Whoosh whoosh!!!

Hearing this, many members of the dark organization were not stupid. Since even leaders like the Arrogant were so frightened that they lost any will to fight, one can imagine the terror of the other party.

Now their intestines are turning green. Why did they deal with the original king of the Kingdom of God for no reason? This is not to seek death or something, but now they have provoked an unimaginable enemy, and ended up in such a certain death situation.

But it's too late to say anything now.

They already know the unimaginable secret, and it is impossible for the other party to let them survive. The only chance now is to escape from here, and maybe continue to survive.

However, some members were very unconvinced and shouted:"Arrogant, we are outnumbered, but there is only one opponent, and the opponent is only a peak-level powerhouse called Lord of the Universe, and he is on the same level as us..Although it is shocking to be wanted by the nine masters, I don’t believe that this guy’s combat power can surpass us. At most, he is only a little stronger than us."

"That's right. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's better than destroying the primitive kingdom of God and plundering a country's treasures. As long as we catch this kid, we can get the rewards of the nine masters."

"That is, once we are rewarded by the nine masters, we will immediately become the masters of the Origin Continent. At that time, we will be able to get rid of the situation of being hunted everywhere and become the master of human beings."

"Let's take action together and kill this kid."

The faces of these dark organization members are ferocious. They don't want to escape. Instead, they want to capture Furukawa, complete the tasks of the nine masters, and obtain the rewards of the nine masters.

"A bunch of idiots."

Seeing this scene, the arrogant people were angry and angry. It's really birds that die for food and people that die for wealth. These guys are usually very smart, calm and cautious.

But at the critical moment, they are blinded by the immediate interests..

If the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation is really so easy to kill, the nine masters will not specifically want each other. This is enough to prove that the terror of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation is definitely not comparable to that of the ordinary Lord of the Universe.

But These guys don't understand this. They think that they are on the same level as the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and they dare to fight back. This is not seeking death or something.

But although it is the leader of the dark organization, it does not treat the members of the dark organization. It does not have much binding force and does not have absolute jurisdiction over the various actions of its members.

Therefore, it is currently unable to prevent these members from seeking death.

"I originally wanted to play with you, but now that you know my identity, you won't be able to survive. It just so happens that I recently created a new boxing technique called Six Paths Reincarnation Fist. I hope you can appreciate it.."

Furukawa's eyes showed a cold light.


In an instant, before Arrogant and others could react, Furukawa took action boldly and punched him out.


At this moment, Arrogant and others were stunned. , they sensed that the entire time and space of the world had stopped at this moment, and they could not move even a step.

No matter what secret techniques they used, their bodies and souls were imprisoned in this time and space at this moment, and only thinking could force them to do so. Activity 1 or 2.

They saw the terror of this punch, and it seemed that six forces burst out from this punch, including the human world, the animal world, the heaven world, the hell road, the Shura road, the evil ghost road, and so on. Power.

The power of these six paths seems to include all types of power in the world, all-encompassing and unfathomable.

If it is just that, the powers of these six paths merge with each other and seem to condense into a huge millstone of life and death. It includes the laws of life and death, cause and effect, reincarnation, time and space, etc.

They feel the huge millstone of reincarnation crushing them, spinning slowly, seeming to obliterate everything, any matter, any living thing, entering the reincarnation, will be obliterated Chengfen

"No, we can't get close to this millstone of reincarnation, otherwise we will definitely die."

"Hurry up and hide. Don't touch me head-on."

"How can we hide? We can't hide at all. The suction force produced by this samsara millstone is so terrifying that even the laws have been distorted. We can't escape even if we want to."

"After fighting this millstone of reincarnation, I don't believe that we can't compete with this power with our own strength."

The Arrogant and others were shocked and angry. They felt a huge life and death crisis. At this moment of life and death, they immediately burst out with unimaginable potential.


In an instant, waves of terrifying spell fluctuations erupted from them. They almost used all their strength to burn their souls, essence and blood, and they were simply risking their lives.

Vast and terrifying attacks bombarded the samsara millstone, producing destructive fluctuations. Any strong person at the level of a universe overlord who appeared here would be shocked to death.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

But soon the Arrogant and others became desperate. They discovered that after the power of their spells and attacks fell on the millstone of reincarnation, they were immediately swallowed up by the endless power of reincarnation.

It seems that no matter what actions they make, it will be of no avail, and any attack will be swallowed up by reincarnation.

They could only watch helplessly as the millstone of reincarnation rolled over them, closing their eyes and waiting to die.


The next second, Furukawa's punch came over and hit the Arrogant and others.


In an instant, the Arrogant and others let out shrill screams. They saw that their bodies and souls had been sucked into the huge and vast reincarnation millstone.

And this huge reincarnation millstone was filled with the endless breath of reincarnation. The six breaths obliterated everything.

They were unable to make any movement, they could only watch the millstone of reincarnation slowly rotating, their bodies and souls being obliterated bit by bit.


Suddenly, the Arrogant and others There was no way they could even struggle. Their bodies and souls were instantly crushed into powder, completely wiped out, and swallowed up by the six paths of reincarnation. At this moment, all members of the dark organization were beaten to death by this punch, and were Completely swallowed into the six paths of reincarnation.

So far, the entire dark organization has been completely destroyed.

"The power of the Six Paths of Samsara Fist is indeed extraordinary."

Furukawa clenched his fist, and he felt very satisfied deep in his heart.

This was the peerless divine fist that he realized after he realized the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. With one punch, it was as if he created the Six Paths of Reincarnation, bursting out with a punch of reincarnation..

Even the master of the universe with the pinnacle title will be beaten alive by this punch and sent into reincarnation.

It can be said that the power of the Six Paths Reincarnation Fist can be compared with the power of the Fist of Destiny. It can be said that Furukawa is currently suppressing One of the methods at the bottom of the box, with infinite power.

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