
In an instant, all the nine masters took action, controlling these sons of chaos scattered throughout the six-path universe, and ordered these sons of chaos to start a war and attack the heaven.

Immediately, the spirits of many Sons of Chaos were shaken. They acted instantly as if they had received a revelation from somewhere. They were all extremely excited.

"Haha, there is no law in heaven, the heaven and earth are warning, the evil ghosts in hell are all out, and rebel kings are everywhere. Heaven is already in dire straits and is unable to monitor the world. Now is the time for us to revolt."

A son of chaos was very excited.

To be honest, he had been waiting for this moment for too long. Before, the power of Heaven was too strong to monitor the world. Even if there was a slight rebellion, it would be suppressed instantly. The so-called rebellion against Heaven is just a joke. , all the rebel kings are like bereaved dogs, hiding in the depths of darkness, not daring to show up at all.

But it is different now. The heaven and earth are in chaos, hell is empty, all the evil ghosts have come out, the world has been turned upside down, and most of the power of heaven has been used Suppress these evil ghosts and demons.

At this moment, the heaven is simply in a state of turmoil. It is also the weakest moment in billions of epochs, and it is also the best opportunity for them to rebel.

If they miss this opportunity, they may be in trouble in the future. There will never be such a good opportunity again. This is also the time for them to move from darkness to light.

"You are right. At this moment, Heaven has lost the power to monitor the world and has completely lost its ability. Heaven and earth no longer have a master. This is a great opportunity for us to overthrow Heaven and carve up the world. Once successful, he will be the next Lord of Heaven and the next Emperor of Heaven."

A son of chaos clenched his fists, his eyes showing blazing ambition.

You know, the previous Heavenly Court suppressed countless immortals and could not hold their heads up. Countless ambitious people could only follow the rules of Heavenly Court and do things with peace of mind. There was no way at all. Dare to cross.

But now, Heaven has been devastated by natural and man-made disasters, and has lost its power as a central government. In other words, Qin has lost its deer, and the whole world is chasing it.

Now every race and every force has the opportunity to become a new Every generation of Heavenly Court has the opportunity to become a new Heavenly Emperor. This is something you cannot describe in words.

After all, this is the Lord of Heavenly Court, this is the Heavenly Emperor, who rules the entire six-path universe, is the co-master of infinite life, and enjoys eternal lifespan. Immortal.

With one order, countless lives fell to the ground to supervise the gods.

Just think about it, and you will feel what a great honor and what a great power. This is many times better than the secular emperor. This is A true emperor.

To put it ten thousand steps back, if you can't become the Lord of Heaven or the Emperor of Heaven, then it would be a good thing for them to separate themselves into one side and become an emperor. Being a local emperor is also a very good thing.

In short, countless ambitious people People began to take advantage of the chaos, separatist forces, and became princes one by one. All kinds of rebels came out from all directions.

"But has Heaven really lost its power? If this is just an illusion, Heaven has made a trick just to trick us out, and then we will be in trouble."

A Son of Chaos said cautiously.

After all, Heaven has ruled the six universes for too long, more than billions of epochs. All sentient beings in the Six Paths are under the rule of Heaven as soon as they are born.

They have become accustomed to Heaven's rule. They are used to the rule of heaven and are in awe of the power of heaven. They are most aware of the unfathomable power of heaven.

So they can't believe that such a powerful heaven will collapse in a sudden. They always feel that this is not possible. What conspiracy is going on inside?

"Don't worry, I have received a warning from Heaven. Heaven has long been torn apart, because over the years, Heaven has fought in the north and south, and has offended countless cosmic forces."

A Son of Chaos said solemnly:"It can be said that there are countless dark forces hidden in the Six Paths Universe, and they have long been eager to overthrow the rule of Heaven and replace it.

Although the power of Heaven is indeed powerful and can suppress the eight wastelands and sweep across the nine heavens and ten lands, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. No matter how powerful Heaven is, it can still stop those hungry wolves in the darkness."

"That's right, I have received the news that the gods in heaven have been trapped in the heaven and cannot come out at all. Now the human world, the animal world, and even the heaven are in chaos. Even if the gods know that we are rebelling, they can't. Taking action personally, they could only watch the situation continue to deteriorate."

Another Son of Chaos said triumphantly.

"Haha, to be honest, I have long been dissatisfied with the Heavenly Court. It has actually set up many Heavenly Court commandments that do not allow us to do this or that. Another son of chaos laughed arrogantly and said :

"As a saint, a saint, a saint, or even a god, is actually restricted by these ridiculous laws of heaven. Even killing a mortal will be judged."

This world should be one where the weak prey on the strong, with the strong standing tall and enslaving all the weak. There is no reason for the strong to be enslaved by the weak. It is simply a joke. I want to restore the chaos, killing, and respect for the strong that existed in the ancient times. The so-called Heavenly Court, the so-called Heavenly Law, do not need to exist at all."

He has long been dissatisfied with the various precepts of heaven.

Because these laws of heaven are of great benefit to mortals, after all, these laws of heaven restrict those top powerhouses from using their power and restrict them from doing evil.

He feels that these so-called laws of heaven are The article is simply a restraint. Even the saints and gods can't kill mortals at will. Is this a joke or something?

If he can't do whatever he wants after becoming a saint or a god, then he still has nothing to cultivate.

So he thinks that heaven It has hindered his way of cultivation and is the public enemy of all saints and gods. There should not be such an organization in the world that is aloof and unscrupulously restricts the power of the strong.

"You are right, the weak and the strong are respected. This is the basic law of the world. To do this in heaven is simply against the truth of the world. It is against heaven."

"From now on, I will kill whoever I want. Whoever dares to disobey our will will die. No force will ever stand up for these ridiculous mortals."

"Without heaven, all mortals would become lambs, and we could always be high and enjoy glory and wealth."

"I want to separate one side and establish a country that belongs to me, and no one can interfere."

Many Sons of Chaos were talking about it. They were all very excited and started to attack the heaven. They even continued to organize one side and occupy one area after another.

And their power was also growing.

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