Many reincarnation saints are amazed. Every time they see the true form of the Lord God appear in space, they feel extremely shocked and lament their own insignificance.

They don't know what kind of ancient divine object this is and what degree of power it possesses.

But they know that even if they become saints, compared with existences of this level, they are still far behind. This is a distance calculated in light years.


At this moment, at the critical moment when the main god space appeared, thousands of indigenous saints instantly came out from the depths of the void. They had prepared many magical powers and spells, and used thunder at the critical moment. hit


"What happened?!"

"Are you kidding? How come there are so many indigenous saints here? Are there so many living forces hidden in this chaotic universe? Why have I never seen it before and why did it appear now?"

"Stupid, this must be not only the indigenous saints of this chaotic universe, but also the indigenous saints from other universes. They are all gathered in this place now."

"The Anti-Lord God Space Alliance must be the saints of the Anti-Lord God Space Alliance. I have heard of their name a long time ago. I thought it was a small organization, but I didn’t expect it to become a big deal. There are so many indigenous people. saint as member"

"What do they want to do all of a sudden?"

"Do you still need to ask? They just want to deal with the Lord God Space. They want to take advantage of the critical moment when the Lord God Space takes action. They want to take action and take the opportunity to destroy the Lord God Space."

"Indeed, only when the Lord God Space devours the origin of the universe will its true body be revealed. At other times, it is hidden in the depths of billions of dimensions. Even we cannot find the true body of the Lord God Space."

"It's really a good plan. How long did it take?"

"Stop talking nonsense, stop these indigenous saints immediately, don't let them harm the Lord God Space."

Many reincarnation saints were also shocked. They did not expect that such a change would suddenly happen, which shocked them.

But they are also warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles, so naturally they will not be affected by these changes. Frightened, one by one began to react and tried to stop these indigenous saints.

Blah blah~~

But before they could take action, suddenly a Tai Chi diagram appeared in the void, showing yin and yang, black and white. The Eight Diagrams symbol.

And this Tai Chi diagram instantly shrouded all the reincarnation saints together, as if they were all included in a Tai Chi world, under the absolute realm.

Such changes have caused many reincarnations to The saint was even more surprised

"Damn it, this is the magic weapon of chaos - Chaos Tai Chi Diagram. It integrates offense and defense. Once you enter the Chaos Tai Chi Diagram, even a saint will have trouble getting out. What on earth do you want to do?"

A reincarnation saint stared at one of the saints in red who suddenly took action. He knew that the Chaos Tai Chi Diagram was the saint's natal magic weapon. Only he could control this chaos magic weapon.

And the other party suddenly appeared here At such a critical moment, all reincarnated saints were included in the Chaos Tai Chi Diagram. Obviously, this behavior was done with ulterior motives.

"You all can just sit back and watch the show in my Chaos Tai Chi Tu. You also know how powerful my chaos magic weapon is. Even if you try your best, you won’t be able to escape from here in a short time. It’s better to stay here with peace of mind. Watch the battle between the indigenous saints and the Lord God Space here."

The red-clothed saint smiled slightly. At this critical moment, he finally caught his eye and trapped all the reincarnation saints with one move, making them unable to help the main god space.

This is equivalent to losing a major help of the main god space.

"You are right, just stay here peacefully, this matter has nothing to do with you"

"If you don't want to die, don't take action, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"Whoever wants to take action will die. You should think about it yourself."

In an instant, saints stood up one after another. They stood behind the saint in red, showing huge and unfathomable power, gathering into a huge force.


The remaining unknowing reincarnations were The saints were all shocked. They did not expect this situation at all. Half of the reincarnation saints actually sided with the saint in red.

It can be said that they are at an absolute disadvantage at this moment and cannot compete with the saint in red. fight against each other

"You colluded with that group of indigenous saints and betrayed the main god space."

The eyes of a reincarnation saint showed a glint, and he obviously saw the plan of the saint in red and others. He took action at such a critical moment, and the timing was so coincidental.

If the two sides had not colluded together long ago, it would have been impossible. Such a thing happened.

But many reincarnation saints were also shocked. They did not expect that some of their own people would collude with the indigenous saints. This was simply unreasonable. It was like a modern civilized soldier who suddenly chose to betray Just like choosing an aboriginal tribe after entering a civilized country, no matter how you think about it, you wonder if there is something wrong with that person’s head, or that he was decapitated.

"Collusion? Don't say it so harshly, it's just cooperation and everyone gets what they need."

The saint in red stood with his hands behind his back and said proudly:"To be honest, the Lord God Dimension has been high above us for too long, towering over us, enslaving us at will, and treating us as if we were wage earners. We have had enough of this situation for a long time. , so this time we must give the Lord God Space some color.

I believe the same is true for you. Have you always wanted to live in the shadow of the Lord God’s dimension? Do you want to be enslaved by the Lord God’s space all the time? Don’t you want to become the master? Now is the best opportunity. As long as we defeat the Lord God Space, we can get rid of the shackles imposed on us by the Lord God Space.

Fellow Taoists, there is actually no conflict of interest between us. There is no need to fight here. Now I don’t need you to do anything. As long as you do nothing, that is the greatest support for us."

His tone was impassioned and inflammatory.


Hearing this, many reincarnation saints hesitated. In fact, they were also dissatisfied deep in their hearts. Although they were not as radical as the red saints, they sought cooperation from indigenous saints and betrayed the main god space.

But if there is a chance, let If they get rid of the Lord God Space and regain their freedom without having to pay any price, then they are actually willing to do so.

The problem is that betraying the Lord God Space means intending to rebel. In ancient times, that was decapitation, a major crime against the nine tribes. Well, once it fails, all the reincarnation saints will die.

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