
In an instant, Furukawa struck down with a punch. The sun, moon and stars seemed to emerge from the depths of his fist, as well as the three thousand great laws and the endless universe.

It was as if countless universes were surrounding his body, breathing deep in his cells, and endless laws of great avenues and laws of origin were emerging near his body.

At this moment, he was simply the supreme being who dominated everything. With his body as the center, a huge domain of domination, the domain of reincarnation, was created, covering a distance of billions of trillions of light-years.

No matter how much the Dominator Picture Beast and Dominator Talisman Beast flee, they will never be able to escape this punch.

"My strength seems to be growing."

Immediately, Furukawa felt that his power was increasing at a geometric rate. As he fought with the masters, the speed at which he merged with the Six Paths of Reincarnation became faster and faster. The higher the degree of fusion, the more he gained. The source energy of the universe is greater.

The power of 50 billion universes of reincarnation, the power of 55 billion universes of reincarnation, the power of sixty billion universes of reincarnation, the power of sixty-five billion universes of reincarnation, the power of seventy billion universes of reincarnation...

He found that his current strength had increased too fast, so fast that even he could not imagine it. I am afraid that his cultivation level has been improved to the realm of domination perfection. At this moment, Furukawa felt that he seemed to be in a state of domination. This mysterious state seems to have mastered all the power. The power of this punch seems to be integrated with the power of countless universes.

One punch is enough to destroy all matter.


The Dominant Talisman Beast saw the fist attacking from a distance of hundreds of millions of light years. Endless fear welled up deep in its heart. It felt that it could not resist the punch.

It was like a punch of cause and effect, a punch of fate. , even if it hid to the end of the world, it couldn't dodge, and the speed was so fast that it just sensed that the punch had already arrived in front of it.

It couldn't help but yelled:"Are you kidding me? , how could there be such a tyrannical existence in the world? It is completely inconsistent with common sense. Why does his power as a new master far exceed that of our ancient masters?! This is not reasonable at all"

"This, this is the power of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Is this the terrifying existence after mastering the Six Paths of Reincarnation? Just after mastering it, the power is so terrifying that even those of us who have practiced for countless years as masters of the universe are no match for this kid, and are completely superior to us."

The Dominator Picture Beast was also dumbfounded and trembling all over.

It sensed that Furukawa's power at this moment has completely surpassed the nine masters. Even the power of the Eternal River, the Tomb of the Chaos God, the Infinite Prison and other ancient masters are incomparable. Go up to Furukawa at this moment.

At this time, the other seven masters naturally saw this scene, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

"Damn it, how could this kid's power be so terrifying? It's only been so long, but he has already surpassed us. I'm afraid his cultivation has been improved to the perfection of the Dominion Realm, right?"

"We must not let this guy kill the Rune Beast and the Graphic Beast. Otherwise, we will lack two powerful forces and we will be even less of an opponent. We must stop this guy."

"We took action collectively to block this kid's attack. Even with the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it is not that easy to kill our nine masters."

The seven masters were filled with murderous intent. They took action in an instant. Each one of them used their supreme master-level spells and blasted towards Furukawa without holding back at all. It seemed that at this moment, the power of thousands of master spells was unleashed. It came crushing, shattering the vacuum, tearing apart the nothingness, and turning everything and material it saw into nothingness.


In an instant, the seven masters' joint attack collided with Furukawa's attack. It was like countless universes colliding at this moment, erupting with unimaginable power.

Ripples were produced in the chaotic void in all directions, and the destructive aura simply destroyed everything around it, setting off an endless mushroom cloud of chaos.


But at this moment, the expressions of Lord Eternal River and others changed. They found that their combined attack was simply vulnerable to Furukawa's punch.

Hundreds of thousands of master-level spells were directly shattered into pieces at this moment. At the same time, the terrifying power of this punch penetrated and affected a distance of hundreds of trillions of light years.


Suddenly, the powerful and ancient masters couldn't help but let out a scream, and their entire bodies were blown away by the punch. They didn't know how many light-years they were blown away. With a pop, they couldn't help but take a bite. Blood spurted out. Obviously, under the power of the punch just now, the nine masters all suffered a lot of trauma.

However, it was precisely because of this obstruction that the two masters of Rune Beast and Picture Beast flashed, but it was Escaped the fatal blow and escaped from the range of this attack.


The next second, the two masters of Rune Beast and Picture Beast quickly returned to their original state, and all the injuries on their bodies disappeared.


But at this moment, the faces of the two masters of Rune Beast and Picture Beast changed. They forgot one crucial thing, that is, when they escaped, they forgot to take away the origin text on their bodies. You know These origin words were collected with great difficulty after countless years of reincarnation in the universe. They are so precious that they cannot be described in words.

Even every origin word contains unfathomable power and is unusual.

If lost In terms of these origin texts, it is simply an unbearable loss for them.

"Damn, this bitch stole our origin text."

Soon, the expressions of the two masters of Rune Beast and Picture Beast became extremely ugly. They suddenly discovered that Furukawa suddenly grabbed hold of the void with his big hand, and instantly grabbed all the origin texts scattered throughout the void.

Although these origin texts The words are running around everywhere, filled with the tyrannical power of origin, and it is difficult to be captured, but Furukawa is such a tyrannical master, and he can suppress the nine heavens and ten places with one move. Even though these origin words are running around, when Furukawa takes action, All origin texts have been suppressed, and it is impossible for them to escape even if they want to.

"It's a good harvest to actually get so many origin texts."

Furukawa grabbed it with his big hand and immediately grabbed all the more than a thousand origin characters on the two masters of Fu Beast and Picture Beast, and then threw them into the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

He smiled slightly, feeling very happy in his heart.

After all, Furukawa spent a lot of effort before and could only find dozens of origin texts. This is already a very good harvest. It is considered good for other masters of the universe to get one.

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