The prefect of the hall slapped the gavel suddenly.

The yamen-killing sticks on both sides stomped on the ground so loudly.

Gu Yunjiao knelt down silently.

Jiang Youzhi and Lin Shuo, who came in, stood behind Gu Yunjiao.

The prefect in the hall squinted, "Who is kneeling?"

Gu Yunjiao lowered her head and said, "Gu Yunjiao, the girl of the people, is the shopkeeper of Renxintang."

The prefect's eyes fell on Lin Shuo and Jiang Youzhi, "Who is standing?"

One of Jiang You handed over, "The next one is Renxintang's man, Jiang Youzhi, a scholar in Chunlin County."

Lin Shuo also cupped his hands, "The next one is the guard of Renxintang, the general of the Great Chu Zhongwu Lin Shuo."

The prefect in the hall was agitated, and General Zhongwu was of the fourth rank, the same rank as his prefect.

However, the Chinese officers of the Great Chu Army ruled over the military attachés, and officials of the same rank naturally respected the civil officers.

This position of loyal military general also has real positions in the army, and some are false titles, most of which are used by the emperor to reward some honorable children.

The prefect quickly turned away, this Lin Shuo is definitely not a real position in the army, otherwise he can't stand here right now, which only shows that Lin Shuo is very likely to be a son of honor.

How could such a person condescend to be in a small benevolence hall?

The prefect was puzzled, but the balance in his heart tilted involuntarily to Lin Shuo's side. If he didn't know how to vote, he would not be able to take this seat. .

Zheng Juren, who was lying on the ground, was stunned.

He looked at Lin Shuo stupidly, the one who beat him turned out to be an official?

This official is crazy. If you don't do a good official, you go to Renxintang as a guard.

How is he going to fight this lawsuit?

Even Jiang Youzhi couldn't help but glance at Lin Shuo, you had said earlier that you were a fourth-rank official, and he wouldn't have to go to the prince to get a post.

Gu Yunjiao, who was kneeling on the ground, was completely calm.

The brocade clothes on Lin Shuo's body and his unusual temperament have long told her that this person must have an extraordinary background.

The prefect's mind became clear, and he asked Lin Shuo kindly, "Zheng Juren sued Renxintang's guard for beating someone, this guard—"

Lin Shuo threw up his hands, "I'm fighting."

"This person's morals are corrupt, and when he enters my Renxintang, he teases the owner, and he can't bear it anymore, so he makes a move."

The prefect's gaze fell on Zheng Juren, "Does Zheng Juren have something to say?"

Zheng Juren opened his mouth to say that it was Gu Yunjiao who seduced him frivolously, and that Gu Yunjiao's elder sister had committed adultery, which was enough to prove that the Gu family's family style was corrupt. He suddenly saw Lin Shuo staring at him.

He suddenly remembered what Lin Shuo said yesterday, if he dared to say nonsense, he would cut his own tongue.

Zheng Juren was agitated, avoiding Lin Shuo's gaze, and quickly weighed it in his heart, and said tremblingly, "Master Qi, this, this is just a misunderstanding."

"It was because I got closer to what the shopkeeper said, and I was misunderstood."

The prefect in the hall dragged his voice, "Oh, so that's the case, it's a misunderstanding, what about this paper?"

Zheng Juren waved his hand hurriedly, "I am willing to withdraw the paper."

"That's the medical bill—"

He glanced at Lin Shuo again, Lin Shuo's eyes were like knives, and Zheng Juren hurriedly said: "The medical expenses are also borne by the subordinates themselves. In the end, the subordinates acted improperly, which caused misunderstandings."

The prefect is very comfortable.

This Zheng Juren is so sensible, that's the best, so that he will not have to rack his brains to think of reasons to favor Lin Shuo's side.

He smiled and said, "If that's the case, then go back to your own home."


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