After hearing this, Furukawa finally understood why the transactions between the reincarnations were extremely prosperous. It was purely because the charges in the main god space were too harsh, which made them feel that it was not cost-effective, so they conducted private transactions.

But this is also a matter of course.

If the main god space is compared to a government, then the reincarnators are the people, and the fees earned from it are taxes collected from the people.

The Lord God Space uses these taxes to continuously develop and expand itself, making the Lord God Space itself more powerful, more powerful, and able to exchange for more items.

Therefore, it is natural for the Lord God Space to profit from it.

If a part of the original energy is not extracted from it, the main god space will have no way to develop and evolve.

Once the main god space evolves, the reincarnators will naturally gain huge benefits from it, obtaining more resources, more treasures, more secrets, etc.

It's like a country collects taxes and uses them to build more highwaysMore high-speed rail, more parks, more bridges, more public facilities, etc.

Without these taxes, the country would not be able to develop at all, which is equivalent to taking money from the people and using it for the people.

Same thing.

The same is true for the Lord God Space for reincarnators. It can be said that the two complement each other and are indispensable.

Furukawa doesn't really mind the thoughts of the reincarnators. After all, for the reincarnators, it is best for anything in the main god space to be free, without any money at all, which means that it is a good conscience.

The problem is that nothing in this world can appear out of thin air, and everything needs to be exchanged at equal value.

Free stuff is also unsustainable.

Of course, even if these reincarnations trade privately and evade taxes, the main god's space does not matter, because it is impossible for the reincarnations to buy truly scarce things.

For example, the magical powers, secrets, Taoist techniques, etc. practiced by the reincarnators are all monopolized by the main god space. No reincarnator is allowed to teach them privately, otherwise they will be obliterated.

Therefore, this alone makes the Lord God Space reap a great harvest, and many reincarnators have no way to avoid this. Unless they can find cultivation techniques that are not available in the Lord God Space, they are not allowed to teach them to each other.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

However, this topic was not discussed for long. Liu Jie and others quickly left the teleportation area and came to a reincarnator area outside.

I saw that this was a huge city, surrounded by densely packed buildings, and these buildings were of different shapes and styles, just like a hodgepodge.

And the reincarnations living in this city are basically the beings under the immortals.

"This is the city where we live - Changshan City."

Liu Jie introduced the city:"The entire city in the main god space is actually divided into three areas, one is the city of mortals, one is the city of immortals, and the other is the city of saints.

Basically, these three areas are the division of strength among the reincarnators. Basically, the weak cannot enter the areas where the strong are, and of course the strong cannot enter the areas of the weak.

Changshan City is one of the mortal cities. Although it is not very famous, it can be regarded as a very large city of reincarnators, with countless reincarnators living there."

He pointed at the city in front of him and said that there are many similar mortal cities in the main god's space. They are simply countless, as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Moreover, the buildings in these cities were built by the reincarnators themselves, from scratch. Yes, that's why there are so many buildings with different styles.


I saw that when Furukawa entered the city, he immediately saw densely packed reincarnations near the streets. They were all of different races and different lives. All of them exuded a powerful and sturdy aura, and they seemed to be very difficult to mess with.

However, these people stood together in groups of three or five, and few were alone.

Furukawa naturally also expressed his doubts.

"Very normal."

Middle-aged man Liu Jie said matter-of-factly:"In the Lord God's Space, you perform one reincarnation mission after another, and each reincarnation mission is a narrow escape. If you are alone, no matter how strong you are, you may be defeated after several reincarnation missions. If you want to survive, you can only form a reincarnation team and rely on the strength of the team to survive.

After all, the power of the crowd is always much stronger than the power of an individual. Of course, forming a reincarnation team with too many people is of little use. In this era, no matter how many mediocre people there are, they can't compare to an elite, many accurate All saints put together cannot compare to one saint.

Therefore, the reincarnations like to select teammates with potential. In this way, it will be of huge benefit to everyone, and the number of people is sparse, and the distribution of interests between each other can be more balanced, and they can rest assured that their backs Give it to each other."

He said that in the main god space, it is normal for the reincarnators to form a reincarnation team. After all, the reincarnators need to often form a team to complete tasks, so that the chance of survival will be greatly improved.

"I see."

Furukawa touched his chin.

He knew why this happened, because it was closely related to the main god's space strategy to conquer the origin of the universe. If a universe is compared to a big tree, then he wants to cut down this one. If you cut down the big tree rashly, you don’t know how much time and effort will be wasted, and this is not what a wise man does.

In order to cut down this big tree more easily, the Lord God Space dispatched many teams of reincarnations to let They enter the interior of the universe and continue to destroy.

These reincarnation teams are like ants. They may not seem strong enough on the surface, but they can easily destroy the roots of this big tree.

And in this way, Countless ants have bitten off the roots of this big tree. No matter how huge this big tree is, it will be fragile due to the loss of its foundation.

At that time, the main god's space can push this tree gently. Push the big tree to the ground and take it completely for yourself, which has the effect of making a huge difference.

The most important thing is that the reincarnation team is broken into pieces and destroys everywhere, which makes these universe origins exhausted and scattered, and they are not able to do anything at all. Know which enemy is better to deal with.

Moreover, the reincarnations in the main god space are endless in number, can be used inexhaustibly, and can be killed endlessly. They are like consumables. No matter how many die, they can be reborn.

So even if you do it again and again War, these cosmic origins cannot destroy the main god space at all, but make the main god space become more powerful and further evolved.

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