"It is possible to let the bloodline practice on its own, because every bloodline has spirituality. They are not dead things, but living things, and what we have to do is to awaken the spirituality in these bloodlineages."

Li Wanlong's eyes flashed.

In fact, since he was born, he felt that he was incompatible with other people. He felt that everyone else was an alien and he was the only normal person. Therefore, he was withdrawn and only liked to be alone.

In the lonely days, he learned to talk to himself. Even in the darkness, he began to slowly realize the spirituality of the blood in his body.

He discovered that the blood in his body was intelligent and alive.

In fact, Li Wanlong He has a unique talent, which is to enlighten the bloodline and make the bloodline have wisdom.

Therefore, after he enlightened the bloodline, he immediately found that the bloodline in his body began to evolve on its own, and he did not need to do his own cultivation at all. Supervision.

Li Wanlong's cultivation talent and understanding are only at the level of ordinary people, not comparable to other geniuses at all, but now it has become completely different.

He does not need to practice by himself at all, it is all left to his own body It is completely enough to practice with your bloodline. To be honest, nothing in the world is more familiar with you than your bloodline itself. Therefore, the skills derived from the bloodline itself are completely consistent with the bloodline itself, and are simply not comparable to other cultivation methods.

As you can imagine, Li Wanlong's body seemed to have an extra bloodline plug-in. Even when he was walking, fighting, chatting, or sleeping, the bloodline in his body was being cultivated all the time, and the progress was rapid. The bloodline on his body is only the most common bloodline in the world. Not to mention the bloodline of the Chaos Demon God, even the bloodline of ordinary monsters cannot compare with it.

However, as the bloodline evolves and transforms again and again, it has It can compare with the best bloodline in the world, and even reach a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Later, Li Wanlong discovered that it was a pity that he only had one bloodline in his body, so he searched everywhere for bloodline, and found a total of 120,000. Nine thousand six hundred types.

And these bloodlines are not top bloodlines, they are just ordinary bloodlines, basic bloodlines.

But under the enlightenment of Li Wanlong, these bloodlines have awakened wisdom and spirituality, and they have begun to Independent evolution, independent cultivation.

This is equivalent to 129,600 top bloodline geniuses practicing in his own body at the same time, and the time is not in any order, and the same progress is rapid.

So even if Li Wanlong's talents are It is not very high, but with the self-cultivation and self-evolution of the blood in his body, he is as if he has found 129,600 cheats.Climb to the top step by step.

Now, he has been promoted to the realm of the Lord of the Universe. The 129,600 bloodlines in his body have transformed to the perfect state and condensed into the great bloodline.

"Let the blood have spirituality and wisdom?"

Hearing this, his younger brother Li Yuanba took a deep breath. To be honest, this is not the first time he has heard his brother say such a thing, but every time he hears it, he is still extremely shocked.

He has been promoted to this level. , all relying on the large amount of resources provided by his brother, otherwise he would definitely not be able to step into the current realm just by relying on his qualifications. Therefore, he has survived to this day, and he is well-informed, but he has never heard of any existence that can Enlighten the blood in your body so that the blood in your body has wisdom and can even cultivate itself.

This is simply a miraculous talent in the universe, an unimaginable talent.

I am afraid that it is only possible with this monster-level talent. Can compete with those ancient Chaos Demon Gods, thus completely overthrowing these Chaos Demon Gods and replacing them

"When the 129,600 bloodline talents in my body reached perfection, I found that these bloodlines actually began to merge with each other, just like the laws of the great road merged with each other, and then they The automatic combination turned into a huge universe in my body, and this universe is the bloodline universe.

Li Wanlong clenched his fists:"Every life born in this bloodline universe in my body is a bloodline life. Even the entire universe has its own spiritual intelligence and birthed its own wisdom, so I can logically Promote to the realm of the Lord of the Universe and transcend the realm of saints"


My younger brother, Li Yuanba, was shocked. Before, it was blood that gave birth to spiritual wisdom, but now, even the universe in his body has begun to give birth to spiritual wisdom. You know, how big the cosmic sea is, giving birth to countless creatures. There is no universe at all, but most of the universes do not have any wisdom. They are all existences like the Great Dao, and it is impossible for wisdom to be born.

If you want wisdom to be born in the universe, you must originally be life, and then cultivate to the level of the universe. The realm of the Lord, and finally seize the universe, so that life can be born in the universe.

But now, his brother Li Wanlong has done an unimaginable miracle. He first let the blood in his body and the laws of the great law in his body Wisdom is born, spirituality is born.

Then these laws of the avenue are combined and integrated, and a complete universe will naturally be formed. These intelligent avenues are condensed into an intelligent universe.

The results can be imagined However, even if he has been promoted to the realm of the Lord of the Universe, his brother Li Wanlong still has an unimaginable cheat, allowing the universe to practice and evolve on its own.

No one knows himself better than the universe itself, not even those who seize the body. Without the Lord of the universe, they cannot understand the universe itself better.

Therefore, letting the universe evolve on its own is the most correct choice and the most correct method of cultivation.

Because of this, even if Li Wanlong was born very soon Short, but the speed of his cultivation progress is unimaginable. In a short period of time, he has surpassed those Chaos Demon Gods who have practiced for unknown ages.

And it is not just as simple as the rapid progress, the blood in his body, And the universe has also evolved its own fighting methods and spells.

Therefore, even with fighting talent, Li Wanlong is unimaginably powerful.

To a certain extent, Li Wanlong is just a shell. Those bloodlines only use his body to fight, thus able to exert unimaginable fighting power.

"Brother, if it were you, you might actually be able to overthrow those ancient Chaos Demon Gods and seize the throne of the Six Paths God."Thinking of this, his younger brother Li Yuanba couldn't help but say

"Who said that the Chaos Demon God would always be at the top."

And Li Wanlong was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and his body seemed to exude an indescribable breath of blood, which seemed to cause the gentle trembling and buzzing of the Great Law.

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