"Strange, this three-life stone can't be fake, isn't it said to be able to see through one's past, present and future? Why can't I see anything?"The betrayer was curious.

It stood in front of the Sansheng Stone, wanting to see its past, present, and future lives, but it found that the stone was like a mirror, only reflecting its appearance and not showing its past appearance at all.

"Of course it's not fake."

A jailer next to him said calmly:"Although your situation is rare, it is not uncommon. It is estimated that this is your first reincarnation, so the Three Life Stone does not record your past and present lives, which means that you have no previous life. , you have never died before, this is your first time. Since this is the first death, since there is no previous life."

It means that similar things often happen in hell.

After all, there are many lives in this world that are born for the first time and do not have previous lives, such as those chaos demons, those heaven and earth spiritual beings that give birth to wisdom, etc..

Because these beings were born for the first time in the world of six realms and have never died, they naturally do not have past lives. Only after they die once can the Sansheng Stone show the memory of the other person's previous life.

To a certain extent , not having a previous life is also a good thing

"I see."

The Arrogant and others nodded. It was indeed their first time to die, and it was their first time to enter the hell world as undead souls. It is natural that their past lives were not displayed on them.

If their past lives were really displayed, they would be Do you think you are cheating?

"That would be boring. If it could only show memories of past lives, present lives, and the future, this stone would be just a useless big stone. What's so great about it?"

The betrayer said disdainfully

"Useless stone?"

Hearing this, the hell jailer suddenly laughed, it was lifeless:"This is one of the most powerful artifacts in our hell realm, with earth-shattering power, how dare you call it a useless stone?!"

It looked at the arrogant man with interest.

To be honest, it could feel that these dead souls were unusual. It was actually the first time they were reincarnated. They had no previous lives, and their soul power was very strong.

In other words, once these dead souls Reincarnation, reincarnation as a human, is likely to rise in the next life.

Needless to say, become an immortal, and may even become a saint.

Therefore, it is also willing to talk to these future heroes, which can be regarded as forming a good relationship.

"Why can this stone become one of the most powerful artifacts?"

The betrayer couldn't help but ask. After thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out.

"Illuminating the past, present and future of countless lives is just one of its auxiliary abilities."The hell jailor smiled slightly,"Its most terrifying ability is that it can directly affect the past, present and future of living beings."

"What's the meaning?"

The Arrogant and others were stunned. They couldn't understand the words of the hell jailer.

"Very simple."

The hell jailer smiled slightly:"That is, once the power of the Three Life Stone is activated, if it is one of your own, then the Three Life Stone can project the people on your side into the future, and transport yourself who has grown to the peak in the future directly to the present. When time comes, you can have the strongest combat power in an instant.

If it is an enemy, then the power of the Three Life Stones can make the enemy degenerate, degenerate, and continue to degenerate until they degenerate to the moment they were just born."


When these words came out, they were simply shocking, and the Arrogant and others were stunned.

They didn't expect that the power of the Three Life Stones was so terrifying that it could bring people on their side back from the future, and then Projected to this moment.

In other words, even if it is a baby, the Sansei Stone can enhance the other party's power to its peak state and transport himself hundreds of millions of years in the future to this moment.

This kind of power is really terrifying, simply It is a super weapon of war.

As long as there are enough qualified beings, the Three Life Stone can continuously give birth to the strongest and obtain countless warriors, thereby saving an unknown amount of time.

And if it is hostile to the Three Life Stone, it will undoubtedly be the same. The most unlucky.

Because the power of the Three Life Stones can continuously degrade the power of hostile life forms, teleporting the extremely weak self to this moment, and then be easily killed. In other words, the existence of the Three Life Stones, even if it kills It is not easy to kill the current enemies, but it is also easy to kill the extremely weak enemies in the past.

How can we fight in this way?

They are simply unable to compete with the near-invincible power of the Sansei Stone.

"How could there be such a magic weapon in the world?"

The Arrogant and others all took a breath of cold air. They felt that if the Lord of Six Paths of Samsara used this magic weapon before, they would be completely powerless to fight back.

No, it seems that the Lord of Six Paths of Samsara did not use any magic weapon at all. He beat them to death with his bare hands.

Thinking of this, they felt even more aggrieved. Their feelings were not taken seriously by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation at all, and they were beaten to death without even using magic weapons.

Such aggrievement was simply Can't be described in words

"Now you know how terrifying the Three Life Stone is. Why can it become one of the most powerful artifacts in the hell realm? Isn’t its power extraordinary?"The hell jailor smiled slightly,"Of course, the power of the Three Life Stone cannot be used casually. It requires the user to have vast and unparalleled cultivation. Otherwise, once the Three Life Stone is activated, all the energy will be swallowed up by the Three Life Stone. It is really that both body and soul are destroyed."

It means that although the Three Life Stone is a powerful magic weapon, it cannot be used easily.

"I see."

The Arrogant and others nodded. They also thought that this was a matter of course. To be able to do such a heaven-defying thing would naturally require consuming an unimaginable amount of source energy. The energy in this world is conserved, and it can be done. The more heaven-defying things happen, the more energy needs to be consumed.

If ordinary people want to activate the Three Life Stone, they will probably be sucked into it in an instant.

Moreover, the power of the Three Life Stone is not unlimited. If the original energy is not enough, , it is impossible to allow one's own people to grow without limit, and to let the enemy's cultivation level regress.

But even so, the power of the Three Life Stone is terrifying enough.

If there are no more restrictions, then no one can compete with the power of the Three Life Stone.

"Why would you tell us this huge secret? The secret of the power of the Three Life Stones should be one of the secrets of hell."The Arrogant asked curiously.

It felt that it and the Hell Jailer were just casual encounters, and there was no need for the other party to tell these dead people such a major secret.

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