Everyone was silent when they heard this. It was indeed the case. If you want to gain immortality, you don't want to sacrifice everything or take risks. How can there be such a good thing in the world.

Unless his father is the Chaos Demon God, the leader of some super force, and a natural nobleman.

The problem is that most people are just ordinary people and cannot get everything at birth.

If they want to get extraordinary treatment, they need to make extraordinary efforts and take huge risks

"But you don’t need to be too nervous."

Middle-aged man Liu Jie smiled slightly:"In fact, it is not too difficult to survive in the main god space. As long as your cultivation level is raised to the level of quasi-sage, no, even if it is the realm of heavenly immortal, mysterious immortal, or even Daluo Jinxian, in fact, They can all live well.

After all, after reaching this level, reincarnators are no longer cannon fodder. They are basically promoted to high-level cannon fodder, and the time between each mission will be very long."


The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, but they were not happy at all when they heard this. What kind of high-level cannon fodder are you? After all, you are not cannon fodder?!

"Don’t doubt anything. This is a fact and I am not deceiving you."

Middle-aged man Liu Jie said:"In fact, after being promoted to immortal, the survival rate will be greatly improved. As long as you don't commit suicide, you will rarely die.

If you are promoted to the saint realm, it will be even more incredible. You will basically become a boss. So far, you have rarely heard of the death of the saint boss."

He said that if you are promoted to the realm of a saint, you will basically be immortal. Even if you cannot leave the main god space, you can still live a very comfortable life in the main god space.

This is just an occasional mission at most, and it will not cause any problems. Fallen.

The so-called high mortality rate in reincarnation missions is simply because the strength of the junior reincarnations is too low. If the strength of the reincarnations is high enough, then the survival rate will be greatly improved.

After all, the main god space does not want these reincarnations to die, but He wants these reincarnators to quickly increase their strength, thereby helping them devour the origins of the universe one after another.

"That sounds nice, is it so easy for a saint to be promoted?"

"Over the years, countless reincarnations have appeared, but so far there are still only a few reincarnations who have become saints. Most of them died on missions again and again."

"That’s right, this is just a big pie, the kind you can only look at but not eat."

Everyone was speechless, saying that this kind of thing is simply impossible.

"In short, it is much easier to advance to the realm of saints than to escape the control of the main god space. Anyway, you are crying and shouting now, and it is impossible to escape from the main god space. It is better to enjoy the life of the main god space, or even use the resources of the main god space, so as to quickly Improve your own cultivation. The outside world does not have such good resources for you to practice."

The middle-aged man Liu Jie said lazily


Everyone was speechless, and that's true. That's what life is. Since you can't resist, you can only lie on the ground and enjoy it, and bear the beatings of life.

Could it be that if they complain and complain, their situation will change? Be changed? It's impossible

"Has no one ever resisted the Lord God Space so far?"

Some people couldn't help but ask.

Because the Lord God Space is like a boss who squeezes employees. Although it continues to cultivate excellent employees, once employees are outstanding, they will always have various ideas.

For example, they want to increase their salary. , want to change jobs and start a new business, etc. Once they have the strength, they will inevitably resist the biggest force that oppresses them.

He feels that those saints born from the main god space will definitely find ways to obtain true freedom.

"Resist the main god space?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man Liu Jie suddenly laughed, laughing very loudly:"Maybe you are still young and don't know how old the Lord God Space is. It is said that it was born when the world was created. No one knows how old it is. Know its origin and who created it.

In short, it has appeared in this world for more than trillions of epochs. From ancient times to the present, it has always existed, constantly recruiting reincarnations, but so far, no one has been heard of who can resist the Lord God Space, and no one can. No one escapes from the hands of the Lord God Space, do you understand?"

He stared at everyone with an inexplicable look in his eyes.


Everyone looked at each other after hearing this, and they could see the horrified look in each other's eyes. The so-called Lord God Space was actually born from the beginning of the world. , what a divine thing this is.

They can't imagine how powerful this great existence is.

Billions of years?!

For mortals, even a hundred years is a long and unimaginable time, basically The life of a mortal.

If it exceeds ten thousand years, it will be a vicissitudes of life, going through ancient dynasties one after another.

It is said that the history of human beings in a certain small world has been recorded in writing, which is only about five thousand years.

But Just imagine what the concept of trillions of epochs is.

I am afraid that at that time, their race may not have been born, and no one can imagine that the main god space is such a long-standing great existence.

"No way, is the main god space so terrifying? Even a saint can't compete?"

Some people couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, almost unable to believe it, because in his perception, the saint was already an invincible existence in the world, and could tear the world apart with just a single move.

But the main god space was even more terrifying, even Even a saint can suppress it easily

"Haha, saints don't matter. The so-called saints are just strong men born from the Lord God's space giving some treasures at will. It can completely produce a large number of saints in batches."

Middle-aged man Liu Jie took out a cigarette from his body, lit it, and puffed away:"It can be said that if it is willing, it can easily destroy many saints without wasting any energy.

Once upon a time, there were some saints who tried to join forces to resist the control of the main god's space, hoping to gain complete freedom. After all, they had been promoted to the realm of saints. How could they still hope to be controlled by others and perform tasks everywhere.

It's a pity that after just one encounter, these saints all died without a sound, their souls were pulled out, and they were unable to even struggle."

There was a look of sadness on his face.

"No way, how do you know such a confidential matter?"

Everyone is in disbelief. They feel that the killing of the saint is the top secret of the main god's space. Judging from the appearance of this middle-aged man, he does not look like a high-level boss. Why would he know such an incredible thing.

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