At this time, the faces of Screamer and other cosmic sea monsters were extremely solemn. They had begun to feel that this battle was not as simple as they imagined. This was not a one-sided battle.

Obviously, the power of the main god space in front of them is beyond their imagination. Just the appearance of a row of black coffins is enough to make them frightened, as if a disaster is coming.

"Damn it, what the hell is this? What exactly is being held in that black coffin?"

"Haha, it’s just a pretense, there’s nothing to be afraid of"

"That's right. We have been in the cosmic sea for so long and we haven't seen anything. We still need to be afraid of this so-called main god space. It's just a joke."

"No need to talk nonsense at all, start immediately and blow up all these so-called black coffins."

Screamer and other cosmic sea monsters are full of murderous intent. They are not afraid of these weird situations at all. Instead, they want to rush forward and blast the main god's space.


But the next second, originally The black coffin floating in this chaotic time and space was opened instantly, and terrifying black monsters broke out from inside.

They were like black mist, with no form or appearance, and their bodies were filled with endless power of sin. , and the power of the law of the great avenue.

It seems that they are just a group of monsters condensed by the power of sin, the power of law and so on. They only have the instincts of killing, erosion, cursing and so on.

At this moment, they are entangled with a It seems that it is precisely because of the blockade of these reincarnation chains that these black monsters cannot move.

Otherwise, once they regain their freedom, they will destroy all life they see.

"This is a Taoist evil. Damn it. Why are there so many Taoist evils here?!"

When a cosmic sea monster saw the appearance of these black monsters, its expression suddenly changed. As the Lord of the Universe, it has lived for millions of cosmic reincarnations. It is impossible for it not to know the existence of Dao evil. The so-called Dao evil, After the death of the Lord of the Universe, countless sentient beings in the opponent's body died, the resentment they generated, and the terrifying monster formed by the power of sin.

This kind of monster is immortal and cannot be killed unless all resentments and sins are destroyed. Die, otherwise no matter how many times they are destroyed, they will be reborn quickly.

However, these evil beings possess endless power of sin. Once they attack other masters of the universe, as long as there are wounds on their bodies, they will be quickly corroded, poisoned, and their bodies will be The endless power of sin erodes.

The most important thing is that there is no benefit at all in killing these evil beings. If they fail, they will die and the evil will disappear.

Therefore, when the masters of the universe see these evil beings, they will shout bad luck, Just turn around and leave.

To the Lord of the Universe, these evils are actually equivalent to mortals encountering zombies. Killing them has little benefit. On the contrary, once they are injured, they will be invaded by the corpse poison and turn into zombies. One of them.

Therefore, these lords of the universe absolutely hate evildoers.

"This main god space actually has so many evil beings in captivity. What on earth does this guy want to do? Does he know that this is something that is expressly prohibited by the universe sea? This is an unforgivable behavior."

Another cosmic sea monster was frightened and angry. It felt a huge crisis. If it was surrounded by these evildoers, they would have nowhere to escape. At this moment, it had begun to retreat, feeling the disadvantages of the main god's space. provoke

"No, the question is, what method does this main god space use to control these evil spirits? Isn't it afraid of backlash against itself?"A cosmic sea monster is simply unbelievable.

You must know that after so many universe reincarnations, many universe masters have actually focused on Dao Ni's power and tried to take it for themselves.

Don't look at Dao Ni It seems to be a very terrifying monster, and many masters of the universe are afraid to avoid it, but if this power is in their own hands, it must be an invincible force. The problem is that after so many years, there is no one in the universe so far. The Lord has truly mastered the power of Dao Evil.

On the contrary, some titled Masters of the Universe studied Dao Evil, but they did not expect that the group of Dao Evil suddenly rioted and backfired on themselves, leading to their own fall.

Because similar incidents appeared After the accident, many universe masters believed that it was impossible to control Dao evil. If they tried to control it rashly, they would only kill themselves.

Over time, no universe masters continued to study this kind of thing.

But now there is actually something real in the universe sea. A force capable of controlling Dao evil has appeared. If this matter spreads, it will definitely shake the entire universe sea.


In an instant, millions of Dao evils surrounded them, and they seemed to sense this group of evil beings. The aura of the cosmic sea monster is like seeing delicious food, and it instantly pounces on it. This is the instinct of evil.

For them, the more powerful the life, the more delicious it is, just like the Lord of the Universe Such a life is undoubtedly a Man-Han banquet.

As for those mortals, at most they are snacks like melon seed candies, which they can eat or not.

But they will definitely eat during the Man-Han banquet.

"Damn you evildoer, die to me"

"Take action immediately, don't hold back, don't let them continue to get closer"

"Blast them open and immediately blast away all these evildoers."

Many cosmic sea monsters shouted, frightened and angry. They felt the endless murderous intention, and all of them tried their best to unleash the terrifying power of magical powers. At this moment, they were simply trying to survive. He just tried his best and didn't dare to hold back at all. Boom, boom, boom!!!

Immediately, countless doomsday-level spells bombarded them, like a baptism of cannonballs, all bombarding these evildoers, producing terrifying destructive power.

In just an instant, this chaotic time and space was exploded, and the surrounding space was fragmented, as if a huge black hole had been created, which was extremely terrifying.

"No way, are you kidding? These evildoers are unscathed?!"

The next second, a cosmic sea monster trembled all over. They found themselves bombarding these Dao evils with all their strength. When the smoke dissipated, they found that millions of Dao evils were unharmed and still standing in front of them alive. It can be said that The attack just now was completely unable to destroy these evil spirits, and it was even impossible to cause damage.

"No, they are not unscathed. We did injure them just now and even blew off half of their bodies. But it's useless. These evil beings are immortal. If they can't be killed instantly, they can continue to recover."

The other cosmic sea monster's expression was extremely ugly. It would be fine if Dao Ni's combat power was terrifying, but the opponent was still immortal. How could he defeat him?

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