
A chaotic sound sounded at this moment, buzzing, shaking the six realms, causing endless waves in the void, allowing every living being in the six realms to hear it clearly, every detail

"I am the star tree, and now I have reached the pinnacle of star civilization, gathering infinite luck, condensing the six realms of gods, and becoming the god of stars."At this time, the third Six Paths Goddess also appeared.

And the life that spoke this Chaos Dao Sound was the Chaos Demon God Star Tree.

I saw another vast tree standing tall in the sky and the ground appeared in the Six Paths Universe, and she stood there In the chaotic void, she is extremely huge, like a super universe.

And stars are condensed on her body, covering the entire six universes, as if countless stars are the descendants of her creation, making the entire sky full of stars..


With her body as the center, endless starlight flickered, and countless stars trembled. She seemed to be the only lord of stars, occupying the endless chaotic void.

Starlight after starlight intertwined with each other, as if forming a Like a vast and huge star array, it suppresses the endless chaotic time and space.

It seems that wherever starlight can reach, it is the territory ruled by star civilization.

Just seeing these starlights, countless monks will feel huge pressure, as if they are trapped in In the endless starry sky, no matter where you go, it is difficult to escape from this starry sky.

And deep inside these stars, there are countless lives living. They are all the people of the stars, and they control the stars. Power is a tyrannical star warrior.

Each of them breathes the power of the stars, attracts starlight, and contains terrifying potential. There is no doubt that the star civilization must be one of the top civilizations in the world, standing out among the six gods. , sweeping through many civilizations, gathering endless destiny of heaven and earth

"Star civilization?"

When Furukawa saw this scene, he felt the countless stars in the chaotic void with great interest.

Originally, there was nothing in the chaotic void, it was a void space, but countless stars stretched across the void, making the chaotic void no longer Instead of a dead world, there is endless vitality.

It can be said that these stars fill the vacancy of the chaotic void, causing the originally dark and silent chaotic void to produce endless light. Each star is like a coordinate.

From a certain To a certain extent, these stars have brought endless transformation to the chaotic void, which is equivalent to making up for the shortcomings of the chaotic void, which has given birth to more vitality in the Six Paths Universe.

And the lives living on these planets are also different. He is the son of the stars, devouring the power of the stars to strengthen himself. The power of this civilization is also extremely powerful. It can only be said that it is worthy of the star tree, the plant system chaos demon god second only to the World Tree. At this point, the stars The tree girl has become a top magical power user and has opened up a path

"It's a bit like the universe in the past life."

Furukawa's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

For some reason, he felt that the chaotic void at this moment was just like the starry universe in his previous life. The endless vacuum was filled with planets everywhere.

This is a bit similar to the birth of countless planets in chaos, so Star fields are formed one after another.

And the earth is just an insignificant planet among them.

"Another dominator's seed?!"

When the nine masters saw this scene, their expressions were extremely solemn. They could sense the terrifying aspect of this star tree, and it contained endless power of stars. The more stars are born in the chaotic void, the more powerful this star tree will be. The more powerful it is.

And these stars are immortal stars. Even if they are destroyed countless times, they will be regenerated countless times. It can be said that the power of stars is immortal, and her power will grow rapidly as time goes by.

Now This star tree is extremely young, and it seems that it has not lived for a lifetime of reincarnation in the universe, but it has this level of cultivation and power, which is really unbelievable. It is estimated that if this star tree is given some time, even if it is promoted to the master It is not difficult to achieve this goal. There is no doubt that this star tree must be one of the geniuses of the era, no less than the world tree just now.

"It's just a universe, but so many geniuses of the era have been born. What a joke."The Domination Beast is simply unbelievable. It feels that there are too many geniuses born in the Six Paths Universe.

Normally, a Domination Seed must be the top figure of an era, but such a figure is estimated to be reincarnated in millions of universes. It takes time for some to appear.

But now, the indigenous life forms of this Six-Path Universe have actually given birth to so many geniuses of the era. It is like the monsters of countless eras were born in this era.

If you have not witnessed it with your own eyes, none of them will Would you believe that the Six Paths Universe can give birth to so many monsters?

"Just a universe? This is not a chaotic universe, but a universe of six paths. During this period of time, the six paths of reincarnation have swallowed up countless chaotic universes. It is a collection of countless universes."

The master of the Vientiane Castle said in a deep voice:"It is conceivable that within the Six Paths Universe, there are no one knows how many peerless geniuses, monsters of the times, and sons of destiny have been born.

In addition, we are now in a vast era. In such a magnificent era, the growth rate of these monsters is extraordinary and cannot be compared with other eras. This is also normal."

It means that the Six Paths Universe is not an ordinary universe, but a super universe that has swallowed up countless universes. It is a collection of super universes that surpass the level of the chaotic universe. It can be said that such a universe is simply unprecedented, unseen, and unheard of.

"Indeed, countless monsters have erupted in this era, which is why so many master seeds have erupted, but this also proves that this moment is the most dangerous time for the Cosmic Sea, and maybe the end of the Cosmic Sea is coming soon.."The master of the Chaos God's Tomb said in a deep voice.

It sensed the crisis in the dark. It seemed that the terrifying doomsday was coming. Even the master would feel the disaster of annihilation. It was simply chilling.

But this is the general trend of the times. No one can stop it

"These six reincarnations must be snatched. This is our only chance of survival. We must not let this brat win."The Lord of the Infinite Prison is full of murderous intent.

Its eyes are flickering, thinking about how to snatch the authority of the Six Paths of Reincarnation from Furukawa.

But now that one after another of the Six Paths Gods are born, it is too late even if it wants to stop it. Now it is simply It is helpless and has no choice.

Now it can only watch helplessly.

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