"Is it that easy to eliminate the abyss civilization?"

Hearing this, Furukawa suddenly smiled:"You must know that the abyss civilization actually has some allies, and they are relatively powerful, such as the evil god civilization. They have mastered the power of the evil god, spread fear, and absorb the power of fear from countless lives.

As long as living beings are afraid, they will be immortal existences, and will even continue to become stronger and difficult to eliminate. This is no less an existence than the abyss civilization.

There is also the nightmare civilization. They are a race of nightmares. They live in reality and illusion. They live in a world of dreams. They are a world of their own. It is difficult for ordinary practitioners to reach this dream world, and it is difficult for even saints to find it.

But these nightmares can easily penetrate into the dreams of countless lives, pulling their souls into the world of nightmares. At that time, they can only be slaughtered by others. They are born in an invincible position and are difficult to kill.

In addition, there are demon civilization, blood sea civilization, etc. They are all extremely powerful evil civilizations that control the power of demons and are on different opposite sides to all living beings.

If these civilizations and the abyss civilization join forces, they will be a force that cannot be underestimated. At that time, there will be a war between good and evil, affecting all heavens and all realms."

He talked eloquently and briefly mentioned some of the more powerful evil civilizations in the trial world. Although he did not know many details about the trial world.

But he still knew the top civilizations in the trial world very well. After all, these In the future, the top civilizations will become the pillars of the Six Paths Universe, and the masters of civilizations will become the Six Paths True Gods.

"It seems that fellow Taoist is still extremely familiar with the civilizations of all heavens and realms."

Many cultivators are in awe. This is the first time they have heard of so many evil civilizations. In addition to the abyss civilization, there are also evil god civilization, nightmare civilization, demon civilization, blood sea civilization, etc.

It seems that the heavens are In all realms, the power of evil cannot be underestimated, no less than that of righteous civilization

"It's just a little understanding, it's nothing."

Furukawa smiled slightly

"In fact, I can answer this question. Although these evil civilizations are powerful, they are still far from being comparable to our long-established Tao civilization, Buddha civilization and other powerful civilizations."

"You are right, and these evil civilizations are constantly at war with each other. It may not be easy to cooperate sincerely. Maybe they will start fighting themselves before we can take action."

"Indeed, these evil civilizations can devour each other, and the abyss civilization is too domineering, and the power of the abyss corrodes everything. I am afraid that other evil civilizations are also very afraid of the abyss civilization."

"Just wait and see, soon the abyss civilization will become history. Even if it is not completely eliminated, it will be suppressed to the point of being unable to fight back. It will become the target of public criticism and will not end well."

Many cultivators are talking about it. They still feel that the abyss civilization is nothing. Even if other evil civilizations help, it is not something to be afraid of. This means that evil cannot defeat good.

"However, if we have to say that a civilization can rival our Tao civilization, I am afraid it must be the elemental civilization."

A monk said

"Elemental civilization? Is it the super civilization formed by the combination of the civilization of light, the civilization of darkness, the civilization of water, the civilization of fire, the civilization of earth, the civilization of thunder, the civilization of gold, the civilization of sand, etc.?"

"This is an unprecedented civilization. Ordinary civilizations are composed of a single civilization, but elemental civilizations are composed of dozens or hundreds of civilizations. Their power is also unprecedentedly powerful."

"Indeed, if we just talk about power, population, and territory covered, I am afraid that even the civilization of Tao is far less powerful than the civilization of elements."

"Of course it is not comparable. Elemental civilization is not a single civilization, but a collection of many civilizations. However, the civilization of Tao is just a single civilization. How can it be compared to a union like elemental civilization?"

"It is precisely because of this that elemental civilization has become a serious problem for our Tao civilization. If the elemental civilization personally deals with our Tao civilization, there will probably be big trouble."

Many monks are talking about it. They all believe that the elemental civilization is an extremely dangerous and powerful civilization, and it has a certain possibility of threatening the civilization of Tao.

Because at this moment, the elemental civilization is too powerful, whether it is population or territory, it occupies an absolute advantage

"No no no."

At this time, a cultivator shook his head and said:"On the surface, the elemental civilization looks powerful and invincible. Even the civilization of Tao seems to be no match, but this is just an appearance.

The so-called elemental civilization is actually a federal country. Many countries and civilizations gather together and then set up a parliament to decide all affairs of the federation.

But it is precisely because the elemental civilization is too powerful, too bloated, and the most important thing is that there is no absolute ruler over the elemental civilization, which leads to them being scattered.

It is said that during a war, the leaders of this group of elemental civilizations were still arguing at the rear and had not made a decision, which resulted in the disastrous defeat of the war.

We must know that the war between civilizations depends to a large extent on the management. If the management does not have absolute strength, but is fighting among itself, like a loose sand, then failure will be a matter of time."

He feels that the so-called elemental civilization is just a weak-looking giant. On the surface, it seems invincible. It can punch Zhongnan Mountain and kick the kindergarten.

But in fact, if it encounters a real life and death battle, this union will collapse. , their destruction only happened in an instant.

A ridiculous civilization that can't even integrate the internal forces of the civilization actually wants to challenge the power of the civilization of Tao. I don't know how far it is.

"Indeed, elemental civilization is indeed powerful, but it cannot be integrated internally and is full of contradictions."

"It is impossible to unify. They are a collection of many civilizations. They all have their own calculations, and they are all calculated for their own civilization. If they are fine during peacetime, if they encounter difficulties, they will probably split up immediately."

"If any civilization withdraws from the elemental civilization immediately, the disintegration of the elemental civilization will happen overnight."

"Indeed, such a civilization looks powerful, but it is far from enough to compete with us. Elemental civilization is really not something to be afraid of."

"Even so, it is still necessary to maintain a certain friendly relationship with elemental civilization."

Many monks discussed one after another


Furukawa touched his chin.

The so-called elemental civilization is actually similar to the European Union in his previous life. It seems to be a complete organization, but in fact it is just a mess.

Once they encounter an economic crisis, they will sweep away the snow. Unity is simply impossible.

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