"Father God, in fact I have deduced this."

Ling said in a deep voice:"Although this path of cultivation has various shortcomings, it is undoubtedly the most suitable cultivation method for our mechanical race and the method of becoming a god.

As long as we continue to strengthen the origin of this world and make the world continue to grow and become stronger, then there will be no moment of decay in this world.

If we use the words of those gods who temper their bodies, we are equivalent to treating the whole world as our own body, constantly tempering the world, making the world stronger."

It also admits that its own cultivation path has shortcomings, but which cultivation path has no shortcomings.

And if it is strong enough, such shortcomings can actually be ignored.

"Interesting, then let me see your Hedao world."

Furukawa touched his chin. He was extremely interested in the world of Zero Hedao. He wanted to know what the world would look like after Hedao.

And indeed, as Zero said, the world is its body. As long as the world is immortal, then it is immortal

"Yes, Father God, my world is right here."

With a whoosh, Zero immediately transmitted the spatial coordinates of his location.

"very good."

With a thought, Furukawa's body flashed across infinite time and space in an instant. No time and space could stop him. He suddenly entered the vast world where Zero was. Suddenly he felt this vast world and the great world he knew. The world was completely different.

He immediately felt that this was a world of steel, filled with various minerals, such as aluminum, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, zinc, and copper. , manganese, chromium, selenium, molybdenum, cobalt, fluorine, etc.

Basically this is the world of minerals.

Even the trees are made of steel, and there are steel jungles everywhere.

And the entire world seems to have been built into machinery The clan’s base is lined with huge factories, emitting thick smoke, blocking out the sky, and filled with all kinds of smells.

Such smells are highly poisonous to humans, and if they smell it, they will die.

It is estimated that Such an environment is a highly polluted environment for humans.

But for the machine race, such an environment is suitable for the machine race. What they like to smell most is the smell of the steel jungle, and energy such as gasoline. The smell.

This is like the abyss world.

The abyss world is suitable for monsters, demons and other creatures to survive, but for other creatures, the abyss world is a place with extremely harsh environment and poisonous places everywhere. No one is willing to enter the abyss to survive..

But those monsters and demons like this environment the most.

In the same way.

For the mechanical race, this steel world is their favorite environment.

In fact, countless special races in the chaos will transform these worlds into A place suitable for their own race to survive.

For example, the Furnace Clan, they transformed the world into a world like molten lava, with lava flowing everywhere, and every river burning with terrifying flames. The

Ice and Snow Clan, they live in a world of ice and snow, like They stay in places with extremely low temperatures and are filled with ice and snow, but they hate places with high temperatures the most.

"I see."

In an instant, Furukawa stood on the ground, and he suddenly felt that Zero's soul had been integrated into this mechanical world and had become a part of this world. At this moment, Zero's soul gathered the consciousness of countless lives in the entire world. , the more lives and souls are born in this world, the stronger the power of Zero will be. And its computing power will be stronger, and its progress will be faster.

Its destiny has been the same as that of all living beings in the mechanical world. The fates are tied together.

Furukawa can feel the power of zero just by standing in this world. No matter where he is, he will be affected by the power of zero. It seems that the power of zero controls the world. every corner

"God the Father."

Ling said in a deep voice:"Every life born in this world will be integrated into an intelligent biochip, whether it is a mechanical life or a life of flesh and blood.

Such smart chips will integrate with their souls and become part of their souls. They will calculate the condition of their bodies and even design the best practice route.

Every life is born at level zero. As life continues to evolve, it will be promoted to first-level life forms, second-level life forms, third-level life forms, etc., and so on."

"Is practice digitalized? Interesting, then practicing is like playing a game."

Furukawa touched his chin.

To be honest, if a cultivator can accurately know the status of his cultivation, know what he needs to do to break through, and know that he has made progress every time he practices, this will greatly promote the progress of the cultivator.

"That's right, it's about playing games. In fact, after God the Father created the virtual network of the universe and the virtual world, I have been imitating it and trying to analyze its secrets, but I have never succeeded."

Ling said in a deep voice:"But since joining the Dao, I have created these cultivation chips, which can not only be integrated into the bodies of mechanical tribesmen, but also into the bodies of flesh and blood life.

Now these intelligent biological cultivation chips have been distributed and welcomed by countless lives, and I can also collect a large amount of life cultivation data from them to calculate the best cultivation path."

Furukawa's eyes showed a glimmer of light. He knew that Ling had really grown up and had found his own path of cultivation, which was far beyond what he had imagined before.

This was practicing with the help of the wisdom of all living beings.

The more lives there are, Using this smart biochip, more cultivation data will be generated.

Zero can use these data to deduce a path to the highest.

This is the terror of mechanical intelligent life. As long as there is enough data and enough calculations The ability to calculate the laws and trajectories of almost all matter.

There is no doubt that after Zero Day, he will definitely become one of the most powerful gods.

"However, it is still too dangerous for you to do this. Once the doomsday invades your mechanical world, you will definitely die and there will be no escape."Furukawa said solemnly.

If it is in peacetime, there is nothing wrong with this approach.

But at this moment, if the power of doomsday invades the mechanical world, and the power of doomsday erodes the will of heaven, then the zero root after Hedao will There is no way to escape and they can only wait to die.

It is precisely because they know this that even if many gods know that Hedao is a path of cultivation, they dare not choose this path for fear that they will die under the erosion of the power of doomsday.

After all, a free god is the real god. If he is bound in a world and cannot escape when trouble comes, what kind of god is he?

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