"The camp of the nine masters? Have you begun to come into contact with the power of the Lord?"

Fa Wuxian's body trembled. Anything related to the Lord is no small matter. This is a taboo. Even if he is the Lord of the Universe, he cannot touch it at will.

"Naturally, we started to come into contact. In fact, after entering the Six Paths of Reincarnation, we began to come into contact with the dominant forces. The Six Paths of Reincarnation at this moment belongs to the Warring States Period."

A group friend said solemnly:"This era is extremely chaotic. Although the Heavenly Court is high above and controls all places in the Six Paths Universe, rebels have appeared everywhere, and they are endlessly destroyed and killed.

This is because the area of ​​the Six Paths Universe is so large that even if the power of Heaven is invincible, there are still only a few places that can be effectively controlled.

It is precisely because of this that those sons of chaos found opportunities to hide in places that were beyond the reach of heaven, began to establish their own power, and thrived.

If they grow to a certain level, these sons of chaos will join forces, attack from all directions, and begin to defeat the entire heaven and replace it."

His voice was resolute, as if it contained the atmosphere of war, such as fighting and fighting, ambushes from all sides, etc.

"Is this the plan of the masters? Creating these sons of chaos and creating endless chaos, you want to dismantle the rule of heaven and replace it? Hearing these words, Fa Wuxian was a little confused:"It's really strange. According to the tyranny of the masters, why do you need to do such troublesome things? Why do you need to play these conspiracies and tricks to directly attack with your true body and overwhelm all enemies?""

He felt that this was not in line with the style of the nine masters. According to the style of the nine masters, they would directly take action personally, push all enemies across the board, destroy all those who resisted, and sweep them into the dust of history.

Although the nine masters They are already the strongest people in the universe, but they are all extremely shameless guys. They don’t care about bullying the smaller ones. Anyone who dares to threaten them will be killed personally. That’s why many masters of the universe are so afraid of the master. , even if their power is invincible, they are still shameless. Therefore, these masters are already invincible and cannot be measured by reason.

"Haha, do you think those masters are good things? If they could be pushed sideways, they would have been pushed sideways long ago. How can they do these conspiracies? It is precisely because they are unable to do this that they resort to these conspiracies."

A group friend sneered.

"Oh, why can't the masters take action?"

Fa Wuxian is very strange.

"Don't underestimate the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. This is the top monster in the world. So far, he is the only one who can challenge the nine masters. He is not that easy to deal with."

A group member said solemnly:"Although the nine masters have sneaked into the Six Paths of Reincarnation and tried to snatch the power of reincarnation, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, as the owner of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, naturally has absolute control.

Therefore, the moment the masters entered reincarnation, they were immediately suppressed by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Their power was greatly suppressed by the origin of reincarnation, and they were unable to exert much power at all.

Of course, the strength of both sides is in a balanced state at this moment, and the masters cannot exert much power. Naturally, the Lord of Six Paths of Samsara cannot free his hands, and they are evenly matched.

If the nine masters wanted to disintegrate this situation, they would need to use external forces, so they created many sons of chaos and laid out a lot of chess pieces, hoping that these sons of chaos could disrupt the situation in the entire world."

At this point, he paused and continued:"If these sons of chaos overthrow the entire heaven and become the only protagonists between heaven and earth, they can seize most of the power of heaven and earth's destiny.

At that time, the offensive and defensive momentum will be completely reversed, and the nine masters will be able to completely free their hands, show some of their power, and then beat the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation and others to death."

He expressed his speculation about the masters' plan.

"So it seems that the key to the current situation is the rebels composed of the Sons of Chaos and the war in heaven. This war will determine the outcome between the Nine Lords and the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation."

Fa Wuxian understood immediately

"So now you understand, now is the time for the masters of the universe to take their positions. If you are optimistic that the nine masters will win, then go to the Sons of Chaos banner created by the nine masters. If you are optimistic about the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, then join Heavenly Court or one of the many indigenous forces."

A group friend said

"Oh, I don’t know what you are thinking?"

Fawuxian asked

"To be honest, we can't see the future, so we have different ideas."

A group friend said:"Some masters of the universe support the nine masters. After all, the nine masters dominate the world and monopolize one era after another. Their accumulated experience is terrifying. So far, no one has been able to overthrow the nine masters. The rule of the Lord, they believe that the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is no exception.

Moreover, the nine masters are numerous and powerful, and the power they control is even more terrifying and extremely strange. It is definitely not something that a young man like the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation can withstand."

"However, some people are optimistic about the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation."

Another group member continued:"Some people think that the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation is a unique genius. No, it is not just a unique genius. It is simply a variable that has arisen in the gaps of the times. It is an existence that cannot even be grasped by fate. , such a variable is enough to change the flow of all destiny.

After all, the other party was the supreme being who could create the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the most precious treasure in the universe, and forced the nine masters to do it themselves. This was already an unimaginable miracle.

Now he has been directly promoted to the realm of domination, possessing unimaginable original power. Although he is weak, he is the master of the six realms of reincarnation. He has the home field advantage and is not weaker than the nine masters.

The most important thing is that even if you follow the nine masters now, you will not get much benefit, but if you follow the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, once the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation succeeds in taking power, then as the first batch of Lords of the Universe to surrender, then Even if you obtain the power of Conglong, you don’t know how many benefits you will get.

Therefore, considering various factors, many universe masters weighed the pros and cons and decided to choose the camp of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation and go against the nine masters."

"It seems that we, the masters of the universe who have entered the six paths of reincarnation, are also caught in differences, and we must choose a position. Under such a general trend, there can be no neutral position."

Fawuxian saw through the general trend in an instant. In the process of fighting for the Six Paths of Reincarnation, no matter the nine masters or the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it is impossible for them to choose neutrality.

If they are not friends, they must be enemies. , will be eliminated immediately.

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