay attention to the situation in the rear.

After driving out for more than half an hour, the president suddenly called me to stop in a gloomy tone, "Secretary, you go down."

The president's legal awareness is really lacking, I firmly rejected his unreasonable request, "I'm sorry, president, that is illegal parking on the highway. Parking, fine of 200 yuan, 6 points."

The president's face turned blue, and my resistance probably aroused his anger, "You didn't hear me? I asked you to pull over."

There is an emergency lane on the side. It is illegal and immoral to occupy the emergency lane indiscriminately. We must firmly resist it.

You're **** off, and I won't do anything against traffic rules. "If you drive a motor vehicle other than an operating passenger car and park in the emergency lane in a non-emergency situation, you will be fined 200 yuan and deducted 6 points."

The author has something to say:

If you are interested, please bookmark it, someone will be motivated to keep going! Crab and crab~ (Bow thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-31 16:14:46~2020-04-0218:57:44~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Mo Linran; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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