"If we put it in simpler terms, it means that Confucianism hopes to build a class society, a pyramid-type class society."

Jiang Boheng said in a deep voice:"Those dignitaries and officials are at the top of the pyramid, ruling over a group of civilians at the bottom. Because the pyramid's class structure is the most stable, once it is formed, the rule of the entire human race will be inseparable and incomparable. Stable and never separated again.

The Mohist family is completely different. The core of their philosophy is universal love without aggression. Simply put, everyone loves me and I love everyone. We are all brothers and sisters. Even if we are not related by blood, we can become brothers.

Their main purpose is to build a society where everyone is equal, and hope that the world will be unified, and that everyone, whether they are powerful or civilians, can be treated equally. When you hear the Mohist philosophy, do you feel that the Mohist philosophy is correct?"

He looked at Han Qing

"It is indeed very correct and very attractive."

Han Qing nodded.

"Yes, it is indeed attractive, so when Mohist thought appeared, it immediately attracted countless working people, and countless ordinary people became supporters of Mohism."

Jiang Boheng said:"Try to think about it, Confucianism wants the entire human society to become a pyramid society, while Mohism wants the human race to become a society where everyone is equal. The ideas of the two sides are not consistent at all, so how can they live in harmony?! If it were you, would you support Mohism or Confucianism?"

He looked at Han Qing with a half-smile.

"This, I don't know."

Han Qing nodded. He is not a newbie who has just entered society. He has been struggling in this cruel society for a long time. Naturally, he will not be easily controlled by so-called thoughts and still has independent thinking. Ability

"Maybe you think that because I am a son of a powerful person, I will belittle Mohism and support Confucianism, but this is not the case."

Jiang Boheng shook his head:"I have to say that Mohist thought is very beautiful and attractive, and it also makes sense to a certain extent. The problem is that the thought advocated by Mohist is so easy to implement.

Even gods cannot do this for everyone to be equal. People are unequal from birth, and even through acquired efforts, it is difficult to become equal.

For example, if a field is divided between two people, how can it be fair? Should the same area of ​​land be divided between them? No, there are actually three, six or nine grades of farmland. There are good fields and bad fields. Do ten acres of good land and ten acres of bad land have the same value? It is difficult to ensure equality and justice even in the distribution of land, let alone people.

And is a classless society really possible? It sounds wonderful, without any class oppressing oneself, but in fact this kind of thing is simply impossible to do.

A classless society is actually a disordered society, a jungle society, and a barbaric era. In that era, whoever was more powerful would be the boss.

This was the case when the human race was in civil strife during the Warring States Period. Whoever was more powerful could become a prince, and everyone was jealous of each other. There was no class at that time, because even a king or a prince might be Tomorrow he will become someone else's dead soul.

But in this kind of society without any class, the people at the bottom suffer the most, because there is no order, no courtesy, no shame, no moral restraint, everyone is a beast. It is because of this that the Confucian people think that the Mohist people are too naive and are dreaming of a beautiful dream, an unattainable dream."


Han Qing couldn't help but nodded. It's true. From this point of view, the Mo family's thinking is really too naive. They want everyone to love me and I love everyone. How can it be such a simple thing? People's hearts are complicated, and it's not just a sentence. It can be made clear in words.

The pursuit of equality and freedom is correct.

But the pursuit of absolute equality and absolute freedom will lead to incomparable chaos. The Lighthouse Country has actually confirmed this. There is no perfect system in this world. and thoughts

"But is Confucian thought absolutely correct? The people of the Mo family don't think so."

At this time, Jiang Boheng changed the topic and continued:"The Confucian pyramid society does look very good. It seems to have completely stabilized the entire human society, without the risk of civil strife, and completely ended the history of human civil strife.

But in fact, this is just a dream, because once class solidification occurs, the entire human race will become self-contained, and even lead to a closed-door policy.

Those powerful officials and officials will stand high above the common people and plunder the interests of the people at the bottom wantonly. The people at the bottom have no resistance and can only be slaughtered.

This will cause the entire human race to become corrupt and completely degenerate. It would be fine if they don't encounter foreign enemies. Once they encounter foreign enemies, they will be slaughtered by them in an instant.

It can be said that the biggest flaw of the pyramid society is that it encounters foreign enemies. On the surface, the pyramid seems to be very strong, but if it is pushed lightly from the outside, it will collapse."

"Encountered a foreign enemy?!"

Hearing this, Han Qing couldn't help but nodded. It is indeed the case. Not any model can be solved once and for all. This is the case with the Confucian pyramid model. On the surface, such a pyramid hierarchy will make the entire race and country... The structure is stable and there will be no civil strife, which seems very good.

However, although there will be no civil strife, it will cause internal decay and degeneration.

Once a race begins to decay and degenerate, it will not be long before the race is destroyed.

Especially in the God Realm, a world that is like a battlefield for all races, if one race begins to decay, then the human race will be defeated by other races and divided into pieces. There are simply countless people who have perished due to decay and decay in history.

"That is why the Mohist disciples and the Confucian disciples each hold the same opinion. They both believe that the other's ideas will lead to the destruction of the human race. They must not let the other's ideas take over, otherwise the human race will be in danger."

Jiang Boheng said in a deep voice:"That's why Mohist disciples and Confucian disciples are so incompatible. Both sides think that the other's ideas are too dangerous, and they both want to expel the other from the human race."

"I see."

Han Qing was very shocked. He originally thought that these factions of the human race were just a struggle for strength. Unexpectedly, the most important thing was the struggle for ideas, concepts, and orthodoxy. The cruelty of the battle was more terrifying than he imagined..

Mohist thought may lead to civil strife among the human race, fighting each other for eternity, and returning to the Warring States era again.

However, Confucianism may lead to the decay of the human race, the consolidation of classes, and the destruction of the human race.

No matter which idea it is, it actually has merits, and some Its disadvantages.

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