"Thirteen space sea monsters? Isn't this too dangerous? If the main god's space is destroyed, us reincarnations will not be much better."

A reincarnation saint asked hesitantly.

They had encountered some cosmic sea monsters before. After all, in the process of devouring the universe, the Lord God Space would inevitably encounter some competitors.

Therefore, encountering those cosmic sea monsters is unavoidable. Under such circumstances, there will definitely be extremely brutal fighting between each other.

Only the one who wins can get this universe.

And every time they encounter the monster of the cosmic sea, the reincarnators are The losses were heavy, and it was basically the Lord God Space himself who could kill those cosmic sea monsters.

So they naturally knew how terrifying those cosmic sea monsters were. Just one appearance was so terrifying, and suddenly ten of them appeared. The three of them don’t know what the consequences will be.

Although they want to get rid of the control of the main god’s space, they don’t want to die at the hands of those cosmic sea monsters.

"Do not worry."

The saint in red waved his hand:"Although those cosmic sea monsters are extremely terrifying, the main god space is not a vegetarian. It will not be destroyed so easily. I think both sides are likely to lose."

He has already measured the strength of both sides, and there should be no winner or loser, so this will give him a chance to benefit.

"If that's the case, then I have no doubts about this plan."

"With internal agents like us, the indigenous saints, and the cosmic sea monsters, the main god space is definitely dead this time, and the success rate is close to 100%."

"In this case, let's start this plan. This time we will definitely be able to get rid of the control of the Lord God's space."

Many reincarnation saints said solemnly. After weighing the pros and cons, they decided to join this plan. After all, they have long been eager to get rid of the control of the Lord God's space.

Now that they have finally waited for this opportunity, they have no reason not to do it.

If If you miss this opportunity, you don’t know if you will have this opportunity next time.

"Very good, in that case, let's wait for the decisive battle in three days. That's when we and the Lord God Space will decide the winner. If we don't succeed, we will be benevolent."

The saint in red clenched his fists, filled with murderous intent.


At this time, somewhere deep in the cosmic sea, thirteen cosmic sea monsters appeared here. Each monster exuded a heart-stopping evil aura, unfathomable and as vast as the universe.

The leader of these thirteen cosmic sea monsters is the Screamer. It is filled with distortion, evil, darkness, erosion and other auras. It seems that if it gets even slightly closer, it will go completely crazy and distort its consciousness and soul.

Vaguely, there seemed to be waves of strange vibrations coming from it, and inexplicable sounds spread out, which seemed to be the sounds of sea monsters.

When ordinary people hear such a voice, it is as if they hear their mother's call. They rush over impatiently, and their souls leave the body and are swallowed by the screamer.

In fact, the Screamer is such a terrifying cosmic sea monster. It is called the cosmic sea monster. It usually hides somewhere and screams.

If the passing beings hear such a sound, they will lose control involuntarily, and their souls will escape from their shells and enter the mouth of the screamer one after another, becoming the food of the screamer.

"In three days, we will set off to deal with the main god space, everyone, be ready."

Screamer said.

It is a title called the Lord of the Universe with the power of tens of millions of universe reincarnations. It has been running rampant in the cosmic sea for too long, and it contains unimaginable power.

"Dealing with the main god space? What kind of enemy is it? It actually requires thirteen of us to take action. Isn't it a bit of a fuss?"A cosmic sea monster asked curiously.

It naturally knew that a strong man of Screamer's level would not aim at nothing, and he definitely thought it was necessary to invite so many companions to cooperate.

But it was very curious about what the main god space is. With such a background, he is actually worthy of the title of Screamer. The Lord of the Universe has worked so hard and is still here to call friends.

To be honest, such a thing is very rare.

"A very powerful enemy."

Screamer Jie Jie said with a smile:"It is an unimaginable artifact. Its level is comparable to the treasure of the universe. It has the ability to invade other universes at will. It is a super war weapon and seems to have independent consciousness. I don’t know whether it was forged artificially or was bred by the cosmic sea."

"An artifact that can invade other universes at will and easily break through the barriers of the universe? No, there really is such a secret treasure in the world. If we could master such a secret treasure, wouldn't we be able to easily enter the interior of countless universes and devour them one by one?"

The eyes of a monster suddenly lit up. The reason why it is so difficult for them to devour the universe is because the universe is protected by a cosmic barrier. No matter how weak the cosmic natives are, they cannot break through the cosmic barrier.

If they want to break through the cosmic barrier, they It takes a lot of time and wear and tear bit by bit to make this possible, but it is a waste of time and makes them inefficient in swallowing the universe.

By the time they succeed, the universe may have already entered the next reincarnation..

But if they master a certain secret treasure and can easily sneak into other universes, then they can take the opportunity to devour each universe. This is an unprecedented opportunity.

It will immediately understand the importance of this matter

"Yes, this Lord God Space is so mysterious. When I learned the news, I was simply ecstatic and wanted to snatch this secret treasure immediately. But just relying on me aloneThe chances are not very high, so I need help from you good brothers."

Screamer said in a deep voice

"I see. No wonder the Screamers suddenly asked us for help. It turns out they were unsure."

"If we were really sure, we would have been eating alone a long time ago. Where would it be our turn?"

"Indeed, if I find such a secret treasure, I will naturally take it all for myself. How could I be willing to leak this news and attract countless competitors?"

"But is this main god space really so powerful? You actually don't even have any confidence in the Screamer."

Many space sea monsters were talking about it, and they finally understood why the Screamer suddenly asked for help.

"Of course it is very powerful. I can feel the immortal aura contained in the main god space. In fact, the lives under its control are reincarnators. I cannot swallow the soul of any reincarnation."

The Screamer's face was very serious, indicating that this is a very rare thing, because swallowing souls is its innate magical power. It has never failed several times since ancient times. This is the first time it has encountered such a rare thing. Failed.

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